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 In stocking Koi, there are several varying recommendations by the experts but it should be
kept in mind that the mentioned factors should be considered but as a general rule,
overcrowding should be avoided and there should be continuous filtration.
 A Koi's prime mating age is between 3-6 years old wherein it will take 1 year for the eggs to
develop fully within the female but Koi have also been able to produce baby koi fish until
they are up to 15 years old.
 Based on the condition and fertility of the fish, one season of spawning can result in
thousands of eggs which will hatch in 4-5 days.

 The most expensive koi was sold for $1.8 million at All Japan Koi Show in 2017.
 The oldest koi fish was known as Hanako, died in July 7, 1977 at a grand old age of
226 years old.
 The largest koi fish ever recorded was a whooping 4 feet long and 91 pounds!
 Female koi fish can lay as many as 50,000 eggs during one breeding season.

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