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Tumazar, Jeremy Ivan D.

October 15, 2020


Diving Deeper:

1. Write down five (5) household rules observed in your household. Be honest. What is your
common reaction to these household rules?
 Strictly no phones during mealtime.
 Avoid doing tasks right after the meal.
 Keep smiling and chill.
 Always pray; before starting your day, before starting your meal, and before you go to
 Share your thoughts and problems.

We constantly maintained these rules and gratefully celebrate each day making our small
house a HOME.

2. In this time of COVID-19 pandemic, give at least five (5) common rules being strictly
implemented. Why do you think these rules should be observed?
 Don’t go outside, wear mask, face shield, long sleeves and long pants if needed.
 Keep updated to the current news and informations within our area.
 Always observe proper hygiene.
 Conserve food and current as much as possible.
 Make your time more productive.

For us not to be affected by the pandemic. It is also the least we could do to help our

3. What was the most constricting rule you have encountered and you have to follow? What was
your initial reaction to it?
 To be honest, the most constricting rule that I have to follow is to cut your hair neatly in
school because I am a type of person who feels like I am naked with a very short haircut.
I have no choice since it is required to look like a professional in college.
4. Based on our short lesson, define what a Rule is. Identify the importance of rules and expound
on them using your examples
 A rule is a measurement of our freedom, it sets limitations that enable us to be
responsible and obligated not only for ourselves but also for the people that surrounds
us. The importance of rules is it develops our sense of morality and also manifest our
responsibilities as a member of the society. For example, in this pandemic, we must stay
inside of our houses, although it was mandated by our government, we should atleast
do it for the sake of our frontliners so that they will not suffer even worst. It is also our
responsibility in the society to cooperate with our government so that we can reduce
the number of infected person in our society.

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