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DOCTOR: Hi, Miss Allison! How old are you and what brings you here today?

PATIENT: I turned 41 on the 30th of September. I’ve been having a really bad headache on the
left side of my head that extends to my forehead, in and around the eyes, a sort of pulsating pain.
I’ve had it for a few days now.

DOCTOR: I see. What have your daily activities been like lately and how long does the pain
persist in a day?

PATIENT: Well, since I’m a bank clerk, I’ve had to spend over ten hours at work yesterday,
without any breaks, because I’ve had a lot of clients that needed help with their contracts. I
haven’t slept at all last night. My headache comes on at any time and usually lasts around one to
two hours.

DOCTOR: Have you experienced any hormonal changes, such as menstruation, these past few
days? Mental exhaustion, lack of sleep, anxiety and menstruation can all trigger a migraine.

PATIENT: Yes, I’ve experienced something similar around ten years ago, but it was more of a
moderate pain, the same kind that I get around every three months, and it’s usually premenstrual.
After I had some chocolate, I felt a tingling sensation and a strong feeling of nausea.

DOCTOR: Have you experienced a blurry vision, or a heightened sensitivity to light upon
waking up?

PATIENT: Yes, I’ve had episodes of photophobia and phonophobia. I took a pill for my nausea
and an Algocalmin for my headache. I couldn’t focus all day, I got really dizzy and I partly lost
my balance. When I got home, I turned the lights off and went to sleep – I felt much better in the
resting in the dark.

DOCTOR: I understand. I will prescribe a treatment for the next two weeks, then I’ll be
expecting you back into my cabinet for some feedback. Get well soon!
PATIENT: Thank you, Dr. Smith! I am very grateful ! I wish you a nice day!

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