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Namaste Friends, I am Satish Menon, a practicing astrologer, spiritual speaker and

life guide.
Thanks to all of you for supporting my channel by subscribing and liking it.
I created this channel to address three areas - Jyotisha or Astrology, Adhayatmika
or Spirituality and Shraddha or Faith & Worship
Today with this video i begin my series on Shraddha i.e. Faith and Worship
And what better occasion to do so than the auspiscous eve of Navratri.
This video will put forth the significance of Navratri, the meaning of each day,
how to make use of it asttrologically and more importantly how each of us can
benefit spiritually in the forthcoming nine days.
Do share it with your near and dear ones.
Stay connected.

Navaratri means Nine Nights, and it is easily one of the biggest festivals
celebrated across India. But did you know that Navratri occurs multiple times a
year. There's Magha Navratri, Chaitra Navratri, Ashadha Navratri,and Sharad
Of these the Sharad Navratri is the most popular and significant Navratri. It is
also called the Maha Navratri. It is believed that Goddess Durga descends on the
earth on the first day of Navratri and stays with her devotees for nine days. It
also signifies her slaying of powerful demons in a battle that is believed to have
continued for ten days and on each day Goddess Durga took on different faces to
kill the Asuras or Demons. The tenth day is celebrated as Vijaydashami, also the
day on which Sri Ram won the battle against Lanka king Ravan.

The Devi Paksha starts after the Amavasya or New Moon day in the Ashwin month and
ends with Navmi a day before the festival of Dussehra
For Nine nights, as moon grows brighter, the Goddess will spiritually uplift you if
you make use of these auspicous days by tuning into the energy.
Shakti - the power of Divine Mother is the supreme energy that runs through the
entire universe, the dynamic force behind all of existence.
Meditating upon the goddess Shakti can give clarity and positive direction in life
and can help us channel our consciousness correctly and dispel self doubts and

Of the First three Nights are in the honor of Kali the Terrible form of the goddess
who destroys the demons of ignorance, disease, ego and selfishness. She provides
strength and motivation that one needs to grow spiritually

THe Next Three nights are in honor of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. She provides
abundance, good health and opens our heart to gratitude and generosity...And
Provides clarity to envision our future goals.

The Last three nights are for Saraswati, the goddess of Knowledge and art. She
inpires us through Science, art, music and Education. She expands our ability to
understand and increases creativity. She is the remover of ignorance and grants

Each night of Navratri is in honor of a different form of the goddess. And Each one

Prathama Tithi
Goddess Shailaputri - Shiva's beloved SHakti - Parvati
She is the absolute form of Mother Nature, the initiator, triggers the beginning
and power to create.
Focus on the Muladhara Chakra and Meditate on new beginings, initiations,
maintaining stability and creation
Linked astrologically to Moon.
Dwitiya Tithi
Goddess Brahmacharini - The Renouncer
After creation you need self control and determination to stay on path of growth -
whether its physical or spiritual.
Focus on the Swadisthana Chakra and Meditate on becoming more determined and
persevering in the face of obstacles too.
Linked astrologically to Mars

Tritiya Tithi
Goddess Chandraghanta - Remover of Negativity
On our path to success we are often faced with our deepest fears and negative self
Focus on the Manipuraka Chakra and Meditate on removing all the negative beliefs
that bind you from achieving your destiny.
Linked astrologically to Venus

Chaturthi Tithi
Goddess Kushmanda - Radiant as Sun
Kushmanda means the Cosmic Egg..the one that sits in the center of the sun and
radiates life giving light.
Focus on the Anahata Chakra and Meditate on giving happiness and love and visualize
receiving good health and wealth.
Linked astrologically to Sun

Panchami Tithi
Goddess Skandamata - Mother of Kartikeya
Skandamata provides the courage to take decisive action. It leads to empowerment
and prosperity.
Focus on the Vishuddhi Chakra and Meditate on receiving power and visualize taking
action towards your goals.
Linked astrologically to Saturn

Shashthi Tithi
Goddess Katyayani - Goddess who annihilated the demon Mahishasura
Katyayani had conquered Mahishasura and returned balance and harmony to the
Focus on The Agnya or THird Eye Chakra and Meditate on balancing relationship
dynamics. Open your heart and remove obstacles that prevent you from a fulfilling
Linked astrologically to Jupiter

Saptami Tithi
Goddess Kalaratri - Rescuer of those lost in darkness
Kala means time it denotes the inevitable passing of time and the impermananent
nature of life.
Focus on Sahasraara or Crown Chakra and Meditate on driving away all the demons
that cause fear, ignorance, pain and suffering and invite understanding
Linked astrologically to Mercury

Ashtami Tithi
Goddess Mahagauri - The Bright one
She represents purity and provides motherly influence and fulfils the wishes of her
Meditate on stability to family and community and being able spread light to others
Linked astrologically to Rahu or North Node of Moon

Navami Tithi
Goddess Siddhidatri - giver of siddhis or special powers
Siddhis are powers that remove the veil of Maya or illusion and free us from its
Goddes Siddhidatri mystically heals us by revealing our inner hidden powers to us.
Meditate on Opening doors of consciousness, enhancing intuition and having
spiritual insight
Linked astrologically to Ketu or South Node of Moon

Dasami Tithi
Celebrated as the final day of Navratri when the Goddess Durga truimphs over the
Demon Mahishasura indicating the conquest of
good over evil...light over darkness...hope over despair and realization over

Navaratri means Nine Nights...Night symbolizes the time to rest, relax and
rejuvenate our body and mind. So Navaratri is the time for rejuvenation for the
spirit in us.
A time to prevent our identification only with the sense organs..and related
actions like eating, talking, smelling, touching, watching.
A time to venture deeper into ourselves and tap the actual source of bliss and joy
which is our true nature.
So, this Navratri take the time and opportunity to meditate and reach in to your
self, in the lap of the love of the Divine mother.

Do like comment and share the video so everyone knows everyone benefits.
Happy Navaratri and Dussehra to all of you.
Thanks for watching

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