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4th house indicating mother, house, domestic bliss and 7th house indicating life

partner are connected by Jupiter which is placed in the 11th house. This shows a
very spiritual mother and possibility of a very spiritual life partner too. This
combination becomes a reason why mother would reside with you.
5th house indicating intelligence, romance and children and 6th house lord
indicating competition, diseases etc is Saturn and placed in 7th house of marriage
and life partner. Saturn's placement in 7th house is known to delay marriage and
its lordship of 6th house questions the scope of having a marriage. Though, in some
cases then with the right Dasha and Planetary Transits supporting there can be a
time favorable for it too.
The present ongoing Mahadasha is of Venus (karaka for relationships) and lord of
2nd house (family) while the Antardasha till mid 2022 will be of Jupiter which is
placed well in the 11th house (contentment of desires, happiness) and 4th lord
(domestic bliss) . In 2022-2023 when the Saturn antardasha runs, both Saturn and
Jupiter will aspect Venus in transits too and Saturn is in the 7th house of
marriage itself. This would be a very ripe time window as per the chart for a
partner to enter into life.
Major planets Saturn and Jupiter plus Mars and Moon are placed in watery sign,
indicating the karmyoga that is associated with actively participating in charity
related events, organizing food for the needy etc.

Married life and Nadi Jyotish

The following combination should be first seen in rashi chart and then in D-9

1) When Venus, Mars and ketu are in trine to each other or very close degree wise,
it may result into separation, If Jupiter is also in trine or in 2nd house from
Venus there may be a compromise.

2) When Venus, Mars and Rahu are in trine to each other or very close degree wise,
it may result into separation

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