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Worksheet –The Adjective

I. Complete as in the example: ( Completati ca in exemplul):

Example: beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful
1. interesting ________________________________
2. careful ___________________________________
3. expensive _________________________________
4. happy ___________________________________
5. dangerous _________________________________
6. good * ____________________________________
7. bad * _____________________________________

II. Write correct sentences with a comparative using the prompts.

( Scrieti propozitii cu comparativul folosind exemplul ):
Example: the film/the book (interesting)
The film is more interesting than the book.
1. English / Maths (difficult) _______________________________________________
2. September / August (hot) ________________________________________________
3. Bucharest / Paris (small) ________________________________________________
4. snails / mice (slow) _____________________________________________________
5. History / Geography (important) ___________________________________________
6. elephants / tigers (fast) __________________________________________________
7. Tom’s test / Mike’s test (bad) _____________________________________________
8. snakes / rats (dangerous) _________________________________________________

III. Complete the questions and give answers. Use superlatives.

( Completati intrebarile si dati raspunsuri. Folositi superlativul adjeectivelor din
paranteza) :
1. Which is the (fast) ______________ animal in the world?
2. Which is the (large) ______________country in the world?
3. Which is your (big) ______________fear?
4. Who is your (good) ______________ friend?
5.Which is the (interesting) _________________ subject at school?
6.Which is the (difficult) ____________________subject you study at school?
7. Who is the (beautiful) ____________________ girl in your class?
8. Who is the (tall)__________________________boy in your class?

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