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The second video (Four Kinds of Sentences) help me alot about the four type

sentences because it describe more detail than the first one. It also teach how to
spot each type of the sentences easily and give me some practices to improve skills
in four kinds of sentences.

Based on the videos of the four types of sentences ;
Declarative → statement
- Is when you’re making a statement that simply give information. They can state
facts or opinion. Usually it ends in a period (.).
Example: -My brother plays trombone.
-The sky is blue.
-Patti grilled sausages for lunch.

Imperative → command
This type of sentences tell you what to do or make a request. Can ends with period
or exclamation mark.
Example: -Please finish this test.
-Pick up the shoe.
-Eat all of your sushi !

Interrogative → question
This type of sentences is easy to spot because it always ends in a question mark (?)
for ask question.
Example: -Are you suffering from indigestion?
-Do you want fries with that?
- What’s wrong Sasha?

Exclamatory → shout
This type of sentences make a statement that convey strong emotion or feeling like
excitement,joy and anger of fear . It always ends in exclamation mark (!)
Example: -I love my hat!
-We won the game!
-Theres’s a snake over there!
-You just won a new car!

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