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Steve Paul Jobs was a prominent American computer scientist and entrepreneur.

Creator of the
first personal computer and founder of Apple Computer, an innovative company in the computing
sector. He was characterized by having visionary ideas in the field of personal computers, mobile
phones and digital music. It revolutionized the sector for more than three decades through its

Apple was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne. The date was April 1,
1976. In the garage of the house where Jobs grew up in Los Altos, California. Then They launched
a motherboard and then a complete computer, the Apple I, considered the first personal computer
in history.
Two weeks later, Wayne decided to withdraw from history by selling his shares to his colleagues.
In exchange, he received $ 800 from that time.
From then on they created different versions of Apple, being more powerful than its predecessor.
In 1985 they decided to end their collaboration. Since Stephen Wozniak was relegated to the
background after an accident, although it is rumored that it was due to the complicated nature of
Steve Jobs.
The result of both conflicts was that Wozniak left Apple in 1985. That same year 1,200 employees
were fired as a result of an extensive restructuring at the company. Jobs was forced to resign.
Steve Jobs would end up resigning and later found another company called NeXT.
Gil Amelio, then CEO of Apple, bought NeXT in 1996 and Steve Jobs became part of the Apple
board of directors. Months later, Amelio would leave office and that meant Jobs' return to
command of the company he had founded. Then the restructuring began and a golden era. Steve
started working with Jonathan Ive, responsible for the designs of the iPod, iPhone and iPad. The
products that we all know today began to emerge little by little.

After taking several periods of sick leave, on August 24, 2011 Tim Cook officially took over as
Apple's CEO. Weeks later, on October 5 (a day after the iPhone 4S was announced) Steve Jobs
passed away.

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