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From Photo to Story

September 20th, I woke up to the sound of my family getting ready. I tiredly

made my way downstairs. When I got downstairs, I asked my mom what was
going on. You could hear the excitement in her voice when she said, “Taylor and
Brandon had their baby!” She said we were going to the hospital and I needed to
hurry up and get ready. The last couple weeks leading up to that day, I was
anxiously waiting to meet my first niece! The day had finally come!

The picture I chose is the first time I held Kinsley. If you could see the front
of my face you would see the tiredness in my eyes. I was very tired that morning
because my mom and I were at the hospital the night before, waiting for Kinsley
to be born. I was falling asleep in the waiting room so Brandon brought me a
blanket and pillow so I could sleep comfortably. We left shortly after 2:00 a.m.
Just two hours before Kinsley was born. As much as I was tired, I was nowhere
near as tired as Taylor was.

We were all super excited to meet Kinsley as she is the first baby to come
into the family from one of my siblings. From the day I found out Taylor and
Brandon were expecting, I was so excited! I was very eager that morning getting
ready to go to the hospital! I put on nice pants and a dressier shirt (like it would
matter to my niece what I wore the first time meeting her).
When we walked into the hospital, the smell of sterile rooms and supplies
filled my nose. We walked up the stairs to the maternity floor/wing of the
hospital. The whole ride there I could not stop smiling and even more when we
walked into Taylor’s room. When I found out Taylor and Brandon were having a
girl, I could not stop wondering what she would look like. Now, I finally knew! She
was so cute!

I was so excited but scared at the same time to hold her. She was so fragile
being not even twelve hours old. She looked so tiny but holding her she was very
heavy. My arms were weak and felt like noodles. I had to put blankets under my
arm to elevate it so I could support Kinsley’s head better.
Having a baby in the family is so much fun but challenging at times.
Especially when there is one baby and five people who want to hold her. I enjoyed
helping Taylor and Brandon with Kinsley their first weekend home, as stressful as
it was. Kinsley is like the little sister I never had. I live this photo and I am so happy
Denali captured this moment. Kinsley is funny, adorable and smart and I do not
know what I would do without her. I am eager to see how good of a sister she will
be in February 2021.

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