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The late John Lennon once was quot- ed as saying that, “The Beatles would not have been as successful without Ringo.” But he's particularly pleased with his work in the All Starr Band where he's warmed the hearts of audiences worldwide with his incarnation as the homespun leader of this marvelous banding and bond- ing of incredible musical legends; a concept developed by Ringo and David Fishot of New York-based Davi Fishot Presents, Inc., the Executive Producer of the All Sarr Band tours. The premise is simple and so wonderfully effective - with Ringo at its core, a band is built around him featuring some of the most well-known and talented musicians from the classic rock era. ‘They're then turned loose upon soldout venues around the globe, including dates in Japan, Europe and Russia (Ringo was the first Beate to perform in Russia) where Ringo gleefully leads the band through nat only classic Ringo-sung Beatles and solo Ringo hits, but also versions of some of each member's greatest its. The supporting cast is rotated every ime there is @ new tour, just to Keep things interesting an fresh and - voila! - a concept that has taken the musical world by storm endears our beloved Ringo to not only his older fans but a whole new generation of younger music ai- cionados hungry to hear played live some ofthe greatest rock music ever made, “I asked Ringo ten years ago if he wanted to tour ever again,” says Fishot. “He sad yes so he got out his phone book, called some of his fiends and the All Starr concept was born.” “was thinking of doing something back then but wasn't sure what it would be,” remembers Ringo. “David called me and said that he had the opportunity to put me on the road with a band. | thought it was incredible that this man I'd never met before got in touch with me from New York to help me act upon an idea that Id already been thinking about. David's been a motiva- ing force in this entire concept; | give him all ofthe credit for puting this together.” The All Starr band concept came together when Ringo decided he didn’t want to just be a front man forthe length ofa tour. “| wanted to play the drums, be the front man on occasion and perform with alot of old pals.” And it was easy for Ringo to get those old pals of histo join up. “I wasn't asking anyone to be in the band forever,” says Ringo. “My whole pitch to everyone was to ask them if they wanted to have fun in the summer for a few weeks. It came about very easily It gave me the chance to play with allof these great players and get to do everything | like to do... play the drums on my hits and everyone else's hits and go down front and entertain the fans.” Since its inception in 1989, Ringo has proudly headlined his All Starr Band concept with five different aggregations of some very seriously talented players; al of whom rave about how its as much fun to play this music as itis for the fans to listen to it. “The three tours that | did were such great fun,” enthuses former Cream bassist/vocalist Jack Bruce. “The most enjoyment | had on the tour was playing other people's songs; it's not often one gets a chance to play such classic songs. It was very satisfying to get on stage and rock out with such high caliber musicians like those in the All Starr Band and make the audience climb the walls. It was also nice to see Ringo playing so wel. to turn around on stage and see Ringo smiling when we were all playing together was a great feeling. The whole experience was tremendous fun.” “Usually the only time a group of musicians of this caliber get together is for big events like Live Aid and functions of that ‘magnitude... it's usually just a one time performance,” says Fishot. “There's never been an all star band of such great musi- cians that has gotten together to share their talents as often as Ringo's band has. But then again, Ringo is one of the few peo- ple with the clout to pull this of.” Certainly not surprising since few, if any, would turn down the chance to play with an enter- tainment icon. “I give David a wish list of players that Id like have join me for a tour and he phones around to see who's avail- able,” explains Ringo. “He eventually comes up with enough big names to fil out the bandvaniditS"off we Gol” There were skeptics who thought that, even with Ringo's mighty powers of persuasion, a tour ofthis nature would never get off the ground. “I had people tell me that to put all these musicians together and, keep them happy on the road would never hap- en,” remembers Fishof. “They thought that all of these big egos couldn't co-Gxist peacefully on the same stage for any length of time.” Ringo puts it simply... “I do my best for all of them and they do their best for me. Everybody gives a hundred per cent on every song; nobody slacks off just because we're not playing their song.” 4 But, as is usually the case, the music's timeless allure and the chance for some of the greatest musicians in the world to play together as one unit won out. For one All Starr Band member, the reasons to perform with Ringo were much more personal in nature. “For a while, it was the only time | got to hang out with my dad,” says Zak Starkey, Ringo's eldest son and a fine drum- mer in his own right. “He was living in Los Angeles and | was in England so the two tours | played on were great for many rea- sons... we got to play drums together, | played with some fantastic musicians and I got to spend time with my father.” — tt was also one of the easiest tours Zak has ever done. “It was just $0 natural to perform with my father; we didn’t have to sit and talk about anything or try to work anything out musically... we just weit and did it and’didn’t get in each other's way When we were doing it. it was a bit daunting to have to play some of-his legendary drum parts on certain songs but there was never any pressure on me to be him... | just added my own style to everything. Overall, 'm really one of my dad's biggest fans!” As is Todd Rundgren. The talented singer/composer/muti-instrumentalist has participated in two tours, eaming raves for his gui- tar playing on the ‘99 tour. “t was a terrific thi for me to play with all of these different musicians,” says Rundaren. “The Cream songs in particular were the templates of my guitar education. | used to see them perform when they were together so to play those songs in Ringo's band with Jack Bruce was amazing for me. Playing all of those guitar solos on the “99 tour was a great challenge.” Rundgren points out that it wasn't necessarily easy to just join up and play everyone's Songs, no matter ow many times he'd heard them over the years. “There’s always some pressure when learning the songs, and learning.them quickly, because ‘many of them are so legendary. Plus, you're playing them with some of the people'who wrote and récorded them in the first place so that ups the ante a bt. On the first tour | did, it was really all about playing the Beatles songs for me. By the end of that tour, | figured | paid my Beatle karma,” laughs Rundgren. “Overall, playing al those great Songs that have been so influential on ime was just the best feeling. and to have all of those talented guys playing on my songs was amazing as well. And it was really fun to hang out with Ringo, a person | really admire.” Ringo’s list of admirers is indeed endless and includes two stellar guitarists who have earned their stripes as key members of the All Starr Band; Peter Frampton and Nils Lofgren. Both remember fondly their tenure as All Stars. “Playing with Ringo was one of the highlights of my musical career,” says Frampton. “To be able to play with Ringo and be ‘a part ofthe band that toured with him in 1997 was amazing. You just look down the setlist and laugh because each song is 0 classic that it's a challenge to follow-up the one that precedes it. As a guitar player on that tour, | ried to be respectful to the songs because they're so legendary... but | also tried to add my own style to them. | think | succeeded but its a tough line to walk because these songs are so ingrained in people's consciousness. Overall, it's just fantastic to play with Ringo because we've played together before in years past on various album projects. He's not only a great musician but he's also a great friend. \ jumped atthe chance to play with him.” According to Frampton, his stint as an All Starr will ive with him forever. “Musically, every moment on stage when we were playing together was memorable, These memories are indelibly stamped in my mind. And | just loved the camaraderie of the people in the band... sharing all of the special moments we had together as a band was fun for me. It was a very special time... | still get chills when | think about i.” Guitarist Nils Lofgren was an All Star on the first two tours and admits that “thas been one of the proud- est moments of my career. | really enjoyed both tours... it was such an honor to be asked to play with Ringo. The first tour | did with him in 1989 was probably the most memorable just because it was Ringo’s first solo tour since the Beatles and to be a part ofthat was very special,” enthuses Lofgren. Adds Lofgren, “I's a unique concept that really works; standing up on stage doing your own music with Ringo and the All Stars and then helping all ofthese other great musicians do their songs was wonderful. It was a very loose, powerful kind of approach to let everyone step out and play on their own... Ringo really encouraged everyone to shine at all times, whether they were doing their own songs or someone else's.” Like all of the musicians who've played with Ringo, Lofgren is a big Beatles fan. “The Beatles inspired me to become a pro fessional musician so to go out with Ringo on tour was a very unique honor,” says Nis. It was a fabulous opportunity to go out and help Ringo have a ball playing lve. Ringo always encouraged us to step out and do our thing musically at all times; that ‘means alot to a musician especialy coming from one of the all-time greats like Ringo. When playing with Ringo it was a chal- lenge to not let the fan in me overshadow the professional musician in me... it was important that | stayed focused on the music. | really love him as a friend and as a musician; he's as great a feel player as I've ever played with,” says Lofgren. ‘Some of the fondest memories of the tour are of Ringo, garishly bedecked in his colorful stage costumes, out center stage, a huge grin on his face after just belting out te lyrics to one of his smash hits, leading the worshipful crowd in chanting his name before scurrying back behind his drum kit to lead the charge on one of his bandmate's rock classics. "Some of the most fun dates on the tours have been when we've played clubs,” admits Ringo. “| hadn't played clubs for along time but | absolute ly loved it because it was hot and sweaty; i's just the type of environment where a musician should play. Overall, | just love the audiences that we've played to; it makes me happy to make my fans happy.” Ahh... memorable, magio moments indeed but not surprising coming from a man who's made a career out of such indelible memories, touching people from all walks of life with his versatile and unique talents. So sit back and enjoy the music contained on this musical anthology, hand-picked by Ringo himself, showcasing some of rock's greatest songs as performed by the one and only Starr of the show and his talented friends. Ladies and gentlemen... presenting Ringo Starr and his All-Starr Band! THE TOURS THE FIRST ALL-STARR BAND: July 23 - September 3, 1989 with Clarence Clemons, Rick Danko, Levon Helm, Dr. John, Jim Keltner, Nils Lofgren, Billy Preston and Joe Walsh. The tour included the US and Japan. THE SECOND ALL-STARR BAND: June 2 - September 6, 1992 with Burton Cummings, Dave Edmunds, Nils Lofgren, Todd Rundgren, Timothy B. Schmidt, Zak Starkey, Joe Walsh and Timmy Cappello. The tour included the US and Europe. THE THIRD ALL-STARR BAND: July 2 - August 28, 1995 with Randy Bachman, Felix Cavaliere, John Entwistle, Mark Farner, Billy Preston, Zak Starkey and Mark Rivera. The tour included the US and Japan. THE FOURTH ALL-STARR BAND: April 28 - June 7, 1997 and summer 1998. The tour included Gary Brooker, Jack Bruce, Peter Frampton, Simon Kirke and Mark Rivera. The tour included the US, Europe and Russia. ‘THE FIFTH ALL-STARR BAND: February 12 - March 29, 1999. The tour included Gary Brooker, Jack Bruce, Simon Kirke, Todd Rundgren and Timmy Cappello. The tour included the US. THE SIXTH ALL-STARR BAND: May 1 - June 29, 2000. The tour included Simon Kirke, Dave Edmunds, Eric Carmen, Jack Bruce and Mark Rivera. THE MUSICIANS CLARENCE CLEMONS Clarence Clemons first came to the public's attention in 1973 as the dynamic saxophonist in Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band. His distinctive playing graced landmark, mega-platinum Springteen albums like “Born To Run”, “Darkness On The Edge Of Town”, “The Wild, The Innocent & The E-Street Shuffle” and “Born In The USA’. ; NILS LOFGREN Noted for his work with Crazy Horse and Neil Young and of course another member of the E-Street Band, Nils’ solo career includes some eleven solo albums and multiple hit singles. ‘DR. JOHN Highly influential New Orleans superstar pianist and vocalist whose ‘gris gris’ style spawned hit albums and singles, such as “Right Place, Wrong Time” LEVON HELM One of the founding members of the legendary The Band, Arkansas native Levon Helm was the only American in this talented Canadian quintet. RICK DANKO Bassist, the late Rick Danko was also a key founding member of The Band. His fluid, yet no frills, style served as the no-nonsense anchor, along with Levon Helm, of the legendary quintet’s unique and rootsy sound. BILLY PRESTON Billy Preston came to the attention of George Harrison who, along with his Beatles mates, welcomed Preston as part of their Apple Records family. He played keyboards on “Get Back”, becoming the first non- Beatle to be explicitly credited on one of their records, while also lending his talents to the “Let it Be” album. He recorded solo work for Apple, cutting “That's The Way God Planned It” and “Encouraging Words” for ‘the Beatles label with Harrison co-producing both. JOHN ENTWISTLE mo A founding member of one of rock's greatest bands, The Who, John Entwistle is also one of the most tal- ented bassists in the business. His ferocious rumble, played at times at binding speed, has been at the (294 core of The Who's music since the band formed. He is featured here playing his signature tune “Boris The EMMA spider’. TIMOTHY B. SCHMIDT Bassist/singer/songwriter Timothy B. Schmidt has been an important part of two bands that have had a major impact on the music scene over the years; Poco and The Eagles. The Sacramento, California native joined Poco in 1970 for a seven-year run as the influential group was instrumental in legitimizing, and pop- ularizing, what became known as country-rock. DAVE EDMUNDS Welsh guitarist/singer/songwriter/producer Dave Edmunds is a man of many musical talents. He first burst onto the scene with his band Love Sculpture in 1967, a rocking trio that recorded a frenetic rock instru- mental adaptation of Khachaturian’s classic “Sabre Dance”. FELIX CAVALIERE Best known as the Voice of soul/pop hitmakers The Rascals, Felix Cavaliere is a magnificent singe, a tal- ented songwriter and skilled keyboardist. Two Rascals’ classics “Only A Lonely Heart Sees” and “Groovin” are featured here. JOE WALSH n° | One of rock’s most notable guitarists, Joe Walsh is also an accomplished vocalist, keyboardist and songwriter. He is highly admired for both solo work and his work with The James Gang and, of course, The Eagles. T - 3S PETER FRAMPTON English guitarist Peter Frampton may be best known for his multi-platinum live smash “Frampton Comes Alive!”, which was released in 1976 and became one of the biggest and best selling live albums of alltime, but he'd already had a prolific music career by that time with both The Hand and Humble Pie. RANDY BACHMAN Guitarist/singer/songwriter Randy Bachman has made a serious impact on the rock scene, delighting crowds ‘the world over with his work in Guess Who, Bachman-Turner Overdrive (BTO) and as a solo artist. BURTON CUMMINGS A singer with golden pipes, Burton Cummings was lead singer for Canada’s Guess Who from 1966 until the band’s breakup in 1975. TODD RUNDGREN A virtuoso singer/songwriter/musician/producer, this Philadelphia native has had both a major cult follow- ing as a solo artist and enormous success as a producer of such classics as “Bat Out Of Hell”. GARY BROOKER Keyboardist/songwriter/vocalist extraordinaire Gary Brooker was a founding member of Procul Harum, one of rock's most admired groups of the Sixties and Seventies. Brooker has since had a successful and crit- cally acclaimed solo career and recently reformed Procul Harum. JACK BRUCE Jack Bruce has seemingly done it all in his incredibly varied 35-plus year rock ‘n’ roll career - band leader, in-demand session player, valued sideman, premiere singer, powerhouse bassist, songwriter of some of the most recognizable hits in rock and a well regarded solo career, along with the ability to play any form of music in which he's involved. He is most noted for his work with the Graham Bond Organization, John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, Manfred Mann and Cream. ‘SIMON KIRKE ‘Simon Kirke is one of rock's most noteworthy drummers having helped co-found two of rock ‘n’ roll’s most intense and electrifying bands; Free and Bad Company. MARK FARNER Guitarist/singer/songwriter Mark Farner is a founding member of the hard rocking Grand Funk Railroad. ZAK STARKEY Tak Starkey, the eldest son of Ringo Starr, has carved out a niche as a great drummer in his own right. He has performed live with Roger Daltrey of The Who - who said that “Zak’s playing reminds me of Keith Moon... he's that good!”. ‘THE FIRST ALL-STARR BAND JIM KELTNER A drummer's drummer, Jim Keltner has gained the respect and admiration of his peers, the critics and his numerous fans with solid, unpretentious playing. He has played with some of the biggest names in rock history including George Harrison, Carly Simon, Joe Cocker, Ry Cooder and JJ Cale. TIMMY CAPPELLO Timmy Cappello is a talented multi-instrumentalist who is skilled on various saxophones, percussion and as a vocalist. He has been a regular member of Tina Turner's touring band since 1986. He has also record- ed with Peter Gabriel. MARK RIVERA Mark Rivera is a multi-talented musician with expertise on various saxophones, percussion and as a vocal- ist. He has worked with numerous artists over the years including Foreigner, Paul Simon, Billy Joel, Yoko Ono, Blue Oyster Cult, Hall & Oates and Peter Gabriel. ERIC CARMEN Eric Carmen first gained fame as lead singer of Cleveland pop band The Raspberries whose 1970s heyday included six Bilboard Top 40 hits, including pop classics like “Go All The Way" and “Overnight Sensation (Hit Record)". Carmen's popularity continued after going solo as he gamered 11 chart hits, including the Top Five smashes “Hungry Eyes" (which also appeared on the 11-times platinum “Dirty Dancing” soundtrack) and “All By Myself” - both of which appear here. Jn Lappen - Notes ‘Scott Kuchle - ABR Co-ordinator (US.) Compl by Brian Adams for Eagle Records, Felted and Mastered by Nick Smith at Hatch Farm Studos, Suey, England, Sequenced fr U.S. release by Will Angeloro DISC ONE 1. RINGO It Don’t Come Easy (Starkey) Warner Chappell Music Lid 2.RINGO The No-No Song (xton/Jackson) Rondor Music (London) Lid 3. DR JOHN ko Iko (Hawkins/Hawkins/Johnson/Thomas/.Jones/Jones/Jones) Carlin Music Corp/M 4. LEVON HELM The Weight (Robertson) Sony/ATV Music Publishing (OK) 5. NILS LOFGREN Shine Silently (Lofgren’Wagner) Rondor Music (London) Lid 6.RINGO Honey Don't (Perkins) Knox Music Ltd 7. CLARENCE CLEMONS Quarter To Three (Guida/Anderson/Barge/Royster) BMG Music Publ Ltd 8. RICK DANKO Raining In My Heart (GryanVBryant) Acutt-Rose Music Limited 9. BILLY PRESTON Will It Go Round In Circles (Preston/Fisher) Rondor Music (London) Lid 10. JOE WALSH Life In The Fast Lane (Walst/Frey/Heniey) Warner Chappell Music Lic 11. JOE WALSH Desperado (Freyitenley) Weer Chappel Music Lid 12. PETER FRAMPTON Norwegian Wood (Lennor/MeCartney) Sony/ATV Music Publishing (UK) 13. NILS LOFGREN Walking Nerve (Lofgren) Hilmer Music Publ Co Ine 14. JOHN ENTWISTLE Boris The Spider (Entwistle) New Ikon Music Lid 15.MARK FARNER Some King Of Wonderful (ohn Ellison) © Dandelion Music and Crash Music 16. RINGO Youre Sixteen, You're Beautiful And You're Mine (Shermar’Sherman) Warner Chappell Music Lid 17. RINGO Photograph (StasheyHarison) Wamer Chappel Music Liseopyrght Contra Publishing Co DISC TWO 1. The Really Serious Introduction 2. RINGO I'm The Greatest (Lennon) Lenono Music 3.RINGO Don’t Go Where The Road Don't Go (Warmany/Starkey/Grainger) Warner Chappell Music Lic 4. TIMOTHY B SCHMIDT | Can't Tell You Why (SchmiduHenley/Frey) Warner Chappell Music Lid 5. DAVE EDMUNDS Girls Talk (Costello) Piangent Visions Music Ltd 6. FELIX CAVALIERE People Got To Be Free (Cavaliere/Brigat) EMI Music Publishing Lid 7. FELIX CAVALIERE Groovin’ (Cavaliere/Bxigat) EMI Music Publishing Lid 8.RINGO Act Naturally (Russel/Morrison) Lark Music Lid 9. RANDY BACHMAN Takin’ Care Of Business (Bachman) Sony/ATV Music Publishing (UK) 10. RANDY BACHMAN You Ain't Seen Nothin’ Yet (Bachman) Sony/ATV Music Publishing (UK) 11. JOE WALSH In The City (Vorzon/Walsh) Famous Music Corp/Wamer Chappell Music Lid 12.TODD RUNDGREN Bang The Drum All Day (Rundgren) Warner Chappell Music Lid 13. TODD RUNDGREN Black Maria (Rundgren) Screen Gorns-EM Music Ltd 14. BURTON CUMMINGS American Woman (Bachmar/Cummings/Kale/Peterson) Bug Music Lid 15.RINGO Weight Of The World (@Doherty'Velez) BMG Music Publ Lid/Sony/ATV Music Publishing (UK) 16. RINGO Back Off Boogaloo (Starkey) Wamer Chappell Music Lic DISC THREE 1.RINGO Yellow Submarine (Lennon/MeCartney) Sony/ATV Music Publishing (UK) 2. PETER FRAMPTON Show Me The Way (Frampton) Rondor Music (Londen) Lie 3. JACK BRUCE Sunshine Of Your Love (Gruce/Brown/Clapton) Dratieat Lid 4. DAVE EDMUNDS | Hear You Knocking (King/Bartholomew) Francis Day and Hunter Lid 5. SIMON KIRKE Shooting Star (Rodgers) Warner Chappell Music Lid 6.RINGO Boys (©ixon/Farrel) Ardmore And Beechwood Ltd 7. PETER FRAMPTON Baby | Love Your Way (Frampton) Rondor Music (London) Lte 8. GARY BROOKER A Salty Dog (Brooker/Reid) Onward Music Lic 9. JACK BRUCE | Feel Free (Bruce/Brown) Orato Ltd 10. SIMON KIRKE All Right Now (Rodgers) Blue Mountain Music Li 11. RINGO | Wanna Be Your Man (Lennon/McCartney) Sony/ATV Music Publishing (UK) 12. GARY BROOKER A Whiter Shade Of Pale (Brocker/Reid) Onward Music Lte 13, ERIC CARMEN Hungry Eyes (Be Nicola/Previte) RU Cyrius/Knockout Music Co/Sony/ATV Music Publishing 14, ERIC CARMEN All By Myself (Rachmaninott/Carmen) Universal Island Music Lid 15. RINGO With A Little Help From My Friends (Lennon/McCartney) Sony/ATV Music Publishing (UK)

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