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Good afternoon teacher, I will begin with the exposition of my topic which is toffee caramel

Well, toffee is a candy that can be made with different densities or hardness, being able to make from a sauce to bathe desserts to small pills or

hard candies

toffee classes
Classic toffee: the typical toffee made with the normal recipe.
Chocolate toffee: toffee bonbon can contain chocolate and some extras like peanuts or walnuts.
Nuts toffee: they can be pistachio, walnut, almond, etc.
Liquor toffee: there is cocoa liquor, rum, etc.
Flavored toffee: they vary in toffee flavored with vanilla, mint, strawberry, etc.

distribution brands
As the first toffee distribution brand in Peru, we have Ambrosoli with its toffee from old England.

There is also the brand of La Iberica with its assorted toffees

INGREDIENTS 250 gr of brown sugar or normal sugar 75 g of butter 200 ml of cream

PREPARATION Put to heat until the cream boils and remove Put the caramel with the sugar in a saucepan. You can move carefully without
dragging what stays on the edges. To avoid crystalline edges, use a brush dipped in water and brush the inside of the edge. Bring the caramel
to 120ºC and it will be ready to go. Remove the caramel from the heat and add little by little, a splash of cream and go stirring and dissolving it
and integrating it with a wooden spoon, do not be in a hurry, but it will make a ball in the spoon. You have to be careful with splashes, although
being hot the cream will splash much less. Once all the cream is integrated, incorporate the butter very carefully so that it does not splash. Let
it cook a little until everything is integrated and perfectly stirring constantly and that's it. I just need to let it cool.

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