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1. How many numbers are there in the sequence?

1 ,1.5 , 2 , 2.5 ,… , 20 , 20.5

2. What is the value of 1+1.5+2+2.5+…+ 20+20.5 subtract 20 halves?

3. How many digits have been used in the numbers: 123456789101112…9899100?

Hint: Use the table below

Numbers Digit Used

One-digit numbers 1-9 9
Two-digit numbers 10 - 90
Three-digit number 100

4. How many numbers are there in the sequence?

100 , 101, 102 ,103 , … , 997 , 998 , 999

5. How many digits are needed for writing the whole numbers from 121 to 890?

6. A book contains 69 pages. A total of how many digits were used for numbering the pages
of the book?

7. Carl wrote all numbers from 1 to 100: 1, 2, 3, 4, …97, 98, 99, 100. How many digits did he
use for writing the odd numbers only?

8. A book contains 320 pages. A total of how many digits were used for numbering the
pages of the books?

9. A total of 149 digits were used for numbering the pages of the book. How many pages did
the book contain?

10. Which digit will be in the 49th place (on the left) in the number: 1234567891011…9899?

11. Calculate the result of 1+2+3+ 4+…+ 9+10 and then add two groups of 15s

12. What is the value of 800−799+798−…+4−3+2−1?

13. What is the result of 200 add 199−198+ 197−196+ …+5−4+ 3 and then subtract 2?

14. Without using the calculator, find the value of

12−11−10+9+ 8−7−6+5+ 4−3−2+1

15. Without using the calculator, find the value of

21−20−19+18+17−16−15+14+13−12−11+ 10+ 9−8−7+ 6+5−4−3+2+1

16. Caleb wrote the whole numbers from 1 to 100: 1, 2, 3, 4, …., 97, 98, 99, 100. How many
3s did he write altogether?

17. In the following sum, different letters represent different digits:

A+ A+ A + A + A=B
Find the digits.

18. If A and B are digits and A+ A=B, how many different values can A have?

19. Two different digits cannot have a difference of

A. 0 B. 3 C. 5 D. 9

20. Two numbers are encoded as AC and BC, where different letters represent different
digits and the same letters always represent the same digit. Their sum could be any of the
following, except;

A. 100 B. 102 C. 103 D. 104

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