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 M : Hi Angie, what are do you doing?

 A: Nothing, I was waiting for my boyfriend, but he called me because he

had a problem with his brother.
 M: Are you Hungry?
 A: Oh Yes !
 M: Would you go to the new restaurant, this is the best restaurant in the
city, this restaurant preparate the most delicious hamburger.
 A: Ok, let´s go
 M: Angie, tell me how was last vacations?
 A: Oh, my vacation was very nice I travel to sopo, very beautiful place.
 M: Really? What are there in sopo?
 A: Oh, There are many fantastic places but if you travel to sopo, you could
visit la cabaña alpina this is the most important desset factory in Colombia.
 M: yes, I have eaten the alpines yogurts, they are more delicious than the
colanta´s yogurts. I prefer the ecologic walks with my family or with my
friends, where can I go?
 A: you can go to the park Ecological Pionono, this is the biggest natural
park sopo.
 M: But if I don’t have much time can I go to the other place?
 A: yes of course you could visit the park Fuente sopó, this park is smaller
than pionono and you can find a variety of plants and animals.
 M: Angie, did you go to the park Jaime Duque? I heard it´s very pretty.
 A: Oh, yes this is the funniest park in sopó, there are many places where
you and your friends can play. Do you like the birds?
 M: Yes, I like the colorful birds, but my boyfriend prefere the horses
because these are biggest and more interesting than the birds.
 A: Don’t worry you can go to the Aves international Colombia this is the
most colorful place, and you can listen to the bird’s songs. Later you could
visit the bosque ecuestre, you can ride horses.
 M: Wow sopó is a amazing place, I will travel to sopó on my next birthday.

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