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Year 2016 when I went to this university to continue my high school, and I’m still here and I am

now currently enrolled as BS Nursing second year student. Right when I graduated in senior
high, I already knew that I am in the right place and right university simply because it made me
realize the things I didn’t know about myself. Mainly in what course I should take, what path I
will choose, that all decisions I make are connected to each of which. Then I really decided to
continue my journey here at Far Eastern University, for it provided the things I am looking for,
to the point that I really considered the school as my second home, literally. My first year as
college student gave me a fear, fear of not able to pass to the university’s requirements and
especially its standards, but I have learned that these standards are meant to shape students at
their highest peak. Fortunately, I was able to meet the requirements of the university and luckily
made it to second year. As of my course which is Bachelor of Science in Nursing, I am now in
the moment of perfecting my craft simply because Nursing made me realize what is really my
call, and after being engaged with different patients I found out that nursing is not just about
taking care of the patients but it also connects you to other people with different culture and
attitudes. I think these realizations of mine will make me a better nurse because I have already
learned and foresee the things that should be, and also it will make me a better person for I will
be handling and engaging with people who has different attitudes and practices towards care. I
can truly say that I made the right choice staying, and continuing my path here.

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