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Describe a potential career you are interested in learning more about:

Fashion Designer

Explore Describe
Education requirements No degree is required, however, many fashion designers tend to get their
or training for this career Bachelor’s degree in either fashion design or fashion merchandising.

Salary range and types of The pay range is between $40,000 - $150,000 per year. Median annual wage
benefits for fashion designers was $74,000 in May 2019.

Typical work setting The work setting varies for fashion designers depending on the employer. Jobs
are offered to work in wholesale or manufacturing establishments, apparel
companies, retailers, theatre or dance companies, and design firms. Self-
employed fashion designers tend to work in personal studios.

Most fashion designers work in New York and California. Some possible
List potential employers employers would be Up Cancer, FORKAIA, World Endeavors, and ISlide. I have
always been inerested in French fashion design companies.

Employment of fashion designers is projected to decline 4% from 2019 - 2029.

Placement outlook and


Advantages of this career for me Disadvantages of this career for me

- I love making clothes and designing new - The fashion design career path is very
products. competative.

- It will push my creativity to a deeper level. - There is a big stress level with the workload.

- It will allow me to travel the world and find new - Unpredictable working hours.

- I will always be interested in the different kinds of

work being presented to me.

- There are many career opportunities for me to

venture into.

- It will push me to develop a deeper hard-working


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