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French Word Power

concours de vocabulaire et d’orthographe français avec

un quiz sur le Québec
(French Vocabulary and Spelling Competition
with a quiz on Quebec)

Niveau A2

Topic 7
Les verbes

organisé par
Prayatna Educational Society
en collaboration avec
Bureau du Québec à Mumbai
Coordination: P. BHUTANI
Les verbes Verbs

commencer - to start
manger - to eat
acheter - to buy
payer - to pay
ouvrir - to open
venir - to come
dire - to say
écrire - to write
lever - to raise
appeler - to call
oublier - to forget
finir - to finish
offrir - to offer
mettre - to put
lire - to read
attendre - to wait for
prendre - to take
suivre - to follow
recevoir - to receive
pouvoir - to be able to
connaître - to know
partir - to leave
mentir - to lie
s’habiller - to dress up
vivre - to live
voir - to see
vouloir - to want
savoir - to know
se réveiller - to wake up
sortir - to go out
sentir - to smell
se taire - to keep quiet
se casser - to break one’s ...
s’énerver - to get annoyed
se marier - to get married
se méfier - to mistrust
se peigner - to comb
se lever - to get up
se coucher - to go to bed
se dépêcher - to hurry up
s’intéresser - to be interested in
se maquiller - to put on make up
se moquer - to make fun of
se promener - to go for walk
s’asseoir - to sit
se baigner - to take bath
s’ennuyer - to get bored

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