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Infinito: verbo termina en ar, er, ir- va utilizar la preposición to

antes del verbo.
Gerundio: el verbo va terminar en ando, ando; es decir al verbo
se le aumenta ing.
To run is good for health.
To eat vegetables is good for our body.
To do sport is good for health.

Drinking and driving is dangerous.

To smoke is bad for our body.
Smoking is bad for our body.
2. También se puede utilizar gerundios e infinitivos después
de un verbo.
Infinitivos gerundios Inf- gerun
Agree- de acuerdo Detest- detestar Begin- empezar
Afford – permitir Enjoy- disfrutar Continue- continuar
Attemt – intentar Finish-finalizar Hate- odiar
Choose- escoger Imagene – imaginar Love- amar
Decide- decidir Keep- matener Prefer- preferir
Expect- suponer Quit- dejar Like- gustar
Fail- fallar Recommend – Start- empezar
Hope- esperar Regret- lamentar Try- intentar
Intend- intentar Suggest- sugerir Wish- desear
Learn- aprender Undertand-
Manage- gestionar entender
Need- necesitar
Offer- ofertar
Plan- planear
Promise- prometer
Refuse- negar
Seem- parecer
Tent- tender
Tolerate- tolerar
Want- querer
Go- ir

Ya voy a comer a la mesa.

I go to eat to table.
Yo decidí correr en el estadio.
I decided to run in the stadium.
Joel planea jugar futbol como profesional
Joel plans to play soccer as professional
Angi desea conocer otro lugar
Angi wishes to know other place
Angi wishes knowing other place.

Byron continua jugando free

Byron continues to play free fire
Byron continues playing free fire

Melanie quiere hacer una fiesta.

Melanie wants (to do/ doing/ both) a party
Dora learned (to cook/cooking/both) with her mom.
He finished ( to eat/ eating/both) rice.
She loves (to run/running/ both) in the street.
I promise (to love/loving/both) you for all life.
She likes ( to eat/eating/both)
She prefers ( to work/ working/ both) in the forest.

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