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English 2 Assignment

Nikhil Kumar 10 A
Q1. Write a summary on the poem ‘Nine Gold Medals’?
Ans. The nine gold medal is a poem written by David
Roth. He writes about nine athletes who had come form
different countries to participate in the Special Olympics
and they were differently abled people who had trained
very hard for this special day .
People were gathering to spectate the event and were
cheering for them. The last event was the 100 meters
race the name of the runners has been called out and
they were ready to run. As the nine athletes heard the
gun sound they ran and then the youngest one lost his
balance and stumbled and fell on his knees to the
ground. He gave out a cry of frustration and anguish and
his dreams was shattered in seconds but then something
very strange happened one by one all the eight athletes
who had trained very hard came back to help him and
picked the lad to his feet and they joined there hands
and the 100 meters race reduced to a walk.
Q2. Write about the poet, David Roth.
Ans. David Roth is an American Rock vocalist, song
writer, actor, author and radio personality. He is the lead
singer of the famous rock band Van Halen and is also a
successful soloist. His message to us through this poem is
about humanity.
Q3. Justify the title: ‘Nine Gold Medals’.
Ans. The Nine gold medals basically means there were
nine winners of the race who had won the race with
Q4.What was special about the event?
Ans. The event was special because the people taking
part in it were differently abled and none of them
actually cared about winning the gold medal, and they
were not selfish but they had humanity and they went
back to pick up a lad who had fallen on his knees and
gave up and then all of them walked and finished the
race together.
Q5.What aspects of humanity does the poet, David Roth
explore in the poem?
Ans. David Roth in the poem Nine Gold Medals tries to
convey to us the spirit of empathy, consideration and
brotherhood and most importantly humanity is better
than winning the gold medal.

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