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Advantages and disadvantages of being famous

The actors, musicians could achieve the top of the career and become famous. Professional actors and
musicians are highly-skilled individuals, though many of them struggle to find regular work and their talent is
seldom recognized. If the person has worked a lot and has achieved a lot during the career there may be a
chance to become famous. However, there are advantages and disadvantages of being famous.

On the one hand, there are a lot of advantages. The famous person is in the lap of luxury and can chill out. If
you are famous you can earn a lot of money, buy luxurious things and travel around the world. The famous
people are idols for many people and their fans respect them. Having a good budget, some famous people give
to charity.

On another hand, there are disadvantages too. You don't have privacy and free time for yourself. Famous
people spend a lot of time at work. Acting and music require a lot of time for achieving an ambition. Famous
people don't spend a lot of time with their family.

In my opinion, there are more advantages than disadvantages. It is better to achieve something than to
complain about all your life that you haven’t used a chance.

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