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It is an undeniable truth when we say that life isn’t as easy as before.

We face challenges every

day and it may seem life it is never ending. Tired and confused, we might feel like all hope is lost
but we still keep on trying hard to get on with our lives. It’s easy to say that we trust God and
that we have faith that He will carry our burdens but the next day we worry what will happen,
what we should do, what if things don’t work out? We constantly stress ourselves out even
though we already left it in God’s hands. In our Tuesday afternoon week of prayer, the speaker
talked about how God can defy all odds and make the impossible become possible when we
trust in Him. The story of Elijah and the widow displays great faith between God and His
servants. The widow, even in the direst of circumstances, put her faith in God above the
cruelties of her situation; and Elijah in the Bible demonstrated his great faith by never
questioning God. It reveals a God who is not only aware of the wealthy and powerful, but also
of the poor and vulnerable. As a matter of fact, God first act after sending Elijah to proclaim the
drought is to send Elijah to one of the people who will suffer from its consequences most, this
widow. The God revealed by the Bible is the God is watching and listening for, the poor, the
weak, and the vulnerable. I have thought that if ever I was in the situation of Elijah or the
widow, I would be hesitant and doubtful because as the widow, why would I sacrifice what’s
left for me and my son in exchange for the needs of a stranger? And as Elijah, why would I think
that in such situations of hunger and insufficiency would I find an open heart to care for me?
But Elijah and the widow had God to believe in. They did not think of themselves but rather
followed what God had sent them do. As we begin to let go of trying to control challenges, we
should remember that this does not mean that we are not required to put our efforts into it. 
Rather, it means that we are courageously facing challenges with a new awareness of our
partnership with God and God’s presence and power within you.  We have built a solid
foundation of God’s spirit within ourselves that whatever confronts us we are able to
overcome. If there is some action to take, some word to speak, some truth to know, it will be
revealed and accomplished through the guidance of God. Restoration is a lifetime process. The
Lord acknowledges our faith and is even intentional in seeking us out. If he should start the
work of restoration in our lives, we should have the faith that He is able to do so.

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