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Customer satisfaction is a term that describes the spectrum of experience of consumers

whenever they buy goods or avail of services. Every company aims to provide high customer

satisfaction which means that the good or service provides utility or pleasure to the customer.

Whenever companies do poorly in the production of their goods and rendering of services, there

is poor customer satisfaction. However, customer satisfaction is complex in that it is not a “one-

size fits all” system. Not all consumers will receive the same satisfaction when buying the same

exact services/goods and where it is rendered/produced in a same exact way. The nature of

providing for customer satisfaction involves complex interplay of several factors including

current experience, past experience, consistency in experiences, knowledge of the

product/service, current emotional/physical/mental state and many more. Therefore, as

company, strategies in providing excellent customer satisfaction is done by identifying the

factors that cause utility/pleasure to customers and identifying the negative factors. Listening to

feedback from customer feedback is one of the best strategies to improve in delivering customer

satisfaction. Feedback allows companies to identify the factors directly from customers and

furthermore, provides a positive experience to consumers because they are heard.

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