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Technological Change: The Evolution of Technology.

Article  in  Science · October 1989

DOI: 10.1126/science.245.4921.991 · Source: PubMed


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1 author:

Colleen A. Dunlavy
University of Wisconsin–Madison


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Technological Change
The Evolution of Technology by George Basalla
Review by: Colleen A. Dunlavy
Science, New Series, Vol. 245, No. 4921 (Sep. 1, 1989), p. 991
Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science
Stable URL: .
Accessed: 23/03/2014 17:40

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analogyto good effect,but how well has he
defendeda "theory"of technologicalevolu-
tion?His treatmentof noveltyand selection
lacksthe rigor that markshis treatmentof
continuity,yielding little more than a cata-
logue of relevantfactors.The study might
TechnologicalChange have been more convincing had he made
betteruse of the recentliterature,provideda
fullerbibliography(not to mention regular
The Evolution of Technology. GEORGEBA- cially nationalism and the patent system) footnotes), and treatedsome importantis-
SALLA.CambridgeUniversityPress, New York, and, on the other, from a tendency to sues (and authors)in a less cursoryfashion.
1989. viii, 248 pp., illus. CambridgeHistory of confuse technological changes with their Yet a deeperproblemwould haveremained.
Science. "truly revolutionary" economic and social By equatingevolutionwith continuity,Ba-
consequences. When one focuses on the sallahas in effectmade a strawman of the
For the better part of a century, two proper unit of analysis, the artifact,one finds revolutionaryperspective:since no artifacts
broadly divergent perspectives have oriented "technological continuity," even in those have emerged without any antecedents
scholarship on the nature of modern techno- momentous changes that ushered in the whatsoever,it follows that none qualifiesas
logical change. The "revolutionary" view Industrial Revolution in Britain. revolutionary.To my knowledge,however,
provided the initial point of departure, first Yet, in order for change to occur, "novel- no one has ever definedthe term "revolu-
attaining academic stature in Arnold Toyn- ty," in Basalla'swords, "must find a way to tion" in such a way as to requirecomplete
bee's lectures on the Industrial Revolution assert itself in the midst of the continuous." discontinuity.And to make mattersworse,
(1884). Then in the 1920s an "evolution- And, as he amply demonstrates, technologi- Basallahimselfacknowledgesthat some arti-
ary" perspective began to emerge as an cal novelty has had manifold sources, above facts-"seminalinventions,"he callsthem-
intellectual counterforce. Over the years, the all in Western societies. Most are familiar have been more important than others.
general contours of the controversy have ones: economic pressures, institutionaliza- With that admission,he seems unavoidably
remained largely unchanged, although sus- tion of research, and changes in technologi- to haveresurrected somethinglikethe revo-
tained criticism of the revolutionist view- cal knowledge induced by diffusion or by lutionaryview, and this is when one begins
point has recently tilted the balance of pow- advances in scientific understanding. Oth- to suspectthat the evolution-revolution dis-
er perceptibly toward the evolutionary posi- ers, such as "fantasyand play," have received courseought to be set asideonce andfor all.
tion. Now, in a major contribution to the scant attention. In all, Basalla's masterly Fortunately,Basalla'sown insights at an
discourse, George Basalla has done scholars survey covers such an arrayof sources that it intermediatelevel of analysismay well pro-
a valuable service, for his forthright defense seems bound to escape the confines of a tidy vide the buildingblocksfor a more rigorous
of the evolutionist position may, ironically, theory, which, as he notes, "would have to and sophisticatedtheory of technological
convince them to discard the evolution- encompass the irrationality of the playful change.
revolution dichotomy and begin afresh. and fantastic, the rationality of the scientific, COLLEENA. DUNiAVY
Chief among the book's virtues is the clear the materialism of the economic, and the Departmentof History,
and direct-indeed, elegant-manner in diversity of the social and cultural." Universityof Wisconsin,
which Basalla's argument unfolds. He takes Having established that novelty does in- Madison, WI 53706
as his starting point the vast "diversity" of deed find points of entry, Basalla comes at
objects in the man-made world. How to last to the issue on which the viability of his
explain such diversity? Biological necessity theory rests: the dynamics of selection. Coevolution: Cautious Views
will not do, he argues cogently, not even to What is it in the material world, where
explain the adoption of such a fundamental human beings intervene, that serves as an
ChemicalMediationof Coevolution.KEVIN
invention as the wheel. Instead, he proposes analogue to survival value in the physical C. SPENCER, Ed. AcademicPress, San Diego,
"a theory of technological evolution" that world? As Basalla himself acknowledges, CA, 1988. xvi, 609 pp., illus. $95.
emphasizes the social, political, and eco- "survivalvalue becomes an amorphous con-
nomic context of technological change. The cept when applied to technology." So again For the past 25 years, herbivorous insects
bulk of the study explores the "evolutionary he eschews a general theoretical account, and their host plants have been the preemi-
analogy" in depth, ranging widely over cen- instead mining the evolutionary analogy for nent systems claimed to exemplify coevolu-
turies and cultures and drawing examples insight into the "diverse and conflicting tion. The term itself was popularized by
from the history of technology, economic forces"-economic, military, social, and cul- Ehrlich and Raven in a classic paper, "But-
history, and anthropology. tural-that have shaped historical processes terflies and plants: a study in coevolution"
Three principal concepts underlie Basal- of selection. (Evolution18, 586-608 [1964]), in which
la's theory: continuity, novelty, and selec- It is here, on a middle-level theoretical taxonomic patterns of host use by butterflies
tion. Obviously, continuity among artifacts ground, that Basalla is at his best, whether were used to develop the thesis that plant
must obtain, he notes, for the evolutionary the subject be novelty or selection. Sensible evolution-particularly the evolution of de-
analogy to hold. And through a series of yet insightful observations follow one upon fensive chemical compounds-has been
case studies, he does indeed demonstrate the other-about the relationship between stimulated by insect herbivores, which in
that all artifacts-real or imagined-have science and technology, about patent sys- turn adaptively radiated in response to the
had antecedents in the natural or made tems, about alternative paths, and (in a pharmacopoeia. In Chemical Mediation of
world. Wrongheaded ideas of discontinuous concluding chapter) about the cultural Coevolution,some (only some) of the lead-
or revolutionary change, he maintains, have boundedness of notions of technological ing students of plant-insect interactions,
derived their strength, on the one hand, progress. joined by one student of herbivorous mam-
from Western ideas and institutions (espe- In short, Basalla uses the evolutionary mals and one of chemical mimicry, describe


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