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Geologically it consists of sedimentary rocks Its origin is located in the cuatemaría era and has

been formed and structured as a result of the deposition processes caused by large sedimentary
masses that descend from the Guayanés massif, the Merida mountain range and the coast system.
Geology Region Relief Hydrography Climate Vegetation Soil

Guiana The region of Guiana has extraordinary geological formations, we can highlight . The
Guayanes shield which is one of the oldest made up of quartz.

us rocks are aged over 2.8 billion years, with some sectors close to Guru at ages probably over 3.2
billion years old, these ancient rocks were subjected to intense processes of metamorphs and
deformation. Moreover

We cannot forget by its height the Tepuyes as Roraima, with its 2,810 m. and the Auyantepui,
from where the fall of the water, highest in the world, the Angel Jump, with its almost a thousand
meters of vertical fall, comes off. The relief of Guiana is very diverse plains or savannahs,
with heights ranging from 100 to 500 m., then the La Gran Sabana, which is a flat surface with an
average of 1,000 m. of altitude.

the mountains or mountains that are several and reach considerable peaks and whose highlight is
the Marahuaca hill with its 3,840 m. Its hydrographic network consists mainly of the Orinoco
River, then the Caroní, the Caura, the Umbrella, it is also the highest waterfall in the world, as is
the Angel Leap. Mostly these rivers are used to produce electric energy, due to their strong
torrent. It is important to note that the Region of Guiana is one of the largest water reserves in the
world, the orinoco's encounter with the Caroní, is one of the four largest hydraulic dwinds on the
planet. The climate of the Guiana region varies depending on its location. The climate is tropical
in three varieties: rainforest rainy, winds and continuous rainfall savannah climate.

Dry climate, which occurs a lot in deserts scientifically called climate


The temperature in Guiana is

Proportionally of 36oC. with an average of 26oC Halophile vegetation is found, which is typical of
mangroves; herbaceous vegetation, from the savannahs; xerophyte, which is that of spine or
xerophyte forest; the higrófila of the jungles and the one of the cloud forest, typical of the
mountain slopes. It has a rocky and savannah soil, it also finds soils very mineralized and rich
in iron and other minerals that represent the natural reserves of our country.

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