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University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee SAP UCC

Installation Guide: SAP GUI 7.50 Java for Mac OS


- This document is based on the Mac OS Sierra (10.12.6) operating system with Java
JDK 8 – Update 144 installed.

- The filenames of the Java JDK and SAP GUI may differ than those shown in the

- The Java JDK is required. This is different than the JRE.

Install the Java JDK

1) Visit

2) Click on go to JDK downloads.

You might see the pop-up window asking you to sign up for Oracle account . Please do so. Once
you sign up, you will receive a verification email. Then, go to your email and click the verification
link. Finally, sign in your Oracle account and you can follow the next step.

3) Click on DOWNLOAD under JDK.

4) First, accept the license agreement, then download the Mac OS X file.


Please make sure you download “Java SE Development Kite 8u241.”

If you download the wrong version, you might face difficulties to use
5) Open the .dmg file.

6) Double-click the box icon.

7) Click Continue.
8) Click Install.

9) The installation should have completed successfully. Press Close.

Install SAP GUI 7.50 for Mac

Please find the instruction called “SAP GUI MAC Setup” on Blackboard to install SAP GUI.

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