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The age gap between the relationship with the siblings

Is the relationship with your sibling affected by your age gap? I have a sister that is 27
years old and I am 16 years old so our age difference is a decade. Most of my life I grew up
with her but for the last 6 years we have lived so far from each other. Even though our
DNA is the same, because of our large age gap the relationship that we have is not very

Our intelligence is one of the things that we have in common, she can speak English in the
same way that I can. Furthermore, when we think that something is not fair, we always
fight to do the fair thing. Our values are similar and that’s because of our parents. Just like
my sister, I have the ability to make new friends.

Unlike myself my sister is more passionate about sports while she was practicing in the
cheerleader team I spent time in my room trying to play the guitar. Whereas my sister is
stoical in most situations I am sensitive and easily affected. Because of our age gap, she has
a stronger relationship with my mother while I am closer with my father. Furthermore, our
looks are totally different, while she has blond straight hair, I have curly and black hair.

To conclude, the relationship between my sister and I as the years pass is becoming
stronger. As I grow up our large age gap is less noticeable because I am starting to
understand things that I couldn’t comprehend before. I think than when you have
differences with your sibling the relationship could be better because you complement each
other, but even with one difference we love each other too much.

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