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RESEARCH REPORT doi:10.1111/add.


Understanding trends in Australian alcohol

consumption—an age–period–cohort model

Michael Livingston1,2, Jonas Raninen3,4, Tim Slade1, Wendy Swift1, Belinda Lloyd5,6 & Paul Dietze7,8
National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia,1 Centre for Alcohol Policy Research, La Trobe University, Melbourne,
Australia,2 CAN (Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and Other Drugs), Stockholm, Sweden,3 Karolinska Institutet, Department of Clinical Neuroscience,
Stockholm, Sweden,4 Monash University, Melbourne, Australia,5 Turning Point, Melbourne, Australia,6 The Burnet Institute, Melbourne, Australia7 and School of public
Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia8


Aims To decompose Australian trends in alcohol consumption into their age, period (survey year) and cohort
(birth year/generation) components. In particular, we aimed to test whether recent declines in overall consumption have
been influenced by reductions in drinking among recently born cohorts. Design Seven cross-sectional waves of the
Australian National Drug Strategy Household Survey (1995–2013). Age, period and cohort effects were estimated using
a linear and logistic cross-classified random-effects models (CCREMs). Setting Australia Participants A total of
124 440 Australians (69 193 females and 55 257 males), aged 14–79 years. Measurements Whether or not respon-
dents consumed alcohol in the 12 months prior to the survey and, for those who did, the estimated volume of pure alcohol
consumed, derived using standard quantity–frequency survey questions. Findings Controlling for age and period effects,
there was significant variation in drinking participation and drinking volume by birth cohort. In particular, male cohorts
born between the 1965 and 1974 and female cohorts born between 1955 and 1974 reported higher rates of drinking
participation (P < 0.05), while the most recent cohorts (born in the 1990s) had lower rates of participation (P < 0.01).
Among drinkers, the most recently born cohort also had sharply lower average consumption volumes than older cohorts
for both men and women (P < 0.01). Conclusion Recent birth cohorts (born between 1995 and 1999) in Australia
report significantly lower rates of both drinking participation and drinking volume than previous cohorts, controlling
for their age distribution and overall changes in population drinking. These findings suggest that the recent decline in
alcohol consumption in Australia has been driven by declines in drinking among these recently born cohorts. These trends
are consistent with international shifts in youth drinking.

Keywords Age period cohort, alcohol, Australia, surveys, trends, youth drinking.

Correspondence to: Michael Livingston, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, 22 King Street, Randwick, NSW, 2031, Australia.
Submitted 20 September 2015; initial review completed 21 December 2015; final version accepted 17 March 2016

INTRODUCTION describing overall trends. However, they cannot be disag-

gregated to explore trends in subgroups of the population.
Alcohol is related to an array of health and social problems One way to examine these population subgroups is to
in Australia, with associated costs estimated most recently analyse data from population surveys.
at $15 billion per annum [1]. Alcohol consumption trends Australian survey data have been used to explore the
are dynamic, with estimated Australian per-capita alcohol disparity between recent trends in consumption and corre-
consumption showing a steady increase in the years sponding trends in alcohol-related harm rates [2,3] and
following the end of World War 2, peaking in the early trends in drinking by young people [4], but analyses of
1970s, before declining sharply in the 1980s and stabiliz- long-term drinking trends are few. The Australian Institute
ing through the 1990s and 2000s (Fig. 1). Consumption of Health and Welfare (AIHW) examined drinking trends
has declined steadily during the past decade, with per- from a range of Australian survey data, finding an increase
capita consumption in 2013–14 reaching its lowest level in risky drinking between 1995 and 2007, with little vari-
since the early 1960s. Per-capita consumption estimates, ation by age group [5]. A recent analysis of data from the
derived from tax and importation records, are useful for Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) National Health

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Figure 1 Estimated per-capita alcohol

consumption, Australia, 1960–61 to 2013–14.
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics [30]

Survey found an increase in consumption between 2001 consistent with school survey data from Europe and the
and 2011 across all age groups [6], although this study United States, which show declining teen drinking in 20
has been criticized for the alcohol measures used [7] and of 28 countries [16]. Overall, these findings reflect broadly
the estimate of a trend based on just two data points [8]. similar patterns, with increasing drinking up until the
To our knowledge, there has been no attempt to explore 1980s birth cohorts followed by (where it has been studied)
whether birth cohort (or generational) effects can provide declining drinking in cohorts born more recently.
insight into population trends in alcohol consumption in In this study we decompose 18 years of Australian
Australia, although other researchers have examined survey data on alcohol consumption in terms of age, period
drug-related outcomes such as heroin overdose [9]. and cohort components to test whether recent changes in
Age–period–cohort (APC) models can be used to consumption are occurring at the period level across the
unpack trends in overall alcohol consumption into three whole population or are being driven by recently born
component factors: an overall change in population behav- cohorts. This information is not only important in relation
iour at a particular point in time (a ‘period’ effect), changes to the ongoing debates about trends in alcohol consump-
in the age structure of the population where the behaviour tion and harm in Australia [4,6,8], but will also provide
varies across the life-course (an ‘age’ effect) or changes in a useful comparative results with the growing body of inter-
behaviour among particular generations that continue national research described above.
through their life-course (a ‘cohort’ effect).
For example, Kerr and colleagues analysed alcohol con- METHODS
sumption in the United States between 1979 and 2005,
finding that drinking peaked among cohorts born between
1976 and 1985 [10]. Similarly, researchers in Germany We obtained data from seven waves of the Australian
found large declines in drinking from the 1940s through National Drug Strategy Household Survey (NDSHS). These
to 1970s birth cohorts, followed by increases in more surveys have been conducted approximately every 3 years
recently born cohorts [11]. These findings are supported since 1985, with various changes in the questionnaire
by a comprehensive review of studies conducted up to and survey methodology during the study period. To
2009 which found that, particularly in the United States, reduce the influence of these changes we limit our analyses
more recent birth cohorts were heavier drinkers [12]. In to the seven waves of the survey from 1995 to 2013, com-
contrast, more recent analyses of Swedish data show sharp prising respondents aged 14–79 years (excluding n = 5175
reductions in drinking among most recently born cohorts aged 80 or over). Surveys from 2004 onwards collected
(born in the 1990s), following high-consuming cohorts data from 12- and 13-year-olds, but these respondents
born in the 1980s [13]. These Swedish findings match (n = 2132) were excluded due to their exclusion from sam-
results of a study of UK drinking between 1984 and pling in the earlier waves. We have excluded respondents
2009 [14]. Similarly, an analysis of teenage drinking in aged 80 or over due to the lack of disaggregated age data
the United States over 32 years using annual survey data for these respondents in some survey waves. A summary
found sharply declining rates of drinking in birth cohorts of these survey waves is provided in Table 1.
born in the 1990s [15]. The evidence that drinking among The changes in methodology during the study period
young people has fallen in recently born cohorts is raise some concerns about comparability, but differences

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Table 1 Summary of survey data used in this study. number of drinks in various common containers. While
the wording of these questions has been consistent dur-
Year Method Sample size Response rate
ing the study period, the response categories provided
1995 Face-to-face 3783 57% have varied slightly. The response options for drinking
1998 Face-to-face 10 238 52% frequency and usual quantity for each of the survey
2001 A mix of face-to-face, 26 211 50% waves are laid out in Tables 2 and 3, showing that there
drop-and-collecta were two distinct sets of response options for frequency
and CATI
(1995–98; 2001–13) and three for quantity (1995–
2004 A mix of drop- 27 789 46%
and-collect and CATI
98; 2001–07; 2010–13).
2007 A mix of drop- 22 089 49% Exploratory analyses suggested that the changes to the
and-collect and CATI response options had little overarching impact on estimates
2010 Drop-and-collect 25 187 51% of drinking volume in each of the surveys, but dummy
2013 Drop-and-collect 22 364 49% variables for each set of frequency and quantity response
options were included in the final models to ensure these
Drop-and-collect involves face to face recruitment of a respondent and changes did not bias the outcomes. Even with these
subsequent self-completion of a printed questionnaire, which is collected
1–2 weeks after recruitment. CATI = computer-assisted telephone dummies, if changes to the response items (or to the survey
interviews. methods) affected how respondents estimated their
consumption, these changes would be evident only in the
‘period’ effects.
in responses by study method have found little evidence of
An estimate of annual total drinking volume was
bias in consumption estimates [17]. We excluded responses
derived for each respondent by multiplying the mid-point
with incomplete or inconsistent responses to alcohol con-
of their responses to each of these questions. Thus, for
sumption questions (n = 6944) or no response to the ques-
example, a respondent who reported drinking 2–3 days
tion on education level (n = 6147). Rates of missing data
per week and drinking three to four drinks when they
were consistent across survey waves (between 5 and
drank would have an estimated 2.5 × 52 drinking occa-
10%). The final models for current drinking include
sions (130) of 3.5 drinks each, leaving a total estimated
124 440 (69 193 females and 55 257 males) respondents,
volume of 455 standard drinks. Responses to the top
while the models for drinking volume (among current
category of volume were coded as 21 drinks when the top
drinkers only) include 106 461 respondents.
category was 20+ and 15 drinks when the top category
was 13+ (15 was used rather than 14, based on the distri-
bution of drinks in the years where the survey had more
detailed options). Volume was converted from Australian
We present models here for two measures of drinking— standard drinks (10 g of pure alcohol) to litres of pure
any drinking during the past 12 months (current drinker) alcohol. Final analyses were conducted on the natural
and volume consumed in the past 12 months. The first logarithm of estimated annual volume to address the
measure is based on two questions that have been asked highly skewed distribution of drinking volume.
consistently across the seven survey waves under analysis:
1 Have you ever had a full serve of alcohol?
2 Have you had an alcoholic drink of any kind in the last
Table 2 Usual frequency categories used in National Drug Strategy
12 months?
Household Survey (NDSHS) surveys, by survey wave.
Respondents who responded ‘no’ to either of these
questions were classed as abstainers, while respondents Survey wave
who answered ‘yes’ to both were treated as current Frequency
options 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013
The measure of total volume of alcohol consumed in Every day X X X X X X X
the past 12 months was calculated only for respondents 5–6 days X X X X X
who were current drinkers. Again, the questions used to 4–6 days X X
derive this measure were consistent over the seven waves 3–4 days X X X X X
under analysis: 2–3 days X X
1–2 days X X X X X
1 How often do you have an alcoholic drink of any kind?
1 day X X
2 On a day that you have an alcoholic drink, how many
2–3 per month X X X X X X X
standard drinks do you usually have? 1 day per month X X X X X X X
Respondents were provided with a clear explanation less X X X X X X X
of the definition of Australian standard drinks and the

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Table 3 Usual quantity categories used in National Drug Strategy statistical models to be estimated, it does not resolve the
Household Survey (NDSHS) surveys, by survey wave. underlying issue of the dependence of the three measures
Survey wave [18,19]. Recently, Yang & Land have argued that data on
Quantity repeated cross-sections is modelled more accurately using
options 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 a hierarchical structure, with individuals (and their age)
nested within periods and birth cohorts [20,21]. Thus,
20+ X X
they argue that APC models based on appropriately speci-
16–19 X X
fied CCREMs produce robust and reliable estimates of the
13–15 X X
13+ X X X X X effects of age, period and cohort on a particular outcome.
11–12 X X X X X We followed Yang and Land’s approach, modelling alcohol
9–12 X X consumption as a function of fixed effects of age (and
9–10 X X age-squared) at level 1, with random effects of cohort
7–10 X X X and period at level 2.
7–8 X X X X
Concerns about the reliability of CCREM models of APC
5–6 X X X X X X X
effects have been raised [22]. In particular, they have
3–4 X X X X X X X
1–2 X X X X X conducted a simulation that demonstrates that CCREMs
2 drinks X X are not robust when period or cohort effects are driven by
1 drink X X continuous trends [22]. While this cannot be assessed
Less X X definitively outside an APC-modelling framework, descrip-
tive analyses of our data suggest that this is unlikely. For
period, the overall mean per-capita consumption shows a
In our models we included age as a continuous slight increase over the period, but any trend is small
variable, along with age-squared to allow for a non-linear (especially when 1995 is excluded, as it is in some of our
relationship between age and consumption [13]. Respon- sensitivity analyses) and countered by recent declines.
dents over the age of 79 were removed from our analyses Cohort effects are also unlikely to be driven by a linear
due to small numbers. We grouped the sample into 5-year trend. For example, drinking participation rates between
birth cohorts, spanning 17 cohorts from 1915–19 to the ages of 14 and 17 for the most recent five cohorts are
1995–99. Because of small numbers in the earliest birth 69, 68, 67, 57 and 37%, suggesting a steep, non-linear
cohorts, we combined respondents born between 1915 shift in recent cohorts.
and 1924 into a single cohort. Period effects were modelled We ran linear CCREMs for the log-volume model
as random effects in our cross-classified random-effects and logit CCREMs for the model of current drinking.
models (CCREM). The significance of the period and cohort effects were
Analyses controlled for the highest level of education assessed by conducting likelihood-ratio tests comparing
attained by respondents, grouped into five categories: still the full APC models with models excluding survey year
at school (4.9%), did not finish high school (24.5%), (period) or cohort [23]. Initial descriptive models found
completed high school (12.6%), non-university post-school significant interactions between sex and cohort, and
qualification (32.2%) and a degree or higher (21.3%). sex and survey year, so all CCREMs were run separately
for men and women. All analyses were conducted in
SAS [24].

Simple descriptive analyses were conducted to summarize

the data. Means (for drinking volume) and percentages
(for current drinking prevalence) (both with 95% confi-
dence intervals) are presented. The modelling of age, period
and cohort effects in a series of repeated cross-sectional
surveys is complicated by the linear dependence of the
three variables under analysis (period = age + cohort).
These dependencies mean that the same data-generating
process could be modelled accurately by a number of differ-
ent combinations of age, period and cohort effects [9,18].
It is relatively straightforward to develop statistical
models that will converge (e.g. by grouping age into 5-year Figure 2 per capita alcohol consumption (litres of pure alcohol) by
categories, period into 3-year categories and cohort into year, National Drug Strategy Household Survey (NDSHS) survey and
7-year categories). However, while this allows the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) recorded consumption

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RESULTS only data from 1998 onwards to ensure that any problems
with the 1995 data do not overly affect our results.
Figure 2 compares the estimates of per-capita consump- Descriptive statistics of the study sample disaggregated
tion derived from the seven survey waves with official by gender are provided in Table 4 to provide context for
data on alcohol available for consumption produced by the subsequent modelling.
the ABS. The results of the logistic CCREMs for drinking preva-
As is typical, survey estimates are much lower than lence are presented in Table 5. The significant fixed effects
official measures of consumption [25,26]. In general, the for age (presented here as odds ratios) in both models indi-
survey data track the trends in official consumption well, cate linear and non-linear associations between age and
with coverage varying between 45 and 47% from 1998 prevalence for both men and women, while the significant
to 2013. The survey data for 1995 stand out, accounting random effects for cohort and period imply significant
for just 37% of the official estimated consumption. There variation in prevalence across period and cohort. Random
are no obvious reasons for the 1995 survey to underesti- effects are not estimated directly in the CCREMs, so only
mate consumption more than the subsequent surveys, so parameters for their standard deviations are included.
it was included in the main models presented here. A The effects of age, period and cohort on drinking participa-
further round of sensitivity analyses were conducted using tion are understood more clearly via Fig. 3, which presents

Table 4 Description of study sample by period, age and cohort.

People Men Women

Drinking Mean Drinking Mean Drinking Mean

Period n prevalence volume (SD)a n prevalence volume (SD)a n prevalence volume (SD)a

1995 3783 80.1% 4.67 (7.3) 1670 84.1% 6.79 (9.0) 2020 76.6% 2.65 (4.3)
1998 10 238 84.8% 5.50 (8.3) 4227 87.3% 8.06 (10.3) 5658 82.7% 3.30 (5.1)
2001 26 211 84.1% 5.43 (8.0) 11 056 86.9% 7.62 (9.7) 14 603 81.8% 3.56 (5.5)
2004 27 798 84.8% 5.65 (8.2) 11 622 88.1% 7.93 (10.0) 15 719 82.3% 3.75 (5.6)
2007 22 089 83.4% 5.83 (8.4) 9196 86.8% 8.05 (10.2) 12 427 80.8% 3.95 (6.0)
2010 25 187 82.5% 6.26 (9.8) 10 842 85.6% 8.81 (12.1) 13 908 80.0% 4.02 (6.5)
2013 22 364 81.4% 5.99 (9.3) 9445 83.6% 8.27 (11.0) 12 483 79.5% 4.07 (7.1)
Age group (years)
14–17 4134 59.4% 2.89 (5.6) 3291 57.5% 3.38 (6.6) 3665 61.2% 2.49 (5.3)
18–24 11 095 89.2% 6.02 (8.9) 5466 89.3% 8.29 (10.8) 6972 89.1% 4.23 (6.5)
25–29 9334 88.8% 5.30 (8.4) 4312 91.6% 7.66 (10.2) 6204 86.8% 3.57 (6.1)
30–39 22 998 87.9% 5.13 (8.1) 10 834 90.1% 7.46 (10.0) 15 341 86.3% 3.42 (5.8)
40–49 19 996 87.7% 6.07 (9.1) 10 130 89.8% 8.27 (10.9) 12 662 86.0% 4.23 (6.8)
50–59 18 086 84.6% 6.53 (9.6) 9586 88.4% 9.32 (11.8) 11 794 81.5% 4.07 (6.1)
60–69 14 516 79.6% 6.31 (8.9) 8595 85.3% 8.81 (10.8) 9652 74.4% 3.76 (5.3)
70–79 8711 71.7% 5.75 (7.6) 5844 80.6% 7.69 (8.9) 6305 63.5% 3.48 (4.6)
Birth cohort
1916–24 1169 66.4% 5.18 (6.9) 551 77.3% 7.01 (9.3) 618 56.6% 2.95 (3.6)
1925–29 2980 71.3% 5.73 (7.5) 1468 80.8% 7.63 (8.6) 1512 62.1% 3.32 (4.4)
1930–34 5047 71.7% 5.87 (7.7) 2365 80.5% 7.86 (9.1) 2682 63.8% 3.67 (4.9)
1935–39 6989 75.4% 6.02 (8.1) 3443 82.8% 8.14 (9.6) 3546 68.3% 3.51 (4.8)
1940–44 8770 79.9% 6.20 (9.5) 4090 86.2% 8.64 (10.2) 4680 74.4% 3.74 (5.2)
1945–49 11 026 83.0% 6.54 (9.4) 5088 87.7% 9.41 (11.6) 5938 79.0% 3.80 (5.6)
1950–54 11 195 84.8% 6.14 (9.0) 5025 88.4% 8.77 (11.1) 6170 81.9% 3.83 (5.7)
1955–59 11 452 86.5% 6.30 (9.3) 5081 89.4% 8.73 (11.3) 6371 84.2% 4.25 (6.5)
1960–64 12 911 88.1% 5.82 (8.7) 5684 89.9% 8.03 (10.6) 7227 86.6% 4.01 (6.4)
1965–69 12 684 88.8% 5.67 (8.8) 5433 90.9% 8.00 (10.8) 7251 87.3% 3.86 (6.3)
1970–74 13 001 88.7% 5.22 (8.4) 5319 90.9% 7.56 (10.2) 7682 87.1% 3.52 (6.2)
1975–79 11 172 87.7% 5.40 (8.3) 4656 89.5% 7.86 (10.4) 6516 86.3% 3.58 (5.7)
1980–84 9923 85.3% 5.48 (8.5) 4267 85.8% 7.64 (10.5) 5656 85.0% 3.84 (6.0)
1985–89 7037 80.9% 5.23 (8.5) 3096 80.1% 6.98 (10.1) 3941 81.5% 3.89 (6.8)
1990–94 3871 72.2% 4.83 (9.1) 1805 71.4% 6.04 (10.3) 2066 72.8% 3.79 (7.8)
1995–99 1426 43.6% 2.50 (5.8) 687 41.2% 2.96 (6.1) 739 45.7% 2.12 (5.7)

Mean volume expressed in litres of pure alcohol per year for drinkers only. SD = standard deviation.

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Table 5 Cross-classified random effects logit models of drinking participation, 1995–2013.

Men Women

Estimate (odds ratio) 95% CI Estimate (odds ratio) 95% CI

Fixed effects
Age 1.130** 1.114–1.147 1.071** 1.059–1.085
Age 0.999** 0.999–0.999 0.999** 0.999–0.999
Intercept 0.465** 0.308–0.701 1.052** 0.704–1.573
Random effects Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI
Period (SD) 0.104 0.054–0.198 0.082 0.041–0.167
2 2
LR χ = 31.75** LR χ = 22.77**
Cohort (SD) 0.340 0.235–0.490 0.400 0.275–0.582
2 2
LR χ = 362.28** LR χ = 416.26**

SD = standard deviation; CI = confidence interval; LR = likelihood ration. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01.

Figure 3 Predicted age, cohort and period effects on drinking participation, men (top row) and women (bottom row)

the predicted probability of drinking participation across P = 0.014) for men, before dropping sharply in the
age, period and cohort groups with 95% confidence inter- most recent cohort, born between 1995 and 1999
vals. The significance of the random effects were assessed (P < 0.001). For women, the earliest cohorts (between
using random-effects contrasts, which compare each level 1916 and 1934) had significantly lower drinking partici-
of the random variables (year and cohort) to their mean. pation rates, while the four cohorts born between 1955
The effects presented in Fig. 3 demonstrate marked and 1974 had significantly higher participation rates. As
variation in drinking participation at the cohort level. with men, the most recent cohort had significantly lower
While the period effects overall are statistically significant, participation (P < 0.001). The age effects were similar
the variation across years is relatively minor. For men, for men and women, with an increase in participation
2004 was significantly above average (88.1% drinkers, until the late 20s and early 30s and then declining
P = 0.002) and 2013 was significantly below average participation for respondents aged more than 50,
(84.6%, P = 0.010), while all other years were not signifi- particularly for women.
cantly different from the average. For women, 2004 was The results of the CCREMs modelling the drinking
also above average (82.4%, P = 0.008), while only 1995 volume are presented in Table 6 and the predicted values
was significantly below average (77.6%, P = 0.007). In from the model in Fig. 4 to illustrate the age, period and
terms of cohorts, participation rates peaked for the two cohort effects. Note that the predicted values in Fig. 4 are
cohorts born between 1965 and 1974 (both significantly smaller than the raw means presented in Table 4 due to
higher than average participation, P = 0.010 and the use of logged data in the regression models.

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Table 6 Cross-classified random-effects models of drinking volume (l pure alcohol/year), 1995–2013.

Men Women

Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI

Fixed effects
Age 0.058** 0.049 to 0.068 0.014** 0.005–0.022
Age 2 0.001** 0.001 to –0.001 0.001** 0.001 to –0.001
Intercept 0.301* 1.177 to –0.355 0.102 0.319 to 0.115
Random effects
Period (SD) 0.066 0.033 to 0.129 0.115 0.064 to 0.206
2 2
LR χ = 21.06** LR χ = 84.66**
Cohort (SD) 0.188 0.126 to 0.282 0.124 0.076 to 0.203
2 2
LR χ = 160.23** LR χ = 59.21**

CI = confidence interval; SD = standard deviation; LR = likelihood ratio. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01.

Figure 4 Predicted age, cohort and period effects on volume of alcohol consumed (litres of pure alcohol per year), men (top row) and women
(bottom row)

The effect of age is significant for both men and women, cohort and age results were unchanged. Secondly,
with consumption peaking in middle age and being lower models were run with a categorical age-group variable
for teenagers and older respondents. The pattern of cohort based on 5-year categories. These models produced
effects is similar for men and women, with significantly broadly similar results, with a sharper increase in partic-
lower average volumes in the most recently born cohorts ipation and volume over the early age groups. Thirdly,
(P < 0.001 for both men and women). This suggests that simple logistic and linear regression models (i.e. not
even members of these cohorts who choose to drink are multi-level models) were run with survey weights incor-
drinking less than drinkers in previous birth cohorts. porated and the age, period and cohort patterns were
Women drinkers born between 1955 and 1964 reported unchanged. Finally, we ran models excluding the
significantly higher average consumption levels, while youngest cohort, as they appear in only two waves of
male drinking peaked for the cohorts born between 1975 the surveys. These analyses found significantly lower
and 1989. Year effects were significant for both men and drinking participation for the cohort born between
women, with 1995 lower than average in both cases 1990 and 1994 for both men and women, but not lower
(P < 0.001 for women, P = 0.006 for men). volume among drinkers. The results of these supplemen-
We conducted a series of sensitivity analyses. First, tary analyses provide broad support for the robustness of
models were re-run with data from 1995 excluded; the models presented here.

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Trends in Australian alcohol consumption 1597

DISCUSSION the survey, raising some concerns that the sharp declines
in participation and drinking may not be stable cohort
Our findings accord with previous Swedish and UK work effects. We conducted sensitivity analyses excluding this
[13,14]. Recent declines in per-capita consumption appear cohort and found significant declines in participation for
to be driven by two major changes: (1) the ageing of the next-youngest cohort, but not in drinking volume. This
heavier drinking cohorts into lighter drinking stages of provides some reassurance that a real generational shift in
the life-course and (2) sharp reductions in drinking among drinking participation is occurring, but more data are
recently born cohorts. This reduction has seen falls in both required to confirm fully the volume changes found.
the probability of participating in drinking and the amount Finally, the limitations of all models that try to incorporate
consumed by drinkers, suggesting that a significant the interdependent variables of age, period and cohort
generational shift is under way. This trend spans many should be acknowledged. As noted by others [22], even
high-income countries [16], but little research has been using the CCREM approach implemented here does not
undertaken to understand the factors driving it [27]. It is resolve fully the identification problem inherent in APC
particularly noteworthy that we found both declining modelling. To alleviate these concerns, we conducted
participation in drinking among these cohorts, but also sensitivity analyses, based on a variety of different model
sharp declines in average consumption among those who specifications, all of which produced the same broad results
do drink—other research examining these trends interna- as those presented here.
tionally has focused largely on abstaining rates [4,16].
Understanding this decline in drinking by young people Declaration of interests
(i.e. recently born cohorts), which has occurred in a period
of increasing alcohol availability, is critical to inform policy. None.
The potential for these changes to result in long-term
public health gains is high, given the body of research
showing that drinking patterns while young are strong The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare manage
predictors of drinking problems later in life [28]. It is also the data collection and dissemination of the National
worth noting the changes in participation by birth cohort Drug Strategy Household Survey and we are grateful to
for women, with a steady increase in drinking from the them for facilitating access to the data via the Australian
earliest cohorts through to those born in the 1950s and Data Archive. This research was part-supported under
1960s. This closing of the gender gap in participation Australian Research Council’s Discovery Projects
reflects a broad change in the role of women in Australian funding scheme (project number DP150101024). M.L.
society, and particularly the social norms and expectations is supported by an NHMRC Early Career Fellowship
related to women’s drinking [2]. (APP1053029), P.D. by an NHMRC Senior Research
The age patterns we found show that consumption Fellowship (APP1004140). The Centre for Alcohol
peaks among middle-aged Australians (between the ages Policy Research is funded by the Foundation for Alcohol
of 40 and 60 years). While these data are based on rela- Research and Education, an independent, charitable
tively simple survey questions and do not capture fully organization working to prevent the harmful use of
the effects of drinking patterns, these findings still point alcohol in Australia
to an overlooked population group. Most public education
and information campaign focus on teenagers and young References
adults, but we have shown that older Australians are
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3. Livingston M., Matthews S., Barratt M. J., Lloyd B., Room R.
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implications for our age and cohort effects (particularly for Time. Canberra: AIHW; 2012.
the most recent cohorts). Furthermore, the most recently 6. Yusuf F., Leeder S. R. Making sense of alcohol consumption
born cohort in our models appear in only two waves of data in Australia. Med J Aust 2015; 203: 128–30.

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© 2016 Society for the Study of Addiction Addiction, 111, 1590–1598

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