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Water pleasant taste explanation.

The water used in the tequila manufacturing process for the brand "El Tequileño" is pure spring
water that originates approximately 6 km away from our facilities. This is where it is estimated that
water begins to sprout and is distributed to different regions and areas, such as the dam of "La Vega"
and “Laguna Colorada”. The spring is estimated to be of the fifth magnitude as it delivers a flow rate
of 25.51 gal/min of water.

The Atizcua stream that arrives at our facilities is previously separated from approximately 547 yd
before its arrival at the factory. This water is protected from contaminants and is strictly guarded by
the water seal of the Atizcua stream.

The water in this area is the product of the constant rains that infiltrate deep into the Tequila
Volcano the infiltrated water sprouts at various points surrounding the Volcano this area is
surrounded by a wide variety of Flora and Fauna that has remained to this day thanks to this area
being far from the urban spot.

The water meets characteristics of a perennial spring because its flow is constant throughout the
year and the storm of rains intensifies with arrival. This water can be classified as “hard water” due
to the high calcium content it presents, usually the hardness of the water varies depending on the
season. The journey that the water travels to reach our facilities is mostly forest area, this being an
extension of the same tequila volcano, its natural state and its plants contribute to the characteristic
flavor that the water has.

Another characteristic factor of its pleasant taste is the neutral pH that has an alkaline tendency
range from 6.89 to 7.64. This is an indicator that water is in its purest and freest state of heavy
metals and/or minerals harmful to humans.

Tequila Jalisco, September 29, 2020.

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