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Dinda Suri

Semester V
Functional Grammar

1. My purposes of language are to convey my opinion, to express my feeling, to

communicate, to deliver informations and to socialize with others.
According to SFL, language’s function is to create “meaning” in context of a situation.

2. According to the video that Fushah or formal language or “baku” means a language that is
characterized by the use of standard of the language, using the formal structure (grammar)
containing more complex sentence structures, and lack of colloquial or slang terms.
This fushah is different with ‘Amiyah, Fushah is used in the official situation or formal
situation. Meanwhile, ‘Amiyah is used for daily activities which has so many differents from
the Fushah.

So the relation between the purpose of language, the SFL, and the video is that language is as
a tool or a media to convey something which contains meaning in context of a situation. So,
the video explained that the context of the situation will affect or influence the use of the

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