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4 cybernetics

Alatus Pattern Jump Pack (Best Quality)

Servo-Harness (Master Crafted Quality)
Subskin Armor (master Crafted
Reinforced Bones (Best Quality)

5 items at -20 max:

first acqusition: 2x Sanctus Hammer (Good Quality), 2x Bionic Arms (Good increased
to Best Quality), Vat-Muscles (Best Quality)
rarity(near unique reduced to extremely Rare): -30
trivial (3-5 items): +20
good quality: -10
total: -20

second acqusition: Second Heart (Best Quality), Logan Gland (Best Quality), Rad-
Engine, Cerebral Implants (Best Quality)
rarity (very Rare reduced to rare or lower): -10
Trivial (3-5 items): +20
best quality: -30
total: -20

third acqusition: Artificer Armor (Common Quality)

rarity (Unique reduced to Near Unique): -50
Negligible(1 Item): +30
common quality: +0
total -20

fourth acqusition: Chogoran Drives(Best Quality), Secondary Reacter (Best Quality),

Crew Improvements(Best Quality), Shield Overload (Best Quality), Vaulted Ceilings
(Best Quality)
rarity: -10
Trivial (3-5 items): +20
Best: -30

fifth acqusition: Icon of the Just (Best Quality)

rarity (extremely rare reduced to very rare): -20
negligible (1 item): +30
best quality: -30
total: -20

MY character choices:
Primarch - Mechanicus (+10 Toughness, +10 Intelligence)
Background - Adeptus Mechanicus
Specialty - explorator
home world - Penal Colony
Role - Crusader
elite advances - Psyker, Inquisitor

characterisitc bonuses:
machinator array (+10 Toughness & +10 Strength, -5 fellowship & -5 agility)


first regiment - Sisters of Silence

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