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NAME: Nichole L. Perez Section: G2A

DATE: 10 – 12 – 20

Write your reflection. Take note of the guidelines given on Movement Analysis and base
your reflection on your actual observation. Describe your experience. Keep it short and
precise (minimum of 7 and maximum 10 of sentences).

While watching the ballet and contemporary dance, I noticed that there are a lot
of small or slow movements compared to jazz performance. I also observed that there
was a lot of spinning movements in the ballet and jazz and what I observed in the
contemporary dance is that it tells a narrative story following the lyrics of the music.
Moreover, the space used in the ballet dance is huge while in the contemporary and
jazz dance has a medium movement. I also noticed that the costume and the setups in
the ballet is like a realistic scenario but the costume is somewhat dresses and for the
boys is fitted that is usually wore in ballet dance, while in the jazz dance the costume
are the same and the setup is normal like in the dance competition and in the
contemporary dance the costume is based on the meaning of the dance, it is the clothes
that we usually wear every day. The use of the hands and feet are the most
emphasized part of the body between the three dance steps. Another thing that I
noticed was that in the ballet performance, one dancer is highlighted/has the spotlight
while on the contemporary dance there was a small group at first while in the jazz is all
dancers are included in the performance. I may say that I felt satisfied or amazed while
watching the movements and the rhythm of the music because there is something that
the dancers wants to show us or the story behind each dance. There is one important
thing that I realized, dance is something that connects not only to the dancer but also to
the audience itself. Dance is an art that you can express your feelings and emotions
through dance movements.

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