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Vulnerability: the study will involve participants who are student mothers and currently enrolled

in medical school. The researcher will prevent harm or injury to the participant and avoid putting
the participant at risk using the data and the information that will be gathered from them.
Recruitment: as with any research study, there is a general need to ensure that there is no risk of
coercion of participants while careful recruitment procedures are employed to ensure willingness
and compliance. Avoiding coercion, detailed explanation is needed to ensure full understanding.
To be unambiguous, issuance of a clearly worded information sheets/consent form for
participants, to need where necessary and supplemented these verbally, to ensure the necessary
information to make informed, specific and voluntary decisions, taking into account all possible
experiences that could predict a participant might have in the study. an unpredictable number of
participants were purposively and gradually recruited. We sought consent as soon as their
potential relevance to the study became clear and before any data were gathered involving them.
What was observed of or said by anyone who had not consented to participate did not become
research data.

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