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INTERVIEWER: You said you were determined to introduce higher fuel charges, but

after the opposition from the trucking companies you seem to have caved in'. Why?

MP: We are a listening party and we always defer to expert opinion. We were advised
that higher charges would have a negative economic effect in the long term, so we
have decided to go with that advice.

INTERVIEWER: You seem to be leaning increasingly towards more conservative

policies, even though you are a member of the Liberal Party. Is there any substance
in the rumour that you are about to cross over to the Conservative Party?

MP: No. The values I stand for are liberal values, but I see no point in siding against
the Conservative Party on those issues where I agree with them.
Latin probare "to make good; esteem, represent as good; make credible, show, demonstrate;
test, inspect; judge by trial"
Approve: to regard as good
Disapprove: to regard as wrong

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