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Python 3.8.4 Shell = o Se File Edit Shell Debug Options Window Help Python 3.8.4 (tags/v3.8.4:dfa645a, Jul 13 2020, 16:46:45) [MSC v.1924 64 bit (AM Dé64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> RESTART: C:/Users/ROG/Desktop/ Enter the age of the employee (0 to stop): 34 Enter the age of the employee (0 to stop}: 53 Enter the age of the employee (0 to stop): 50 Enter the age of the employee (0 to 42 Enter the age of the employee (0 to 41 Enter the age of the employee (0 to 28 Enter the age of the employee (0 to : 26 Enter the age of the employee (0 to 2: aa Enter the age of the employee (0 to 247 Enter the age of the employee (0 to 49 Enter the age of the employee (0 to 38 Enter the age of the employee (0 to 0 The number of employees of age 26-35: 4 The number of employees of age 36-45: 3 The number of employees of age 46-55: 4] >>> Ln 19 Col:40 (Bi * - C/Users/ROG/Desktop/ (3.8.4)* ie a Se File Edit Format Run Qptions Window Help # )23)a) x=int (input ("Enter the value of x: ")) Sum=0 for i in range(1, 6): fact=1 for j in range(1, itl): ((x**4) /fact) sum 45 ((x¥*i) /fact) print(*the sum of the sequence is: *,sum) Ln:7 Col0 Nt ash Sartre tN nh recto Retin, iit Peas CnC Lae cae SLUM ee 79 .68333333333334 TB cspy - C/Users/ROG/Desktop/ 3.8.4) File Edit Format Run Options Window Help # )23)b) int (input ("Enter the value of x: ")) int (input ("Eater the value of a: ")) x a sur for i in range (1,n+1): sumt= (x**i) /i print ("The sum is", sum) (& Python 3.8.4 Shell = o oe file Edit Shell Debug Options Window Help Python 3.8.4 (tags/v3.8.4:dfa645a, Jul 13 2020, 16:46:45) [MSC v.1924 64 bit (aM Dé64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> RESTART: C:/Users/ROG/Desktop/cs-py Enter the value of x: 5 Enter the value of a The sum is 14605.297619047618 oo | Ln:8 Colk4 A cspy - C/Users/ROG/Desktop/ (3.8.4) File Edit Format Run Qptions Window Help # Q)26 for i in range (6}: for j in range (20) print ("*", end='") print() &. 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RESTART: C:/Users/ROG/Desktop/cs-py errr eee eereers Serer seers Sobre ERE keener Ee >>> in 11 Col4 B.*q30 py - C/Users/ROG/Desktop/ (3.8.4)* File Edit Format Run Options Window Help # Q)30 n = int (input ("Enter the maximum value to display: ")) #1 is neither prime nor composite print('1 = 1') for i in range (2,n+1): fact=0 #Number of factors for j in range(1,it1): if i8j fact: #if factors are 2 then its prime if fact: print (i, else: string=str(i)+' = ' #Prime factors of the number for j in range(i): fact=0 for x in range(1,j+#1): ri," (prime) ") if fact==2: #If the factor is prime count=0 #Duplicating the number n=i while (nj countt=1 n//=j for y in range (count): stringt=str(j)+'x! #Removing the last 'x' sign print (string[:-1]) #Yash Choukiker 11-c rollno.34 Lin 34 Cok 33 &. 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