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Machbeth was written by Shakeaspeare in 1604 (F) it was in 1606

Elizabeth of the house of York married Richard III. FALSE SHE MARRIED HENRY OF RICHMOND

He used than 12 000 words in his works (F) He used more than 28 000

The Elizabethan literature was mostly about drama and poetry. TRUE

William Shakespeare is known as the Lord of Avon (F) He is known as the Bard of Avon

The setting of the Macbeth story is in Italy (F) r= es en scotland

He is presumed to have been born the same day he died, in the same place. (T)

The main theme is ambition and crime (t)

The significant English invention was the photography. FALSE PORTRAIT MINIATURE

He studied at Linguistics school (F) He studied at Grammar School

They play consist on 6 acts (T)

He became popular when he was 16 years old, before he married Anne Hathaway. (F) in 1592

The play was written in the reign of James I (T)

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