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Past Perfect Tense Quiz

Choose the right answer...

1. I was sure that I ___________ her before.

had saw


had seen

2. I needed to know what ______________ to my dog.

has happened

had happened


3. The film ________________ by the time we got to the cinema.

had start

had started

has started

4. Julia left the restaurant after she _________ eating.


had finished

has finished


5. I went to bed after I ___________ off the television.


has switched

had switched

 When we got acquainted Irene ___ her novel for five years.
a. has been writing
b. had been writing
  Nikolay ___ his business since we got acquainted.
a. has been running
b. had been running
  How long ___ in Minsk when I first met her?
a. had Marina been living
b. has Marina been living
  We ___ in Minsk since 1975.
a. had been living
b. have been living
  By next December, I ___ for this company for 5 yeras.
a. have been working
b. will have worked
  I ___ him for a long time.
a. have been knowing
b. have known
  Before we got acquainted, I ___ Oksana only two times.
a. had seen
b. had been seeing
  Srgey told me he ___ to UK before.
a. had never been
b. would have never been
  Svetlana promised us she ___ the story twice.
a. has read
b. would have read
  Boris asked me if I ___ a rock band gig.
a. had ever attended
b. have ever attended

2. Gloria never seems to get tired. I wish I ---- her energy

would have


have had


3. "Why didn't Bill get the promotion he was expecting?"

"He may not be qualified. If he were, he ---- that promotion last year."

would have been given

were given

would give

was given

4. If I could find Bob's phone number, I ---- him about the change in plans. Maybe somebody else will call him


had called

could call

have called

5. "How do you like your new apartment?"

"The apartment itself is great, but I wish I ---- used to the constant noise from the street below."


can get

had gotten

will get

6. If I ---- following that other ear too closely, I would have been able to stop in time instead of running into it.

hadn't been


would have been


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7. "Why aren't you going mountain climbing with the rest of us next weekend?"
"To be honest with you, I'm a coward. If I were brave, I ---- with you."

would have gone

would go


will go

8. I'm really sleepy today. I wish I ---- Ted to the airport late last night.

didn't have to take

weren't taking

hadn't had to take

didn't take

9. "Why didn't you teli me you were having so many problems?"

"I ---- you, but I figured you had enough to worry about without my problems, so said nothing."

would tell

would have told

would be telling

had told

10. A nation's balance of trade Is considered unfavorable if it ---- more money on imports than it gains from exports.

will spend

would spend


Our flat is very small. I wish

2. 1)  I didn't do my homework; because of that the teacher punished me.

I wish the teacher hadn't punished me.

I wish I had done my homework.


2)  Last night I drank a lot of coffee; consequently I didn't sleep well.

6. If only I hadn't drunk a lot of coffee.

If only I had slept well.


3)  He is lazy; that's why his friends despise him.

11. He wishes he were not lazy.

He wishes his friends didn't despise him.


4)  He had an accident because he was driving carelessly.

16. If only he hadn't had an accident.

If only he hadn't been driving carelessly.


5)  The dog bit the boy because the latter threw stones at him.

If only the boy hadn't thrown stones at the dog.

If only the dog hadn't bitten the boy.


6)  He was smoking like a chimney; as a result he died of lung cancer.

23. They wished he hadn't died of lung cancer.

They wished he hadn't been smoking like a chimney.


7)  They slept early; that's why they didn't see the film.

28. If only they hadn't slept early.

If only they had seen the film.


8)  He gets fatter and fatter because he can't stop eating junk food.

33. If only he didn't get fatter and fatter.

If only he could stop eating junk food.


9)  We didn't invite her; so she didn't come.

38. I wish we had invited her.

I wish she had come.


10)  I missed the first lecture as I arrived to the campus late.

43. I wish I hadn't arrived to the campus late.

I wish I hadn't missed the first lecture.

1) Where ............ you born?

a.  were

b.  have

c.  are

d.  did

2) A: Where ....................... that jacket? B: In that new clothes shop in Piazza Kennedy.

a.  have you bought

b.  did you buy

3) How long .................. your best friend?

a.  do you know

b.  did you know

c.  have you known

4) A: I lived in Milan when I was younger. B: Really? How long ........................ there?

a.  did you live

b.  have you lived

c.  lived you

5) Gladstone ............... the Prime Minister of Great Britain 5 times during the reign of Queen Victoria.

a.  has been

b.  had been

c.  was

6) My grandmother, who died five years ago, .............. abroad.


a.  was never going

b.  never went

c.  has never been

7) A: Would you like a coffee? B: No thanks. ..................... one.

a.  I just had

b.  I've just had

c.  I was just having

8) J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" books .................... in many countries.

a.  have been published

b.  were published

c.  had been published

9) Many of Dickens's novels .................... in monthly magazines.

a.  were first published

b.  have been first published

c.  had been first published


10) (at 10.30 a.m.) .................. Julie this morning?

a.  Did you see

b.  Have you seen

c.  Had you seen

11) (at 4.30 p.m.) .................... Julie this morning?

a.  Did you see

b.  Have you seen

12) Oh no! ...................... my keys!

a.  I've lost

b.  I lost

13) .................. my keys last week.

a.  I've lost

b.  I lost

14) ................... to the cinema yesterday.

a.  I went

b.  I've been

c.  I've gone
d. Question 1:
e. ____ you (type) my letter already?

f. Have you typed

Did you typed

Did you type

Have you type

g. Question 2:
h. I saw Fiona in May and I _______ (see) her since.

i. haven't seen

haven't saw

didn't saw

didn't seen
j. Question 3:
k. I ________ (speak) my cousins since my last birthday. (negative)

l. haven't spoke

didn't speak

haven't spoken

haven't speak
m. Question 4:
n. I'm sorry but I haven't ....... today.

o. done my homework

studied my homework

read my lesson

done my lesson
p. Question 5:
q. I _____ (see) him since his last birthday.

r. haven't see

haven't seen

didn't see

haven't saw
s. Question 6:
t. Tom _____ (be) home since he was a boy.

u. didn't be


hasn't been

hasn't be
v. Question 7:
w. He knows? I ____ (tell) him.

x. haven't tell

haven't told

not tell

didn't told
y. Question 8: \
z. I _____ (plant) fourteen rose-bushes so far this morning.

aa. have planted


have plant

has planted
bb. Question 9:
cc. Olga ______ (appear) on TV before now.

dd. didn't appear

hasn't appear

didn't appeared

hasn't appeared
ee. Question 10:
ff. He ______ recently (arrive) from NYC.

gg. has recently arrive

has recently arrived

recently has arrived


2. If Wish Clauses Test

3. If Wish Clauses
4. If Clause Upper Intermediate
5. If Clauses Quiz

PDF Exercises: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

hh. Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences

jj. 1. Many people who live near nuclear plants are concerned. ---- go wrong, the impact on the
surrounding area could be disastrous.

Something would

Something will

Should something

Does something

ll. 2. Had I known the carpenter was going to take three days to show up, I ---- the materials and
done the work myself. It would have been finished by now.

will get

would have gotten

might get

will have gotten

nn. 3. I wish you ---- making that noise. It's bothering me.

would stop

are going to stop


can stop

pp. 4. If I can speak Spanish, I ---- next year studying in Mexico.

would spend

would have spent


had spent

will spend

rr. 5. It would have been a much more serious accident ---- fast at the time .

had she been driving

was she driving

she had driven

she drove

tt. 6. "Can I borrow your car for this evening?"
"Sure, but Nora's using it right now. If she ---- it back in time, you're welcome to borrow it."


would bring

had brought


vv. You are here: >> Home >> Grammar Quizzes >> If Clauses Quizzes
ww. 7. We ---- the game if we'd had a few more minutes.

might have won


had won

will win

yy. 8. If you ---- to my advice in the first place, you wouldn't be in this mess right now.


will listen

had listened


aaa. 9. If I ---- the same problems you had as a child, I might not have succeeded in life as
well as you have.


would have

had had

should have

ccc. 10. ---- more help, I could call my neighbor.


Should I need

I have needed

I should need

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