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The Chemistry Module for the 3rd week of school provided me with a lot of

knowledge about stoichiometry. Because I wasn’t the smart type of student when it
comes to Chemistry, I tend to get confused every time I answer tests with regards to
the topic. Since this module was focused more on balancing equations and also
solving the empirical and molecular formula, I know that I needed to look back on
our lessons in Grade 10. Our teacher conducted an online consultation and added a
lecture, my knowledge was refreshed. I am not relying on my stock knowledge

When I first answered the parts said by our teacher, I kind of got confused
with the numerator and denominator when calculating for the grams and such, that I
read the lesson again to make my mind at ease. Then I finally got the lesson, so I
went back to answering. The easiest part for me was the balancing of equations,
sometimes when I do balance, I just stare at it and do the balancing inside my head.
But when I cannot do it, I write it down on my paper then continue to balance the

The theoretical and actual field computation was easy for me also, I answered
the questions with that topic quickly. I got stuck with the computation for grams
since again, I was confused. All in all, the module 3 for Chemistry was a 50/50 for
me, half easy and half difficult. With that module, another block of knowledge was
added to my brain cells since I understood all of the lessons on this topic.

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