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Key words/ key phrases of the Definitions News/ Headline

Preamble of the 1987

1. Sovereign 1. Sovereign is used to
describe the person or
institution that has the
highest power in a
2. having supreme rank,
power, or authority.
3. A supreme ruler,
especially a monarch.
4. having the highest power
or being completely
5. a king or queen, or a
person having the power
to govern a country
6. Sovereign is a title which
can be applied to the
highest leader in various
7. One that exercises
supreme, permanent
authority, especially in a
nation or other
governmental unit
8. . controlling influence
9. is the one who exercises
power without limitation
10. is a title which can be
applied to the highest
leader in various
2. imploring 1. to beg or ask NO REVOLUTION: Medical
2. making an earnest or Frontliners Tell Duterte They
desperate appeal. Had To Go Public As Distress
3. showing in a very Calls Went Unanswered
sincere, emotional, and
determined way that you ; The Philippine Star
want someone to do or Aug. 4, 2020
not do something
4. To beg for urgently
5. To beg for something
6. to ask piteously for;
supplicate; beg to
implore someone's
7. make a request
8. to say (something) in a
sincere or urgent manner
9. to ask somebody to do
something in an anxious
way because you want or
need it very much
10. To plead with somebody
to do something
3. Just 1. having a basis in or Cayetano: We were fair to ABS-
conforming to fact or CBN
2. conforming to a standard ; The Philippine Star
of correctness July 13, 2020
3. acting or being in
conformity with what is
morally upright or good
4. being what is merited
5. legally correct
6. indicating exactness and
7. very recently
8. Expressing agreement
9. means "fair.
10. used especially of what is
legally or ethically right
or proper or fitting
4. Humane 1. marked by compassion, Student launches fund drive for
sympathy, or 80-year-old apron vendor
consideration for
humans or animals ; Manila Bulletin
2. intended to have a Oct. 7, 2020
civilizing effect on people
3. showing evidence of
moral and intellectual
4. characterized by or
tending to broad
humanistic culture
5. acting in a manner that
causes the least harm to
people or animals:
6. relating to humanistic
7. people act in a kind,
sympathetic way towards
other people and
animals, and try to do
them as little harm as
8. Having or showing
compassion or
9. pertaining to or
concerned with the
10. The definition of humane
is a kind, tender and
compassionate person
5. Establish 1. to begin or create
(something that is meant
to last for a long time)
2. to institute (something,
such as a law)
permanently by
enactment or agreement
3. to bring into existence
4. to put (someone or
something) in a position,
role, etc., that will last
for a long time
5. to institute (as a law)
permanently by
enactment or agreement
6. to bring into existence
7. to place in a position of
being accepted or
8. to create or set up (an
organization, etc) on or
as if on a permanent
9. to cause someone or
something to be
accepted generally
10. to institute (something,
such as a law)
permanently by
enactment or agreement
6. embody 1. be an expression of or
give a tangible or visible
form to (an idea, quality,
or feeling)
2. include or contain
(something) as a
constituent part.
3. to represent a quality or
an idea exactly
4. to represent in bodily
form or to bring together
as a whole.
5. to comprise.
6. to represent (something)
in a clear and obvious
way : to be a symbol or
example of (something)
7. to include (something) as
a part or feature
8. to make something a
body or system or part of
a body or system
9. to give a concrete form
to; express, personify, or
exemplify in concrete
10. to embrace or comprise.
7. Common good 1. Achieving the conditions
that makes it for all to
come to their potential
as person and as to
become all that God
intends them to be.
2. The "common good" is at
the core of any situation
where two or more
people form a
partnership, group or
3. the aggregate of
individual goods
4. ensemble of conditions
for individual goods
5. the public good : the
advantage of everyone
6. consists of the outcome
that is achieved through
collective participation in
the formation of a shared
7. shared by and beneficial
to all or most members
of a given community
8. the advantage or benefit
of all people in society or
in a group
9. working for the good of

8. conserve 1. protect (something,

especially an
environmentally or
culturally important
place or thing) from
harm or destruction.
2. to use or manage
(natural resources)
wisely; preserve; save
3. to keep in a safe or
sound state
4. to keep and protect
something from damage,
change, or waste:
5. to keep and protect from
waste, loss, or damage;
6. keep in safety and
protect from harm,
decay, loss, or
7. If you conserve a supply
of something, you use it
carefully so that it lasts
for a long time.
8. To remain unchanged
during a process.
9. Prevent the wasteful
overuse of (a resource)
10. to hold (a physical or
chemical property)
constant during a
9. Patrimony, 1. an estate inherited from
one's father or ancestors.
2. any quality,
characteristic, etc., that
is inherited; heritage.
3. the aggregate of one's
4. the estate or endowment
of a church, religious
house, etc.
5. things that are from the
6. the estate or property
belonging by ancient
endowment or right to a
church or other
7. the valuable objects,
buildings, ideas, etc. that
a society gets from the
people who have lived in
the past
8. land, property, historical
objects, etc. that have
belonged to a country or
other area for many
9. The estate or property
belonging by ancient
endowment or right to a
church or other
10. anything inherited, as a
characteristic or
10. posterity 1. all future generations of
2. the descendants of a
3. the offspring of one
progenitor to the
furthest generation
4. all descendants of one
5. refers to the offspring of
a person and it often has
to do with inheriting
property and who is
entitled to do so.
6. All succeeding
7. the people who will live
in the future after you
are dead
8. A group consisting of
those descended directly
from the same parents or
9. is a more sophisticated
way of referring to future
generations and the idea
of saving or documenting
knowledge for use in the
10. all of the offspring of a
given progenitor
11. independence 1. is a condition of a
person, nation, country,
or state in which its
residents and
population, or some
portion thereof, exercise
self-government, and
usually sovereignty, over
the territory.
2. the quality or state of
being independent
3. freedom from being
governed or ruled by
another country:
4. freedom to make laws
or decisions without
being governed or
controlled by another
country, organization,
5. he state of wanting or
being able to do things
for yourself and make
your own decisions,
without help or
influence from other
6. political freedom from
control by the
government of another
7. the time when a country
becomes politically
8. the successful ending of
the American Revolution
9. The state of having
sufficient means for a
comfortable livelihood.
10. freedom from
dependence; exemption
from reliance on, or
control by others;
12. democracy 1. government by the
2. a government in which
the supreme power is
vested in the people and
exercised by them
directly or indirectly
through a system of
representation usually
involving periodically
held free elections
3. a political unit that has a
democratic government
4. the common people
especially when
constituting the source
of political authority
5. the absence of
hereditary or arbitrary
class distinctions or
6. political system with
institutions that allows
citizens to express their
political ... The majority
of the world's countries
are now democracies.
7. is a matter of the free
choice of government,
not the pursuit of
"popular" policies.
8. is a form of government
in which the people have
the authority to choose
their governing
9. means rule by the people
10. is a complex and
contested concept, As a
result there will always
be differences of opinion,
despite some
convergence on a core
13. Rule of law 1. the mechanism, process,
institution, practice, or
norm that supports the
equality of all citizens
before the law, secures a
nonarbitrary form of
government, and more
generally prevents the
arbitrary use of power.
2. Means the principle of
3. refers to a government
based on principles of
law and not of men
4. means that Law is
supreme and is above
every individual.
5. is an ambiguous term
that can mean different
things in different
6. abridged when the
government attempts to
punish someone for
violating a vague or
poorly worded law.
7. requires the government
to exercise its authority
under the law.
8. an authoritative legal
doctrine, principle, or
precept applied to the
facts of an appropriate
9. it means that no person
or government is above
the law.
10. it means that no
government or its
officials can enforce laws
that are unfair or unjust.
14. Regime 1. a government, especially
an authoritarian one.
2. a system or planned way
of doing things,
especially one imposed
from above
3. is the ruling government
of a country
4. the characteristic
behavior or orderly
procedure of a natural
phenomenon or process
5. a particular government
or a system or method of
6. a particular way of
operating or organizing a
7. a ruling or prevailing
8. a government in power.
9. an accepted way things
are done or a group that
is in control and has
10. government system or
15. ordain 1. make (someone) a priest
or minister; confer holy
orders on.
2. order or decree
(something) officially.
3. to establish or order by
appointment, decree, or
4. If some authority or
power ordains
something, they decide
that it should happen or
be in existence.
5. to select for an office
6. to decree, appoint, or
predestine irrevocably
7. to order, establish, or
enact with authority
8. to put in order; arrange;
9. to order that something
should happen
10. Appoint to a clerical

16. promulgate

17. truth

18. justice

19. freedom

20. love Jeepney drivers call for ‘balik

pasada’ in silent protest
Manila Bulletin
September 9, 2020
21. equality Close to 4,000 cases of violence
vs. women, children reported
during lockdown

Manila Bulletin
; June 8, 2020
22. peace ‘Terror bombers took advantage
of disruption after 4 Army intel
officers were killed in Jolo’ —
AFP chief

Manila Bulletin
August 27, 2020

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