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Abortion Legalization in Huancayo

Some time ago, while I was traveling on the bus, two children of approximately 3 and 5
years of age got on, who caught my attention since they did not wear shoes of any kind,
they had worn clothes and a bag of candies. It was at that moment that he asked me.
Where are the parents of these children? Why are they in bad shape and on a bus when
they should be attending the kinder garden? Maybe they shouldn't have been born.
Abortion should definitely be legalized in Huancayo
With the practice of abortion, the number of children abandoned on the streets would
greatly decrease, the penalty does not reduce the number of clandestine abortions, and
abortion is not murder until the fourth month of pregnancy.
Many of the children abandoned in the streets of Huancayo are unwanted children and
probably they would not have been born if their parents had not been afraid of going
against the law, that is why some adults prefer to have children and abandon them. In
addition, many people judge and criticize the practice of abortion, however, they do
nothing good to provide solutions or provide homes for so many unprotected children
who live on the streets.
According to the figures of ENDES 2018, in Huancayo, 12.2% of adolescents and adults
practice clandestine abortion, because when a woman faces a pregnancy that she does
not want or that is not in her plans, what she wants most is to interrupt it.
Today, many people believe that the embryo is a human individual and, as such, it should
not be killed. But it is not like that, an embryo is not an individual or human person, but is
simply an embryo, that is, the undeveloped principle of something. That it represents life
does not mean that it is in itself a human life. Abortion cannot be a true homicide.
Therefore, any woman must be able to legally abort that product of fertilization that does
not cease to be an embryo until the fourth month of pregnancy.
Finally, abortion must be definitively legalized in our city because there would no longer
be so many children begging in the streets, exposed to all kinds of risks, women who abort
would do so without risking their own lives and this activity should no longer be
considered a murder or crime in our society. Wouldn't it be better if unwanted children
are not born to avoid so much suffering in our society?

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