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Rev Endocr Metab Disord (2009) 10:63–76

DOI 10.1007/s11154-008-9096-y

Clinical spectrum of premature pubarche: Links

to metabolic syndrome and ovarian hyperandrogenism
Lourdes Ibáñez & Rubén Díaz & Abel López-Bermejo &
Maria Victoria Marcos

Published online: 26 August 2008

# Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2008

Abstract Premature pubarche—defined as the appearance without attenuating linear growth and bone mineralization,
of pubic hair before age 8 years in girls and 9 years in suggesting that adult height may be improved. Long-term
boys—has been traditionally considered a benign entity. follow-up of these patients is needed to fully determine the
However, recent evidence supports the notion that prema- ultimate effects of insulin sensitization as well as the main-
ture pubarche in girls may be a forerunner of the metabolic tenance of these benefits after discontinuation of therapy.
syndrome, and may precede the development of clinical
ovarian androgen excess in adolescence. This sequence Keywords Premature pubarche . Low birth weight .
seems to occur more frequently when premature pubarche Ovarian hyperandrogenism . Metformin . Insulin .
was preceded by reduced fetal growth and followed by Visceral fat
excessive postnatal catch-up in height and particularly in
weight; hyperinsulinemia appears to be a key factor in the
development of this sequence of events. In girls with 1 Introduction
premature pubarche and a history of a low birth weight,
puberty tends to start earlier and to have a faster course, so Precocious or premature adrenarche refers to an early
that final height may be moderately reduced. In these girls, increase in adrenal androgen production that usually results
metformin therapy may reverse the progression to clinical in the development of pubic hair or pubarche before 8 years
ovarian hyperandrogenism, normalize body composition in girls and 9 years in boys, and may include the
and excess visceral fat, and delay pubertal progression appearance of axillary hair and apocrine secretion, but is
independent of pubertal development [1]. The incidence of
premature pubarche due to premature adrenarche is almost
tenfold higher in girls than in boys [2].
L. Ibáñez (*) : R. Díaz Traditionally, premature pubarche has been considered an
Endocrinology Unit, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, extreme variation of normal [1, 3]. However, an increased
University of Barcelona, body of evidence support the notion that premature pubarche
08950 Esplugues, Barcelona, Spain
can no longer be considered a benign condition in girls, and
may be indeed a forerunner of the metabolic syndrome and
A. López-Bermejo may precede the development of clinical ovarian androgen
Department of Pediatrics, Dr. Josep Trueta Hospital, excess in adolescence [4–6]. This sequence seems to occur
17007 Girona, Spain
more frequently when premature pubarche was preceded by
M. V. Marcos reduced fetal growth and followed by excessive postnatal
Endocrinology Unit, Hospital de Terrassa, catch-up in height and particularly in weight [5].
08227 Terrassa, Spain In this review, the links among premature pubarche due
L. Ibáñez : M. V. Marcos
to early or exaggerated premature adrenarche, metabolic
CIBER de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas, syndrome and ovarian hyperandrogenism in girls are
Barcelona, Spain discussed, as well as potential therapeutic strategies aimed
64 Rev Endocr Metab Disord (2009) 10:63–76

at preventing and/or reverting the endocrine-metabolic ture pubarche [21]. More recently, it has been proposed that
abnormalities that may follow. serine/threonine phosphorylation of cytochrome P450c17
(CYP17) by a cyclic AMP-dependent kinase, accounting
for a large increase in its 17,20 lyase activity, could be
2 Premature pubarche responsible for the normal process of adrenarche; early
activation of this process might account for the premature
2.1 Pathophysiological basis stimulation of adrenal androgen secretion [22]. Finally,
corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) has been found to
Premature development of pubic and/or axillary hair have immediate and possibly direct effects on adrenal
without other signs of virilization or pubertal development androgen release in both normal men and in girls with
was first described by Wilkins and was descriptively named premature pubarche, suggesting a potential physiopatho-
“premature pubarche” [7]. Some years later, other inves- logical role of this hormone in both normal and premature
tigators suggested that the adrenal glands could be involved adrenarche [23, 24].
in the development of this condition and they named it, Nutritional status may be a regulator of adrenarche;
therefore, “premature adrenarche” [8]. indeed, prenatal and postnatal weight gain appear to have
Most frequently, premature pubarche appears to be opposite influences on adrenarche, and within the range of
secondary to an early or exaggerated variant of normal normal birth weights, small infants who gained weight
maturation of adrenal gland function (premature adre- rapidly during childhood show the highest levels of
narche) [9–11]. In this variant, known as typical or isolated circulating adrenal androgens [25, 26].
premature pubarche, androgens such as dehydroepiandros-
terone (DHEA), DHEA-sulfate (DHEAS), androstenedione 2.2 Clinical features
(Δ4-A) and testosterone (T) are usually moderately in-
creased for chronological age, but fall within the normal Typically, the appearance of pubic hair, which is usually
range according to the Tanner stage for pubic hair [9, 10, dark, curly and coarse, is mostly limited to the labia majora
12]. In some cases, the early development of pubic hair is in girls and thus may elude detection on casual examination
associated with normal androgen levels for chronological in obese patients. The development of pubic hair is non- to
age, suggesting increased peripheral sensitivity to andro- slowly progressive, and may spread throughout the pubic
gens [3, 13]. Enzymatic defects of steroidogenesis are area [3, 11]. Axillary hair, increased body odor, oily skin,
pathological causes of premature pubarche, with reported and acne, usually in form of a few microcomedones, may
frequencies that vary among populations [12, 14–18]. also be present. In isolated premature pubarche, clitoral or
The cause of the adrenal oversecretion in typical penile enlargement are absent, and testicular and breast
premature pubarche is currently unclear. Hypersecretion of development remain prepubertal.
a purported non-ACTH, pituitary secreted hormone sharing Premature pubarche children are usually taller than their
amino acids 79–96 of human proopiomelanocortin, perhaps peers at diagnosis, and often show increased growth
in concert with ACTH, has been deemed responsible for beginning earlier in childhood [1, 27, 28]. Growth velocity
excessive adrenal androgen stimulation, but confirmatory and bone maturation are moderately increased for chrono-
data are still lacking [19, 20]. Other theories postulate that logical age but are concordant with height age [1, 27, 28].
the development of the zona reticularis, the site of In girls, these clinical features are accompanied by
production of adrenal androgens, is accelerated in prema- increased circulating insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I)

Fig. 1 Serum dehydroepiandros- 7 7

terone-sulfate (DHEAS) levels in
6 6
girls with premature pubarche
DEAS (µmol / L)
DEAS (µmol / L)

compared to age-matched controls 5 5

of the same chronological age (left)
and of the same Tanner pubertal 4 4
stage (right). The enclosed areas
represent the mean 2SD levels in 3 3
controls. Redrawn with permis- 2 2
sion from Virdis et al. [31]
1 1

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 P1 P2 P3 P4
Age Tanner
(yrs) stage
Rev Endocr Metab Disord (2009) 10:63–76 65

levels which persist throughout pubertal development and 2.4 Timing of puberty and final height
into adolescence [29, 30].
Girls with premature pubarche generally have age of onset
2.3 Adrenal androgens of true puberty early in the normal range, normal
progression of puberty and adult stature within target height
In most cases, premature pubarche is accompanied by range [1]. However, when premature pubarche is preceded
circulating steroid levels in the usual range for normal by low birth weight (LBW), puberty starts earlier, the
adrenarche. This is typified by DHEAS levels above 40 μg/ transit through puberty is faster, menarche is advanced by
dL, which are above average for 6- to 8-year-olds but approximately 8–10 months, and adult height is decreased
within normal limits for early puberty (Fig. 1). Increased an average of 6.5 cm (∼1 SD) compared with girls with
DHEAS levels are usually accompanied by mild elevations premature pubarche and normal birth weight [35]. In one
of DHEA, T and Δ4-A [9, 10, 12]. Serum corticosteroid study, menarche before age 12.0 years was threefold more
responses to ACTH stimulation parallel these changes, with prevalent (∼75% vs ∼25%) among LBW-premature
increases of 17-hydroxypregnenolone and DHEA predom- pubarche girls than in control subjects [36] (Fig. 2). The
inating [6]. Some girls with premature pubarche may show acceleration of both the onset and the progression of
amplified or exaggerated adrenarche, a term usually applied puberty has been ascribed to a stimulatory role of hyper-
when circulating baseline DHEAS or Δ4-A levels and/or insulinemia—a characteristic feature of both LBW girls and
17-hydroxypregnenolone and DHEA responses to ACTH premature pubarche girls [29, 35]—in the tempo of pubertal
stimulation are above those of early pubertal girls [32, 33]. progression. These findings remain to be confirmed in
Exaggerated adrenarche is considered to be an early larger and ethnically diverse populations. In boys, longitu-
manifestation of steroidogenic dysregulation of adrenal dinal studies on final height are lacking.
P450c17 (CYP17) activity and is associated with increased
risks for persistent adrenal hyperandrogenism and for the 2.5 Postpubertal follow-up
subsequent development of ovarian androgen excess [33,
34], as will be discussed below. Girls with exaggerated adrenarche and premature pubarche
were found to be at high risk for ovarian hyperandrogenism
100 in adolescence [33]. The same authors later showed that
premature pubarche was linked to prepubertal, pubertal, and
postpubertal hyperinsulinemia, to low concentrations of
IGF-binding-protein 1 (IGFBP-1), and to other features of
75 metabolic syndrome including dyslipidemia, central fat
excess, and altered chronic inflammation markers [29, 37–
Cumulative Fraction of
Menarcheal Girls (%)

40]. Intrauterine growth retardation was subsequently

related to hyperinsulinemia and to exaggerated adrenarche,
50 and longitudinal data uncovered a sequence from reduced
fetal growth, to childhood catch-up in weight, to premature
pubarche, and to hyperinsulinemic hyperandrogenism in
adolescence [41–43].

3 Premature pubarche and metabolic risk factors

10 11 12 13 3.1 Insulin sensitivity
Age (yr)
Hyperinsulinemia, increased early insulin responses to an
PP + BW below -2 SD (n=50)
PP + BW from -2 to 0 SD (n=94)
oral glucose load, increased glucose uptake rate in
PP + BW above 0 SD (n=43) peripheral tissues, elevated free androgen indexes [T
(nmol/L)/SHBG (nmol/L)×100], and decreased sex hor-
Fig. 2 Distributions of menarcheal age in birth weight (BW) mone-binding globulin (SHBG) and IGFBP-1 levels have
subgroups of girls with premature pubarche (premature pubarche). been documented among lean Catalan girls with exagger-
Age at menarche was younger (p<0.001) in lower-BW vs upper-BW
girls; intermediate-BW girls showed an intermediate pattern. Median
ated adrenarche and premature pubarche. These features are
age at menarche is 12.8 years in the reference population. Modified already present at premature pubarche diagnosis, persist
from Ibáñez et al. [36] throughout pubertal development and seem to be related to
66 Rev Endocr Metab Disord (2009) 10:63–76

the degree of hyperandrogenemia [29, 37]. Fasting insulin C, and also to insulin resistance [50]. Girls with premature
sensitivity—as assessed by the Homeostasis Model Assess- pubarche have significantly greater waist circumference,
ment (HOMA)—and the insulin area under the curve waist-to-hip ratio, total, truncal and abdominal fat mass [as
following an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) were assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA)] than
strongly related to known cardiovascular risk factors such age-, body mass index (BMI)- and pubertal stage-matched
as total cholesterol and central adiposity [44]. Significant control girls [39]. Abdominal fat mass is inversely related
albeit less pronounced decreases in insulin sensitivity have to birth weight and positively related to the degree of
been described in prepubertal Northern European over- hyperandrogenemia and to fasting insulin and lipid levels
weight girls with documented premature adrenarche with or [39]. Excess androgens also seem to explain a concomitant
without premature pubarche [45]. Similarly, in another increase in bone mineral density, bone mineral content, and
series, nearly 50% of prepubertal Black African and circulating leptin [51, 52].
Caribbean girls with premature pubarche had significant
decreases in insulin sensitivity during frequently sampled 3.4 Inflammation markers
intravenous glucose tolerance tests [46].
First-degree relatives of girls with premature pubarche of Adipose tissue has recently been recognized as an active
Northern Catalan descent are at a higher risk of impaired endocrine organ that secretes multiple bioactive factors
glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes. Hyperandrogenism termed adipokines; these proteins may act locally or distally
and an increased prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus as inflammatory, immune or hormonal signals and provide
are also frequent among female first degree relatives [47]. a link between adipose tissue lipid accumulation and the
Available studies of boys with premature pubarche are metabolic functions of other tissues such as liver and
small and show inconsistent results. For example, decreased muscle [53]. Dysregulation of adipokines is emerging as an
insulin sensitivity after an OGTT, reduced circulating important mechanism by which adipose tissue contributes
SHBG and elevated IGF-I concentrations were described to systemic insulin resistance and metabolic disease.
in a prepubertal cohort of ethnically heterogeneous boys Among the so-called pro-inflammatory and pro-thrombotic
with premature pubarche, whereas in lean boys of North- adipokines, are, for example, leptin, interleukin-6 (IL-6),
ern-Catalan descent with premature pubarche, the same and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) [53–55]. In
parameters were found to be comparable to age-, sex- and contrast, circulating adiponectin levels—specifically those
BMI-matched controls [27, 48]. of the high molecular weight (HMW) isoform, considered
the active form of the protein—correlate positively with
3.2 Lipid profile and blood pressure insulin sensitivity and seem to be protective for the
subsequent development of type 2 diabetes [54, 56].
Girls with premature pubarche due to exaggerated adre- A high leukocyte and/or neutrophil count and increased
narche have increased serum triglyceride levels and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratios have been also related to
low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C)/high-density low-grade chronic inflammation and early cardiovascular
lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) ratios throughout pubertal risk in women with ovarian hyperandrogenism [57, 58],
development [38]. In cross-sectional studies, both systolic and also to be independent predictors of cardiovascular
and diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol (TC), very events and mortality in subjects with coronary artery
low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (VLDL-C), TC/HDL disease [59].
and LDL-C/HDL-C ratios, and the atherogenic index were Recent studies have disclosed that formerly LBW girls
significantly higher in girls with premature pubarche as with premature pubarche frequently have high neutrophil
compared to control girls of the same population [49]. In counts, usually accompanied by proinflammatory shifts in
contrast, in girls selected on the basis of biochemical circulating IL-6 and in total and HMW adiponectin [40, 60–
premature adrenarche (with or without premature 62]. Hyperinsulinemic insulin resistance is a plausible
pubarche), the weight-for-height adjusted blood pressure modulator of this leukocyte and adipocytokine profile,
and lipid levels were similar to those in normal population which is in addition associated with central adiposity and
controls [45]. could be linked with subsequent cardiovascular risks [40].
In young girls with premature pubarche, circulating PAI-1
3.3 Body composition levels are increased compared with age-, sex-, and pubertal
stage-matched controls and are inversely related to birth
Central adiposity and excess visceral fat—even in the weight, so that PAI-1 levels are higher in LBW girls with
absence of overweight or obesity—have been related to the premature pubarche [63]. PAI-1 levels in early puberty
cluster of metabolic syndrome traits in children, including seem to predict the degree of post-menarcheal hyper-
abnormal concentrations of triglycerides, LDL-C and HDL- insulinemia [63].
Rev Endocr Metab Disord (2009) 10:63–76 67

4 Premature pubarche and hyperinsulinemic androgenism, pointing to the possibility of an endocrine

hyperandrogenism in adolescence sequence of prenatal onset: low weight at birth, premature
pubarche in childhood and adrenal hyperandrogenism in
4.1 Premature pubarche and subsequent adrenal function adolescence (Fig. 3) [64].

Reevaluation of adrenal function in adolescents and young 4.2 Premature pubarche and subsequent ovarian function
women with a history of premature pubarche followed
longitudinally since childhood revealed an increased inci- An increased incidence of hirsutism and polycystic appear-
dence of so-called “functional adrenal hyperandrogenism”, ance of the ovaries on ultrasound in peripubertal and
a pattern of adrenal secretion resembling an exaggeration of postpubertal girls diagnosed with premature pubarche
adrenarche, that does not imply an enzymatic abnormality. during childhood had been pointed out by some authors
This condition has been attributed to a dysregulation of [65, 66]. In a group of postmenarcheal premature pubarche
adrenal cytochrome P450c17, prominently in the Δ5- girls [67], nine out of 27 had elevated scores of hirsutism
pathway [13, 34, 64]. Fifty-five percent of these subjects and elevated baseline androgen levels, and three also had
showed supranormal (>mean+2SD) levels after ACTH oligomenorrhea and polycystic ovaries on ultrasound.
stimulation of the 3β-hydroxysteroids 17-hydroxypregne- Subsequently, postpubertal follow-up of girls with prema-
nolone (17-OHPreg) and DHEA, with 50% of them also ture pubarche revealed a more than tenfold increased
showing excessive responses of Δ4-A and 17-hydroxypro- prevalence of ovarian hyperandrogenism—the so-called
gesterone (17-OHP) [64]. Neither baseline DHEAS, Δ4-A polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS, 45% vs 3% in the
nor post-ACTH 17-OHP values at diagnosis of premature normal adolescent population); this entity seemed to occur
pubarche predicted the development of adrenal hyper- more frequently in girls with elevated DHEAS and/or Δ4-A
androgenism in adolescence. Only low birth weight was levels at diagnosis of premature pubarche (Fig. 4) [33].
significantly associated with subsequent adrenal hyper-
4.2.1 Polycystic ovary syndrome: etiology
and pathophysiology
Weight SDS at birth

PCOS is the most common disorder associated with

hyperandrogenism in young females, the estimated preva-
lence being 3% in female adolescents and adults [13, 68].
1 In its classic form, PCOS is characterized by menstrual
abnormalities with anovulation, obesity, hyperandrogene-
mia, elevated plasma LH concentrations and ultrasono-
graphic evidence of polycystic ovaries [69]. However, PCOS
remains a controversial entity, partly due to the paucity of
knowledge of its pathogenesis, and partly because after two
consensus meetings there is still no agreement on the
diagnostic criteria [70, 71]. A significant percentage of
women with the clinical syndrome are not obese, do not have
the classic abnormalities in gonadotropin secretion, and lack
the sonographic features of PCOS [72–74].
The etiological hypotheses of PCOS are continuously
evolving to accommodate expanding knowledge on the
syndrome. Increased androgen synthesis, disrupted folliculo-
genesis and hyperinsulinemia have all been considered to be
Non FAH FAH part of the pathophysiological core of PCOS and are thought to
n = 30 n = 16 be triggered by genetic and/or environmental factors [75–91].
p < 0.05 Mean For example, several studies have investigated the contri-
± SEM ± SD bution of more than 70 candidate genes to the etiology of
PCOS [75]. Among them are polymorphic variants of genes
Fig. 3 Weight at birth (SDS) in premature pubarche girls with (n=16) involved in the regulation of gonadotropin secretion, andro-
or without (n=30) functional adrenal hyperandrogenism at adoles-
cence. A low weight at birth was found to be significantly associated
gen production and action, insulin signalling, and genes
with subsequent functional adrenal hyperandrogenism. Modified from involved in the development of diabetes and obesity [75].
Ibáñez et al. [63] Replication studies have been in some cases inconclusive—
68 Rev Endocr Metab Disord (2009) 10:63–76

Fig. 4 Correlation between

basal dehydroepiandrosterone
sulfate (DHEAS) and androste-
nedione (Δ4-A) levels at diag-
nosis of premature pubarche and
(17-OHP) values after leuprolide
acetate challenge. Redrawn with
permission from Ibáñez et al.

for example, for the CYP11A gene encoding the cholesterol tion of the preantral and antral follicles, and thus interfere in
side-chain cleavage enzyme (P450scc) and for a dinucleotide the FSH-induced differentiation of granulosa cells [87].
repeat marker mapping to chromosome 19p13.2 (D19S884). The combination of several of these factors may result in
In some cases, associations could not be established between functional ovarian hyperandrogenism, an entity characterized
candidate genes and PCOS traits in more than one by a distinct ovarian 17-OHP hyperresponse to acute GnRH
population; these include CAPN10, encoding calpain, and agonist challenge, and commonly encountered in non-obese
the variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) polymor- adolescent girls with a history of premature pubarche and
phism flanking the insulin (INS) gene, which regulates its exaggerated adrenarche. This entity is currently considered a
transcription [76–79]. The role of genetic variants of the form of PCOS [4, 33, 34]. Functional ovarian hyper-
androgen receptor (AR) gene and X-inactivation in PCOS androgenism is usually associated with hyperinsulinemia
has yielded conflicting results. Several studies demonstrated and/or insulin resistance, which are thought to be main
an inverse relationship between the length of the CAG repeat contributors to the ovarian—and also to the usually
encoding the polyglutamine tract in the N-terminal trans- accompanying adrenal–androgen excess, together with ex-
activation domain of the AR and receptor activity, and thus, cess LH and abnormal, androgen-induced negative-feedback
sensitivity to androgens [80, 81]. However, as the AR gene is of progesterone on LH secretion [88–91].
X-linked and one copy of the X chromosome is inactivated
in women, the pattern of X-inactivation could influence AR 4.2.2 Polycystic ovary syndrome: diagnostic criteria
activity, and thus PCOS phenotype [82].
Increasing evidence suggests that the origins of PCOS PCOS is most commonly defined according to the
occur in utero or in early postnatal life, a concept supported proceedings of an expert conference sponsored by the
by prenatally androgenized animal models [83]. Timing of National Institutes of Health (NIH) in April 1990, which
gestational androgen excess is important because different noted the disorder as having: (1) clinical hyperandrogenism
PCOS-associated characteristics arise when the hormonal and/or hyperandrogenemia, (2) oligoovulation, and (3)
insult is administered at various stages of fetal organogenesis exclusion of known disorders [92]. Another expert confer-
[83, 84]. In humans, prenatal androgenization could be ence held in Rotterdam in May 2003 defined it, after the
induced by genetic or environmental factors, might be exclusion of related disorders, by two of the following three
enhanced by epigenetic contributions, and might subsequent- features: (1) oligo- or anovulation, (2) clinical and/or
ly program differentiating target tissues toward the develop- biochemical signs of hyperandrogenism, or (3) polycystic
ment of the PCOS phenotype in adult life [82, 83, 85]. ovaries on ultrasound [93, 94]. The latter criterion has
Intrinsic abnormalities in folliculogenesis, and/or an proved to be controversial, and is considered by some to be
abnormal endocrine environment, have been deemed a late epiphenomenon of an early-onset disorder related to
responsible for PCOS-associated dysfunctional ovulation prenatal growth [74, 95]. For example, among non-obese
[86, 87]. Intra-ovarian hyperandrogenism combined with adolescents with functional ovarian hyperandrogenism,
hyperinsulinemia may promote early follicular growth, those with LBW appear to be at lower risk for having
inhibition of the follicle selection process, lack of matura- polycystic ovarian morphology [95] (Fig. 5). These find-
Rev Endocr Metab Disord (2009) 10:63–76 69

4.2.4 Premature pubarche and ovarian hyperandrogenism

The development of functional ovarian hyperandrogenism
after premature pubarche in girls seems to be preceded by
Birthweight centile

Non PCO an apparently normal phase with regular cycles lasting for
50 about 3 to 5 years after menarche, during which ovulatory
PCO function may already be deteriorating [104]. Anovulation
seems to be more frequent in those girls with a high 17-
25 OHP response to ACTH testing at prepubertal diagnosis of
premature pubarche [104].
Studies of ovarian steroid secretion during puberty
indicate that girls with premature pubarche have exagger-
1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0
, 3,5 4,0
Birthweight (kg)
ated ovarian androgen synthesis compared with age,
Tanner-stage and BMI-matched control girls [105]. The
Non-PCO (n=53) PCO (n=33)
ovarian androgen hyperresponsiveness is detectable by
Fig. 5 Distribution of birth weights in non-obese adolescents and early puberty, but is most evident during mid- and late
young women with ovarian androgen excess. Birth weights in patients puberty, and is characterized by higher basal, peak, and
without polycystic ovaries (PCO) are lower (p<0.0005) than in incremental responses of most steroid precursors to GnRH
patients with PCO. The birth weight distribution of the PCO patients
agonist challenge [105]. This pattern resembles the adrenal
compares to that of the general population, the birth weight centiles,
25, 50 and 75 in Catalunya being 3.1, 3.3 and 3.5. Redrawn with hyperresponsiveness to ACTH typical of exaggerated
permission from Ibáñez et al. [95] adrenarche, and is suggestive of abnormal regulation of
ovarian cytochrome P450c17 (CYP17). As the same
ings imply that the introduction of polycystic ovarian enzyme catalyzes androgen synthesis in the adrenals
morphology as a diagnostic criterion [96] of PCOS will [106], it has been proposed that there may be increased
reduce the fraction of women with a low-normal birth CYP17 expression or activity in both the adrenals and the
weight among women with “PCOS” [43, 97], and will draw ovaries. The ensuing hyperfunction might be first detect-
even more attention to risk factors such as obesity. able in the adrenal gland during childhood, being unmasked
Furthermore, these observations suggest that there are by premature pubarche, and later become evident in the
differing developmental pathways to PCOS [43, 97], thus ovary through the clinical and biochemical pattern of
calling into question the relevance of polycystic ovarian functional ovarian hyperandrogenism [33]. In some subsets
morphology for PCOS diagnosis. of patients in which genetic or environmental predisposing
factors coexist (see below), disordered regulation of CYP17
4.2.3 Polycystic ovary syndrome: syndrome X might persist postpubertally, leading to the clinical and
biochemical pattern typical of functional ovarian hyper-
It is now well accepted that PCOS is associated with androgenism.
increased risk of cardiovascular comorbidities [98, 99].
Women with PCOS have an increased prevalence of several 4.2.5 Premature pubarche and ovarian hyperandrogenism:
established cardiovascular risk factors such as hyperinsuli- the role of hyperinsulinemia
nemia and glucose intolerance, increased abdominal adipos-
ity—specifically an increase in visceral fat—even if not Girls with premature pubarche have increased insulin levels
obese [100–102], dyslipidemia, hypertension, endothelial from prepuberty that persist throughout pubertal develop-
dysfunction, and a prolonged state of low-grade inflamma- ment and into adolescence [29, 37]. The hyperinsulinemia
tion [57, 58, 100]. These abnormalities are among the is related to the degree of ovarian hyperandrogenism and to
components of the metabolic syndrome, and this has led to the free androgen index (equivalent to free testosterone)
inclusion of PCOS as part of the cluster of this disorder. levels [37]. Hyperinsulinemia has been proposed as a
Abdominal fat excess, endothelial dysfunction and impaired trigger in the development of adrenal and ovarian hyperse-
insulin sensitivity have each been related to the circulating cretion of androgens [34]. Indeed, both insulin and IGF-I
levels of adiponectin and other adipocytokines, as well as to are capable of stimulating androgen production by thecal–
inflammatory markers such as IL-6, tumor necrosis factor-α interstitial cells and to augment the steroidogenesis and
(TNF-α), C-reactive protein (CRP) and the neutrophil count ACTH responsiveness of human adrenocortical cells in
[57, 58, 100, 103]. Insulin resistance appears to be a key culture [107–109]. Insulin also modulates IGF-I and
factor linking these features to coronary artery disease. insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1)
70 Rev Endocr Metab Disord (2009) 10:63–76

action and inhibits sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) Fasting serum lipids, lipoproteins and IGFBP-1 concen-
production in human hepatoma cell lines [110]. trations were measured in a similar cohort of controls and
Further modulation of these actions can be exerted by girls with premature pubarche [41]. Among the girls with
genetic polymorphisms related to the secretion and/or premature pubarche, those with dyslipidemia and with low
action of insulin and androgens, such as the INS VNTR, IGFBP-1 in adolescence had lower (p<0.0001) birth weight
the androgen receptor CAG repeat polymorphism, the SD scores than those with normal lipids, lipoproteins and
aromatase receptor haplotype, and SNPs of the IGF-I IGFBP-1, whereas girls with an intermediate number of
receptor, insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) and PAI-1 abnormalities had intermediate birth weight SD scores.
genes, among others [111–116]. Obesity in pre- and early Thus, dyslipidemia and low IGFBP-1 in girls with
puberty favors an additional increase in androgen synthesis premature pubarche were related to prenatal growth
from circulating precursors and may further enhance LH retardation.
secretion and ovarian androgen production [117]. Thus, postnatal endocrine functions apparently differ in
their susceptibility to modulation by prenatal growth
4.2.6 Low birth weight as a marker linking premature conditions. Premature pubarche with pronounced adre-
pubarche, ovarian hyperandrogenism and hyperinsulinism narche, ovarian hyperandrogenism, dyslipidemia and hy-
perinsulinism may all have a common prenatal origin,
Reduced fetal growth was first related to non-insulin- rather than a direct causal relationship initiated in late
dependent diabetes mellitus in older adults [118]. Subse- childhood or adolescence. The three “cornerstones” of this
quently, reduced fetal growth was found to be associated syndrome (low birth weight, premature pubarche and
with insulin resistance in short prepubertal children [119], ovarian hyperandrogenism) serve to identify other markers
and to pronounced adrenarche in adolescent girls [42]. along the pathway: premature pubarche was found to be
Girls with premature pubarche have lower birth weight preceded by central fat excess and a lean mass deficit, to be
SD scores than control girls [43]. Those girls with accompanied by dyslipidemia and low SHBG levels, by an
premature pubarche who subsequently develop functional abnormal adipokine pattern, by a high neutrophil count, and
ovarian hyperandrogenism have even lower birth weight. followed by an early and fast-progressing puberty and
Finally, the lowest birth weights were found in girls with— menarche, and by postmenarcheal adrenal hyperandrogen-
in addition—pronounced hyperinsulinism (after an oral ism and anovulation [36, 58, 60, 64, 104].
glucose load, mean serum insulin levels greater than the Longitudinal data in girls show that the endocrine-
mean+2SD of girls with normal birth weights—between −1 metabolic risk conferred by prenatal growth retardation is
and +1SD) [43] (Fig. 6). not readily detectable until puberty or even post menarche,
and that it is not attributable to a higher BMI [5]. Further
Birthweight modulation of the endocrine-metabolic phenotype is
* exerted by genetic polymorphisms [111–116]. Weight
* excess aggravates the phenotype or accelerates its emer-
gence. The true prevalence of this pathway to ovarian
hyperandrogenism will be known when birth weights have
-1 been reported in women with ovarian hyperandrogenism
with and without obesity, hyperinsulinemia, or a polycystic
-2 appearance of the ovaries on ultrasound.


5 Premature pubarche: novel therapies to prevent

Precocious Pubarche - + + + the progression to ovarian hyperandrogenism
Ovarian Hyperandrogenism - - + +
Hyperinsulinism - - - + and to modulate the transit through puberty
n = 31 n = 25 n = 12 n = 11
Whereas low birth weight confers additional risk for
* p ≤ 0.01 ± Std. Dev. ± Std. Err. Mean
progression to adolescent ovarian hyperandrogenism in
Fig. 6 Birth weight scores of postmenarcheal control girls (−, − and −) girls with premature pubarche, the early post-menarcheal
and postmenarcheal girls with a history of precocious pubarche without phase has been identified as the critical period in which
ovarian hyperandrogenism and without hyperinsulinemia concomitant amplification of hyperinsulinemia, dyslipide-
(+, − and −); with ovarian hyperandrogenism and without hyper-
insulinemia (+,+ and −), and with both ovarian hyperandrogenism and
mia, fat excess, and lean mass deficit occur [5, 39].
hyperinsulinemia (+,+ and +). Redrawn with permission from Ibáñez et Hyperinsulinemic insulin resistance is thought to be a key
al. [43] pathogenetic factor [120–122].
Rev Endocr Metab Disord (2009) 10:63–76 71

Fig. 7 Serum testosterone, LDL- Testosterone (ng/dL) LDL-cholesterol (mg/dL) HDL-cholesterol (mg/dL)
and HDL-cholesterol, together 100 120 70
with body composition indices
(by dual-energy x-ray absorpti-
80 100 60
ometry) in 24 post-menarcheal ***
girls (mean age 12.4 years) who ***
had a small size at birth, followed 60 80 50
by precocious pubarche in child-
hood. Girls were randomized to 40 60 40
remain untreated (n=12; open
dots) or to receive metformin
(850 mg/day; n=12; closed dots) Truncal Fat Mass (Kg) Body Fat Mass (Kg) Lean Body Mass (Kg)
for 12 months. Means±SEM are
12 24 38
displayed. **p<0.005; ***p<
0.0001; broken lines indicate
mean reference values. Redrawn 10 20 36
with permission from Ibáñez et ** ***
al. [125] 8 16 34

6 12 32

0 6 12 0 6 12 0 6 12 months

30 6
Fig. 8 Gain in height, body
mass index, lean mass and body
fat in girls with premature 25 5

Body mass index (Kg/m 2 )

pubarche and history of low
birth weight, who were ran- 20 4
Height (cm)

domized to remain untreated

(n=19), or to receive metformin
15 3
(n=19) for 4 years. Metformin
treatment was accompanied by a
lower increment of body fat. 10 2
Means±95% confidence interval
(CI) are shown. **p<0.005 for 5 1
longitudinal differences between
subgroups. Redrawn with per- 0 0
mission from Ibáñez et al. [61]

14 14

12 12

Lean body mass (Kg)

Body fat (Kg)

8 8
6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
0 2 4 0 2 4
Year Year

Untreated Metformin 95% CI

72 Rev Endocr Metab Disord (2009) 10:63–76

Insulin sensitization with metformin decreases hyperinsu- muscle and liver, and partly by direct metformin action on
linemia and hyperandrogenism in women with PCOS, ovarian steroidogenesis [61].
restores eumenorrhea and increases the rate of spontaneous
ovulation; the same effects have been observed in non-obese
adolescents with premature pubarche [120–124]. We ex- 6 Conclusions
plored the preventive use of insulin sensitization to disrupt
progression from premature pubarche to PCOS in formerly Premature pubarche in girls is not necessarily a normal
lean girls of low birth weight, who were 6–12 months phenomenon; i.e. it is not simply the earlier occurrence of
postmenarche (age 12.4 years), with hyperinsulinemia, adrenarche. Long-term follow-up of these girls support the
hyperandrogenemia, dyslipidemia, excess truncal and body notion that premature pubarche may be a forerunner of the
fat, and reduced lean body mass, but without clinical signs or metabolic syndrome and precede the development of
symptoms of androgen excess [125]. These girls were clinical ovarian androgen excess in adolescence. This
randomized to receive metformin [850 mg/day] or no sequence occurs more frequently when premature pubarche
treatment for 12 months. In untreated girls, insulin sensitiv- is preceded by reduced fetal growth and followed by
ity, serum androgens, lipids, total and truncal fat mass, and excessive postnatal catch-up in height and mainly in
lean body mass each deviated further from normal. In weight; in these girls, puberty may begin earlier, the transit
metformin-treated girls, each of these abnormalities reversed through puberty is faster, and final height may be
within 6 months, and body composition continued to moderately reduced.
improve between 6–12 months (Fig. 7). Most benefits of An unfavorable metabolic environment in which hyper-
metformin were lost as soon as therapy was discontinued insulinemia appears to be the key factor may unmask
[125]. These results were subsequently replicated in another genetic traits—still to be fully defined—predisposing to
cohort of low birth weight girls with premature pubarche ovarian dysfunction, and the unfolding endocrine abnor-
from the same population [40]; the addition of flutamide was malities may further aggravate the metabolic disarray.
beneficial only in a subset of girls identified by genetic In formerly low birth weight girls with premature
markers as having greater androgen receptor activity [126]. pubarche, particularly those who are more hyperinsuline-
In low birth weight, prepubertal premature pubarche girls at mic, metformin therapy may reverse the progression of
risk for PCOS, insulin sensitization with metformin (425 mg/ premature pubarche to clinical ovarian hyperandrogenism,
day) also had normalizing effects on SHBG, Δ4-A, may normalize body composition and excess visceral fat,
DHEAS, LDL- and HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, IL-6, and may delay pubertal progression without attenuating
adiponectin, total and abdominal fat mass, and lean body linear growth. These findings suggest that in this subpop-
mass [40]. ulation of girls with premature pubarche, adult height may
As discussed, premature pubarche girls with a history of be increased. Long-term follow up of these patients is
low birth weight tend to have an early and often rapidly needed to fully determine the ultimate effects of insulin
progressive puberty, mainly if low birth weight is followed by sensitization as well as the maintenance of these benefits
postnatal catch-up with an excess gain in weight [127, 128]. after discontinuing therapy.
This risk seems to exist even in the absence of frank obesity;
therefore, we hypothesized that insulin resistance substan- Acknowledgements LI and MVM are Clinical Investigators of
CIBERDEM (FIS, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain).
tially contributes to this outcome. We therefore explored the ALB is an Investigator of the Fund for Scientific Research I3
puberty-delaying effects of insulin sensitization with metfor- (Ministry of Education and Science, Spain).
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