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The Knights of Archendomen By Nathan C.

Prologue part 1 How the Monks of Archendomen became the Knights of Archendomen

Long ago, in the time when no educated man was to be found, the time when bloodshed and
disease rid the country side, man trusted only himself. There was no hero, except for God. The church
ruled the population with an iron grip, shunning all “pagans” and their beliefs. Now hidden away in the
German country side was a monastery built by the monks for the monks. Few knew about this
monastery, but in this monastery were hid treasures of long ago.

Now during this time desperate men turned to thieving from the poor and rich just to stay alive.
Many had fallen into this Greedy trap. Everyone feared the roads, as well they should, nobody was safe.
The population begged the church for help, but all they did was pray to God in hope of some miracle.

As Fears Grew, so did the thieving population. Even children turned into thieves, thieving from
their friends and family. The Monks of Archendomen had heard of all this and became full of anger and
frustration, for the church did nothing, and nobody else was taking a stand. The vassals had to hear of
this and yet did nothing for their dying fiefs. As a whole the Monks of Archendomen agreed to do
something. They went into the treasury room and looked in wonder at the treasures of Solomon. Gold
filled chests and corners, goblets of gold and silver lay vacant on the floor, and of the most important
armor, and much of it. Large suits of chainmail, which was fresh and ready for use, plate armor that had
never seen the darkness of battle, swords with Gold pommels and cross guards were long and sharp,
ready for action. Helms of all kinds lay on the floor, and grand wooden shields were sturdy and ready to
defend. The Knights of Archendomen were ready. 67 knights mounted and rode through the night to

Prologue Part 2 The battle at Fuürgzenburg

The Knights of Archendomen Were knew very well the art of warfare. They had studied the
great wars of the past, noting every detail. Many of them had practices swordsmanship. And all knew
how to ride a horse. They were ready to fight. They had taken only enough food to last them a week.
Because Fuürgzenburg was only a short 9 miles away they had no worries of food shortages. They had
left a willing few to take care of the monastery.

As they marched into Fuürgzenburg they were royally welcomed. Many of the women threw
flowers at their feet. Many men fled into the woods. Others raised their voices to God and exclaimed
“We Are safe.” The Knights knew that it would be unwise to charge into the forest were most of the
bandits hid. For arrows would flood the knights. Of course the knights did not know if the bandits had
arrows. If they risked it they would either die or completely slaughter the enemy. They only had a week
and they needed to do something. As a whole the decided to charge at dawn.

Immediately as dawn came they charged, and met the screams of the thieves as the cut threw
them. The bandits were not hidden, they had no weapons except pitchforks and clubs. The battle was
over in 10 minutes. In total 117 bandits had died or were captured. Of the knights 3 had been wounded
by pitchforks. They marched back into Fuürgzenburg heroes. Everyone had hope now. With just this
small bandit camp defeated, it showed the rest of the thieving population that they had an enemy now.

That night Fuürgzenburg had a feast for the Knights of Archendomen. The knights celebrated
their victory and slept happily and ready to march back to the monastery. In the morning the knights left
Fuürgzenburg for the monastery, but what they came back to was not what they wanted to see.

Everything was burned down to the ground. The few knights who had stayed behind were dead
in a pile. The treasury room was empty. Everything was dead. All the food was gone. The Knights of
Archendomen had no home, everything was gone…

Chapter 1 Sir Gruandsut takes the lead

Outsmarted by bandits, with not much food to last them a week the knights of Archendomen
were stranded. Then out stepped Sir Gruandsut. Sir Gruandsut immediately lead the knights away from
the bloodied monastery and onto Hëinzvit a town of great prestige. Even for

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