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Vocabulary List

1.(adj) crucial: Extremely important- crucial

2.(adj) up-front: Honest and open- franca/o

3.(n) buffer: Words or the way you say something that makes bad news easier to take in-
palabras que ayudan aliviar o hacer menos severa las malas noticias

4.(n) compromise: An agreement in which each side gives up some of what it wants-

5.(n) context: The situation within which something happens- contexto

6.(n) delivery: The way someone says something- cómo se da un discurso

7.(n) demand: A forceful statement that insists something is done- orden

8.(n) guarantee: A promise of quality or truth- garantía

9.(n) innovation: Innovación

10.(n) procedure: The series of actions that are done in a certain way and order- procedimiento

11.(n) staffing: The business function that handles job openings- dotación de personal

12.(n) strategy: A plan for achieving a goal- estrategia

13.(n) takeaway: Something of value to use at a later time- algo valioso para usar después anticipate: To think something will happen in the future- (prever) anticipar

15.(to be) (adj) prone (to do something): To have a tendency to- ser propenso a; tener
tendencia a have a handle on something: To have an understanding of something- poder manejar

una situación have reservations: To have uncertainty about something- tener dudas launch: (v) to sell a product for the first time- lanzar talk something through: To talk about a topic in order to understand it; to work through a
problem by talking- hablar mas a fondo

20.(v) to be open to: To be receptive to something- ser receptivo a

21.(v) to coach: The act of training an employee where the focus is on skill building or
development and not on checking work- entrenar

22.(v) to dive deep (into a topic): To talk about something in depth- hablar profundamente. Ex:
Every day, the professor _____ _____ into a different topic.

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