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1. In Poland the celebration begin on June 23 at 8:00 p.

m with the main event

called Wianki and finish on June 25.

2. The Midsummer Day are celebrate because this day is the shortest night of
the year. For this occasion a summer market is organized in the market
square similar the Middle Ages.

3. The main event called Wianki that means crowns, takes place outdoors is a
night full of spells and magic, performing concerts, fireworks and outdoor

For tradition, the girls throw wreaths of flowers and candles to the Baltic Sea
and lakes or rivers. However the adults Jump over the bonfire.

Other tradition is go to the forest and search the fern flower, the curious is
that the fern does not bloom, this means something impossible to find
without magic interference.

4. There isn't special food for this day, but the people prepare typical dishes,
for example, "Kiełbasa" that is white sausage served with fermented
cucumbers, accompanied by a glass of beer or vodka. The children eat a
typical dessert "Galaretka" that is a Fruit jelly served with cream or fruits.

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