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BHAVA KUTUHALAM ATHYTAY Translation Commentary Annotation By Girish Chand Sharma SAGAR PUBLICATIONS 72, Janpath, Ved Mension New Delhi - 110 001 Tel.: 332 0648 First Published 1996 ©G.C. Sharma Published by Narinder Sagar for SAGAR PUBLICATIONS 72, Janpath, Ved Mension New Delhi- 110 001 PREFACE "BHAVKUTUHALAM by Jeevnath deceptively may appear to bbe a smaller text on vedic astrology but as one advances through the book, this conception is totally belied. In fact the learned writer has presented the whole volume in such a way that while on one hand, the pith of classics is very lucidly presented; the student as well as practitioner would find quite a few new horizons and initiatives. Hence it is of immense usefulness to the practitioner. |As hinted above there has been a long felt need for an En- lish rendering of the text to bring out the hidden meanings and sub- tle nuances of the aphorisms stated in typical poetic Sanskrit. The present book would largely fulfil this mission. Now I wish to highlight a few salient features which distin- ‘guish this work from the rest: In chapter 2, the author inter alia has given six axioms on dis- ‘ress (arishta) to ones relatives. These principles are not only preg- nant with new meanings but also expose a very refreshing new in- terpretation. Even practice has confirmed their validity time and There is yet another focus which must be stressed. The author in a novel way has employed the various signification in the inter- pretation of various distress causing. planetary configurations. This is rarely to be found elsewhere. Similarly in chapter four, the eight aph- ‘orism on combinations causing distress (distress to the subject) to na- tive, have their own, place of pride as they have been found very ‘lose to the truth. In regard to the house of progeny, the expression and style of Jeevnath is typically Indian and seems to have been conditioned by the ancient socio-economic parameters. However, the fact remains that astrologers have been doing research on this aspect and much more work is needed to be done to the fact that in actual practice the experience tums out to be contrary to the stated facts, This has been explained in detailed notes on first aphorism of chapter six. This chapter can be taken as a pointer for future research in this field In chapter 7, Jeevnath introduces us to the outcome of his com- prehensive study and experience on various planetary combinations Promising positions of power (Rajyogas). The effects of these com- binations for the commoner as well as for the natives of royal par- entage have been intelligently distinguished, This fact is specially noteworthy. While deciphering these crucial facts one need not be overtaken by the poetical language used which tends to appear as an exaggeration and must be isolated as an astrological principle on realistic plane. This caution has been exercised wherever necessary and explanatory notes have been added. Chapter 9 refers to female horoscopy. Like other subjects this work lays down some solid foundation for augmenting faith in prac- tical vedic astrology. Here again, beyond the limits of language, the soul of aphorisms has been so expressed as would definitely help the student as well as the practitioner. Exemplary notes would be of val- ue, I believe. To isolate and determine, the ‘death inflecting’ (or giving) plan- markesh) has been a central issue in predictive astrology. For the seven aphorism (namely 1,2,34,8 to 10) of chapter 14 are of fundamental value, though the whole subject embraces much wider dimensions and variables, The remaining axioms presenting combi- nations promising wealth, power or debts would also be interesting to study and apply with advantage. Chapter 15 focuses upon the study of various portfolios of life from the horoscope. It would be very helpful to study and analyse the horoscope for assessing about natives body structure, diseases, capacity, tolerance, wealth, debt, happiness from mother, brothers, physical facilities, progeny, education, wife and relationships, age, ‘mode of death, rise in life, acquisition of power, position success or failure, quantum of gains, profession, progress, upliftment of soul, losses from the government and the like, Besides these, many more special pieces of information pertaining to body marks, cancellation of planetary combinations denoting distress in life, interpretation of Vimshottai Dasha with 'Avasthas’ of planets. Prof. DPS Chauhan has been a constant inspiration and guide to plan the book in the present style and format, It is only, thanks to Prof. Chauhan that the book is in the form as presented as he ets ( has very finely honed the language used. When I think about his en- thusiasm, love and co-operation, I feel hesitant to thank him as it Would be grossly inadequate AAs I reflect upon the whole process of writing this volume, my mind goes to the endless service, co-operation and help, my wife Sarla Sharma, has rendered but for which this would not have been possible 1 could maintain regular enthusiasm all through the script ‘only thanks to the continuous review of my work by my literary friend Sh. Ashok Agarwal who would never hesitate to check out on the number of pages completed by me. It is only because of this constant prodding that I could finish the task in time. And in the end 1 must thank Sh. Narinder Sagar for his con- stant help and enthusiasm to see the book in the present form as pub- lished, He deserves all the praise for his speed and suppor. March 7,196. Girish Chand Sharma 91, Bhagwan Nagar, Delhi Road, Hapur (U.P.) CONTENTS Cue. ‘The Chapter Describing Names Paoe 17 ‘The Knowledge of Kastha or Evils to Father and Mother 18-27 ‘The Knowledge of Marks on the Native's Body Aristha oF Evils to the Native Antidotes to Evils Considerations with Regard to Getting Progeny Rajyogas ‘The Marks of the Body ‘The Women Natives ‘The Auspicious and Inauspicious Bodily Characteristics of a Girl |. The Shayanadi Twelve Avasthas The Effects of the Avasthas of the Planets The Effects of the Planets’ Avasthas Like Balavastha etc The Killers ‘The Twelve Houses ‘The Dashas of the Planets, ‘The Planets in the Houses in Their Avasthas like the Garvitavastha ete, 28.31 32.42 348 49-60 61-94 95.97 98-128 129-156 157-165 166-191 192-196 197.220 22-244 245.268 269-273 % Il Sa Adeqedy Il Tord as were Afat wfacer we wa WI HEMT | wrgd wile fare avait faeteqy ue weuq 11 | offer my obeisance on the lotus feet of Vighneshwara (the i god who removes all obstacles). He is elephant-mouthed, served by Bhuta-ganas etc, the eater of the essence of Kapiththa and jamboo fruits, the son of Uma or Parawati and the destroyer of all sadness I] @smears: 11911 CHAPTER 1 THE CHAPTER DESCRIBING NAMES me: Yq tf Weowmameqean wal wee aTATTTTHA | we 2 cergentletiay frerrd Termemrcerranetey 11911 I (the writer JEEVA NATH) again and again offer my obei- sance to those clean feet of Lord Shiva which possess more beauty than the beauty of lotus. Being the germ (the first seed or the first 2 Bhav Kutuhalam ‘cause) of the whole universe he (Lord Shiva) becomes the bridge in freeing Brahma from the Shackles of the world, he has in him im- mense light, he is ever cheerful and he delights the hearts of both the gods and the demons. Notes: It has been the tradition among the Indian thinkers that when they begin to write a book, they first of all offer obeisance to their Ishta Devata (the god they worship most). Here the writer of Bhave-Kutubolam first of all offers his obcisance again and again on the beautiful feet of his Ishta Devata, Lord Shiva. Another learned rman interprets this worship in a different way from the above inter- pretation. “This universe is bom of the sacred water of Lord Shiva although it is crested by Brahma, That Lord Shiva protects man from the fear of birth and death, he causes bliss in the hearts of gods and demons; and gods demons and parbrahmaswaroop concentrate their ‘mind on him; he is bliss ineamate; he is the emaneipator (bridge) of all the worlds and he is the cause of the creation of the universe. 1 (the writer) bow on the lotus feet of Lord Shiva which have blissful and unique delicacy in them. ‘The Indian thinkers regard Lord Shiva as the prime source of all Knowledge and leaning, framed ward qa vfralaeraey | Profan ai Sara wera wage Ay 111 ‘The Source of the Sutras (Shlokas) of the Book : |, the writer Jeeva Nath, publish this book “Bhava Kutuhalam’ for the benefit of learned Astrologers. Due to the prevalence in Astrology of the vari- ‘ous miraculous ideas propounded by many thinkers, I have observed ‘well only the substance of the available statements Notes : It is quite clear from this statement of Jeeva Nath that the ideas, that is, the principles of Predictive Astrology which were left by the thinkers on Astrology before the writer were quite capa- ble of making true predictions. Therefore Jeeva Nath calls their pre- dictive Sutras miraculous. The writer of the present book studied deeply those very miraculous predictive Sutras, and having studied them, he, the writer Jeeva Nath, compiled in this book *Bhava Kutuhalam’ in bis own words, those miraculous predictive Sutras Which were found to be perfectly correct by him according to his ‘The Chapter Describing Names 3 ‘own views. Obviously such a confession is found only in persons of very high character. ora = aba@at: Ht 3. May the knowledge of the supreme fruit-giving predictive Astrology given by Lord Brahma which is oppressed with trouble be- cause of being mixed with the irrational Sutras of the Predictive As- twology of the Yawanas, bathe itself for the benefit of the world in the flowing current of my delicate and clear words which are like a pool of nectar. Notes: Many mysterious branches of knowledge like that of predictive Astrology got favourable circumstances to prosper in An- cient India, Indeed India has remained prosperous with the treasure of both knowledge and wealth. In the ancient times other countries of the world were obsessed with the wicked desire of making con- tact with India, attacking her, looting her wealth and treasure and rul- ing over her. Many foreign nations came into India and Settled here. ‘These people left the impression of their nature, character, conduct and Culture on India. Some of the invading nations were ¢rucl and Savage. They left no stone unturned in looting the wealth of this ‘country and also in destroying her culture. But besides such foreign- ‘rs some of them made cultural exchanges also. ‘Among the various invaders the Yawans, that is, the inhabit- ants of Greece also came here as invaders. These invaders also ‘brought with them the leamed persons well versed in various branches ‘of knowledge philosophers and intellectuals and lovers’ of cultures. Tn about 326 BC. Alexander came into India and he established his rule over Gandhar, Sindha, Punjab, Taxila, Visa etc. His rule contin- ued to exist immovably even after Alexander’s death These people hhad got success in establishing their contact and rule in India over ‘wide area. The Yawans reached down to Patliputra (modern Patna) during the times of Demetrius, Ukretides and Minander. The emper- ‘or Chandra Gupta Maurya had even merital relations with the daugh- ter of the Yawan King named Selukas. The contact of the Yawanas 4 Bhav Kutuhalam continued to increase in later times, The first exchange was in the field of trade. The Indian people began to keep the yawan girls as their wives or stepwives. This is written in a famous book entitled “Periplus’. The yawan breed thus got mixed in the Indian society. This mixing did not fail to be there in the field of Knowledge, Sci- cence, Arts and literature. In the field of Astrology some of the yawans got their place among such great astrologers as Parashara, Narada, Garga, Vashishtha and Bhrigu. Yawanacharya is one of such famous Astrologers. Such Yawan astrologers were specially honoured during the times of Varahamihira Varahamihira himself has written so in hhis famous book ‘Brihat-Samhit “TR TERY Te wale Rey! Ra peri fe gataq fer 11” that is, the Yawanas among the Mlechchas are well versed in this branch of knowledge (Astrology). They are worshipped like the rishis ‘or the sages. It may then be imagined as to how the Brahmins, Well versed in Astrology should be adored. Indeed some of the Yawan learned persons got themselves mixed with the Indian soil in the teal sense and glorified not only ‘Astrology but also the various branches of knowledge. But some proud, power hungry yawanas had their treatment with Indian As- ‘rology which was like that of rape. It is because of this that the learned person who knows the essence of predictive Astrology is 50 full of sadness. But this is highly ironical that those things which ‘were added separately to the Indian Astrology by the yawanas and those limbs of Indian Astrology which were destroyed by them can ‘be hardly identified. The writer Jeeva Nath himself has been the vic- tim of this irony of fate because even he has not been able to iden- tify correetly the passages which were quoted from the yawanss, weary yorafeareyafega: | fogs ae snftrcara BA sore: wren TAS: 18 11 4. Names of the Twelve Houses. 1, Tanu, 2. Kosha, 3 Sahodara, Bandhu, 5. Suta, 6. Ripu, 7. Kama, 8. Vinaasha, 9. Shubha, 10, Pitra, 11. Aapti and 12, Apaaya, these are respectively the names of the twelve houses as spoken of by famous Astrologers like Mibiracharya. ‘The Chapter Describing Names 5 Notes: Tanu is the name of the First House. In Northern In- din the picture of the horoscope (or the birth chart) is drawn in this way. ‘The place where there is the sign O is called the First House. It is this which is named as Tanu. On the left hand side the second place which bears the sign X is called the Second House. It is named as Kosha, In the same way the various Houses are counted anti clock- wise and the place which bears the sign Z. is referred to as the Twelfth House, ‘Tanu means Jean and thin, emaciated delicate. Tanu refers to the body. It is the outward form of the person concerned. It may be called presentation: — werent: werengtragaantreertte: 1 Prakriti, the word “Tanu’ it self gives the meaning of the out- ward form and character of an ‘object or a living being. The "= word ‘Ghaal’ has also been used in literature at many places with reference to Tanu. The synonyms of the Bhavas “Tanto. have oootred oa oe Jorn for 1. Twa ~Kaipa, Vania, Aadya, Janama, Vilagana, Hora, Moorti, Sir (Head), Deha, Roop, Shirsha, Vartmaana, Janama, Aatma, Ange, Vapi, Kendra, Keitaka, Chatshay, Penhama 2. Kesha ~ Vank, Vitta, Kutumba, Netra, Vidya, Swa, Annamaana, Dakshakshi, Aasya Patrika, Artha, Kosha, Swadhana, Dravaya, Swayam, Panphar Dwitye, Malti eto 3, Sahodara — Dushcbikys, Veerya, Dhsirya, Kara, Sahotha, Gala, Urasa, Sena, Bhratri, Prakrama, Apoklima, Bahu, Tritiya etc. 4, Bandhu- Paatle, Hibuka, Ks, Matravidya, Yaana Geb ‘Suba, Chatushtaya, Ambu, Rasahala, Kshetra, Matula, Bhagineya, Mitre, Gau, Mabisha, Sugandha, Vasva, Bhooshana, Set, Nad, 6 Bhay Kutubalam Kendra, Kantake, Chatushtaya, Chaturtha ete. 5. Suta-Dhee, Deva, Raai, Pitta, Panchaka, Buddhi, Prabhava, ‘Aatmaja, Mantra, Viveka, Shakti, Udara, Rejanka, Sachiva, Kara, ‘Aatmana, Asu, Jathhar, Shruti, Smriti, Pravesha, Putra, Pratibha, Vidya, Tenaya, Paaksthan, Tanuja, Pratishtha, Trikona, Panphara, Panchama. 6. Ripu—Roga, Anga, Shastra, Bhaya, Shashtha, Ripu, Kshata, ‘Ari, Vyasana, Chorsthala, Vighna, Rina, Ashtra Shatru, Gyati, Aaji, Dushkalpa, Agha Bhit, Avagya, Dwesha, Vain, Apoklima, upechaya, ‘Trika, Shashtha etc. 7. Kama — Jamitra, Kaama, Gamana, Kalatr, Sampata, Dyoona, ‘Asta, Chittotha, Madana, Dadhi, Soop, Yamisha, Mada, Adhewana, Loka, Marga, Bharya, Pati, Smara, Bharta, Stri, Patni, Kendra, Kantaka, Chatushtya, Saptama etc 8. Vinaasha— Randhra, Aayu, Ashta, Rana, Mrityu, Ksheer, Guna, Mutra-Krichcha, Guhya, Mangalaya Malina, Adhi, Prabhava, Aayushya, Klesha, Apvaada, Marana, Ashuchi, Vighana, Dasa, ‘Antaka, Aayu, Chhidra, Yamya, Nidhana, Layasthana, Panaphara, ‘Trike, Ashtama, 9. Shubha~ Dharama, Guru, Tape, Nava, Bhagya, Daya, ‘Aacharya, Daivata, Piri, Pumabhagya, Paitrike, Navama, Trikona, etc. 10. Pita Vayopaar, Meshurana, Gyana, Rajya, Aaspada, Karma, Aagya, Maana, Kha (Aakash), Jaya, Sata, Kirti, Kratu, Jeevana, Vyoma, Aachar, Guna, Pravarti, Gamana, Karmya, Taata, Maana, Karma, Ambar, Madhya, Pooja, Chatushtaya, 11. Aapti—Upantaya, Bhava, Aaya, Laabha, Aagamane, Siddhi, Vibhava, Praapti, Shlaghyata, Jyeshtha Bhrata, or Bahin, Vama Kama, Saras, Santoshma-Karnama, Aagama, sarvatobhadra, Panphara, Upachaya, Labdhi and Ekadasha etc 12. Apaaya~ Rishpha, Vayaya, Antaya, vinaashe, Lagnanta, Khanda, Dukha, Anghri, Vamanetra, Kshya, Suchaka, Daridraya, Paap, Shayana, Ripha, Bandha, Prantya, Antima, Trika, Apoklima, and Dwadasha ete ‘The Chapter Describing Names 7 1 wage a yuraPetogerg hte rena: 111 5S. The Lords of the Signs: Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Satum and Jupiter, these are spoken of by the ancient Astrologers, respectively as the Lords of the 12 signs Mesha etc. Notes: The signs are twelve in number. The planets are sev- en. The planets who have the nature and disposition in accordance ‘with the sign or signs were declared to be the Lords of those sign ‘The Lords of the various signs are as follows: ‘Names of the signs ‘Lords of the signs Aries ‘Mars Taurus Venus Gemini Mercury Cancer Moon Leo Sun Virgo Mercury Libra Venus Scorpio Mars Sagitarious Jupiter ‘Capricorn Saturn Aquarius Saturn Pisces Jupiter Rahu and Ketu have also been regarded in Predictive Astrolo- fy as planets. In this way the number of planets becomes nine. Some Astrologers give the Lordship of the signs to these planets (Rah and Ket), but some others do not give them such Lordship. The matter of greatest sadness is that those leamed Astrologers who provide these planets the lordship of signs are not of one view, Aacharya Joeva Nath has spoken of the Lordship of these planets in this very chap- ter in Shloka 9 8 Bhav Kutubalamn sargpar VaasyaeniterarsaRe: ofaarsary, ' aerate geigtersst fearoregee! waft gt 6. Determining the Friendship of the Planets: Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are friends of the Sun. The Sun, the moon and Jupi- ter are friends of Mars, Venus’ and the Sun are friends of Mercury Mars, the Sun end the Moon are friends of Jupiter. Mercury and Sat- tum are friends of Venus, Venus and Mereury are friends of Satur. ‘The Table showing the friendship of the Planets ativrat ype Raatsaferer- encontrar ereeraaearaet 11911 7, Neutrality and Enmity Relationship of the Planets: The sun with Mereury, the Moon with Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, Mercury with Saturn, Jupiter and Mars, Jupiter with Satu, Venus ‘with Mars and Jupiter and Satur with Jupiter—these are the neu- tralty relationships of the various planets. the remaining planets are enemy planets. And the planet situated in the 12th, 2nd, 11th, 10th, Srd and 4th House from a planet situated in a House is the tempo- rary friend of him. ‘The Chapter Describing Names 9 Notes: It has not been given in this Shloka as to which of the planets are enemies of a given planet Only this has been point- cd out that the remaining planets are enemies, But it can be easily understood on the basis of this Shloka that Saturn and Venus are en- cmies of the Sun, Mercury is the enemy of Mars, the Moon of Mer- cury, Mercury and Venus are enemies of Jupiter, the Sun and the Moon of Venus, the Sun, the Moon and Mars of Satur and there is no enemy of the Moon. Below is the table showing the neutrality and enmity relationship of the planets. Planets] The [The [Mae | Meroury] Jupiter Sun} Moon ‘Venus | Saturn [Neutral] Mer- [Mars | Venus | Satum | Satum [Mars | Jupiter Planets} cury | Jupiter | Sotum_ | Jupiter Jupiter Venus Mars Satu Enemy] Sawn |X ‘The | Mercury] The Sua] The Sun Planets] Venus Moon | Venus |The |The }Moon | Moon Mars Although Acharya Jeeva Nath has very easily explained with regard to the natural friendship, neutrality and enmity of the various planets, 1 would like to quote an important Sutra (Shloka) of Sage Parashara. This Shloka will be beneficial to the reader because he will easily remember on the basis of this small Shloka the verious relationships of the planets to one another which have been given in gest feaqeared wareayaaei: 11 3, TAB 4g, ‘The meaning is, 4th, 2nd, 12th, Sth, 9th and 8th from their ‘Mooltrikona sign and the Lord of a planet’s exaltation sign—these are the friends of a given planet and the Lords of the other signs than these are his enemies. The planets which show both the char- acteristics (that is of friendship and also of enmity) are neutral to 10 Bhav Kutuhalam him. In this way one can understand the natural relationship of friend- ship, neutrality and enmity of the planets. Here is an example which shows how this relationship can be understood. Thus from the Sun's Moolirikona sign Leo, the places giv- en in the Shloka 2-4-5-8-9-12 and lord of his exaltation sign Aries, the planets Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and the Moon become friends to the Sun. And from this very Mooltrikons sign, Leo of the Sun, the other planets than these, the lords of 1-3-6-7-10-I1 Houses, respec tively Mercury, Venus, and Saturn become enemy to him (the Sun). Now we see here that Mercury is both the friend and also the ene- my to the Sun. Therefore, Mercury is neither a friend nor an enemy to the sun. He is indifferent or neutral to the Sun The table of nal- ural friendship may be prepared on the basis of this Sutra or Shloka. relent catia Rrhatet sora’: | faRirfadrat Rea fa daa PA: 1111 afatted garran eft: of aat aa rrr: | ‘Pert core: Prat erghe werk gah yw Hay LE 11 The Exaltation and the Debilitation Positions of the Planets: The Sun has his highest exaltation at ten degrees (10°) of the sign of Aries, the Moon at three degrees (3°) of the sign of Tau- rus, Mars at twenty eight degrees (28°) of the sign of Capricom, Mer- cury of fifteen degrees (15°) of the Sign of Virgo, Jupiter at five degrees (5°) of the sign of Cancer, Venus at twenty seven degrees (27) of the sign of Pisces and Satum at twenty degrees (20°) of the sign of Capricorn. And from this highest exaltation position ev- ery seventh sign at the degrees spoken of above is the deepest de- bilitation position of all the planets. Rabu is at his highest exaltation position at one degree (1°) of the sign of Gemini and Ketu at one degree (1°) of the sign of Sagittarius. Rahu in the sign of Virgo and Ketu in that of Pisces are in their own Signs. The Chapter Describing Names n Table Showing the exaltation signs etc, of the various planets, Pla |The] The [Mars [Mer [Jupi = a i] Vous] Jas ea S$ |4 | 1and]/3 and |9 and {2 and [10 and |6 | 12 8 fe fia |7 Ja ees Eel Te tor}3*— lage fase | s* [are [aoe r "a hed [RE /EERE [OEE |B E2F 2 Notes : When the Sun is at 10° in the sign of is sai tte ais hight eatin in, ft cece ue its highest. The effects of the planet which have been spoken of when he is in his highest exaltation point will be obtained by the native in their fulness. As the Planet moves away from the highest exalta. tion point and moves towards the deepest debilitation point, the amount of the effects giving power also goes on decreasing in the Proportion of his distance from his highest exaltation point and it be- Comes zero when the planet reaches its deepest debilitation point. n ‘Bhav Kutuhalam au uted wt vermaeareea areal SaRaTRT Sa Gero: Kare HATA: | awrafeat qa gq Ferg veriega poida aaierenhy ate: eyeteren: Tea 119011 10. Finding out the Shada Vargas: The half portion of a sign is called Hora. The first half part of an even sign is of the Moon, ‘and the last half part is of the Sun. It is reversed in the case of an ‘odd sign, that is, in an odd sign, the first 15° have the Hora of the ‘Sun while the last 15° of the Moon, 10° of a sign form its Decanate ‘The first decanate is of the own sign, the second of the Sth sign and the third of the 9th sign. In the sign of Aries the first Navamsha ‘begins and then moves forward from the sign of Aries, in the sign ‘of Taurus from that of Capricorn, in the sign of Gemini from that of Libra and in the sign of Cancer from that of Cancer. Dwadashamsha is the twelfth part of a sign, that is Dwadashamsha is of 2°-30' (Two degrees, thirty minutes). It is counted from its own sign. Notes: Another name of Hora is also there. It is Dwibhage or two parts, that is two parts of a sign or of 30°. Therefore there are two Horas each one of which is of 15°. In an even sign in the firs 15° there is the Hora of the Moon and in the last 15° there is the Hora of the Sun. In an odd sign the case is reversed, that is, in the first 15° there is the Hora of the Sun and in the last 15° there is the Hora of the Moon ‘THE SPECULUM OF HORA. ‘Sians [Aris] [oem [Can-]Leo] Virz [Lita [Scr [Segit-[cape [Aqua hs fim fox fis fam [as ooh bh b bh isk fs Se (s 1s | wh bo bib ie Sh ks |s fs 10 30 L ‘A decanate is of 10°, Therefore, there are three decanates in a sign. The Lord of the First decanate will be the Lord of that Sign ‘The Chapter Describing Names B The Lord of the second Decanate will be the Lord of the sign whi will be the Sit from that sign and the Lord ofthe Std Deseaae Will be the Lord of the sign which will be te Sh from that sgn ‘THE SPECULUM OF THE DECANATE Sign [Asie Tax Gem] Can Leo] Virgo] Litra] Scar) Sagi] Cope]aqu | Ps ts fini | ox io | rns] ir rs | cos s fo fio fu far - 1 2 ofr fli fap fe fs |e fy fe The Sth part of a sign is called Navamsha, In the igs, Le and Suita the Neve tine fem Aer feel , Virgo. and. Capricom from Capricom, in those of Gemini, Libra and ius from Libra and in those of Scorpio, i cod quarts and in those of Scorpio, Pisces, and ‘Suppose the Ascendant is Aquarius (10-1°-22'-40"). Therefore the Navas vil Begin ome Men of Libra whose Lord is Vo ‘THE SPECULUM OF THE NAVAMSHA pel eet) se (se See 20 fa [ao [7 a ft fio fz fa fr fio [7a finays fob Job fab lobo [m pole waa [a fo fy ffi fio [7 fe fr foo f7 | feds 2 ee bb hs pl] faa fe hop bh fo ep exo [ob lab bb feb lols Ia “ [Bhav Kutuhalam ‘The 12th part of a sign is called Dwadashamsha. The first Dwadashamsha will be of that sign whose Dwadashamsha is to be found out. The second Dwadashamsha will be of the Second sign to that sign and the third Dwadashamsha will be of the sign next to that sign (Le. the Second sign) and so on. ‘THE SPECULUM OF THE DWADASHAMSHA Dahon orm ae ee] ww lini fr pio fans foo | as fox poli bh bp bbe & pb fo |n |e so |? b-h bb fe bp fo fu fe fp rao [se fb (6 ffs fb fo fy [2 fr b vols fs fb fb fs b 2 vals 6 bf fe b fo 3 |é isle ffs pb fo |n B [a _[s vao7_[s_p fo [ufo bs _[s pools [> fio |u [oh bleh aa0f9 fio [nf fy b 5 ne solo nah bb b&b bf is rol jah kb bb Sb b&b lol proofs rb EE 5 fb | 10 [it FINDING OUT THE TRIMSH AMSHA: In the odd signs the Trimshamsha will be of 5, 5, 8, 7 and 5 degrees respectively of Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus. The Trimshamsha of the ‘even signs should be regarded respectively as exactly opposite to that of the odd signs Notes: In the case of odd signs the Lord of the first 5 de- grees will be Mars, the Lord of the degrees from 5 to 10 will be Satum, the lord of the degrees from 10 to 18 will be Jupiter, the lord of the degrees from 18 to 25 will be Mercury and the Lord of the degrees from 25 to 30 will be Venus. ‘The Chapter Describing Names 1s Although Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and venus are lords ‘of two signs. But in the case of odd signs when we want to see the ‘Trimshamsha, these parts or degrees ‘ill go to ae grees ‘ill go to the odd signs of these In the even signs the lord of the degrees from 0 to $ will be ‘Venus, that of the degrees from 5 to 12 will be Mercury, that of the degrees from 12 to 18 will be Jupiter, that of the degrees’ from {8 to 25 wil be Satur and that of the degrss from 25 to 30 wil fars. Here, it is the even signs of Venus Mercury, Jupiter, Sat- lum and Mars that will be taken for Lordships. ier ‘THE SPECULUM OF THE TRIMSHAMSHA. Degrees Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius 075° 1 S10 fA tors’ [9 1e-25° [3 25°-30° [7 THE SPECULUM OF THE TRIMSHAMSHA Degrees |Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricom and Pisces [SRI ty coun ke cae eed eee el 16 Bhay Kutuhalam ae gearecremremea Pretorya gS Heri war TART cere AE RIL 12. KINDS OF ASPECTS: A planet has aspect of one charan (quarter) on the Third and the Tenth House, of two Charans on the Sth and the Sth House, of three Charans on the 8th and the 4th House and of four Charans (full aspect) on the 7th House from the House in which he is situated. The effects of these aspects are also obtained in the same order. arfterieerira: aragraTfea: | ae warea faenerrraf 119311 13, THE KNOWLEDGE OF MOVABLE, IMMOVABLE SIGNS ETC.: The signs Aries ete. are respectively movable, immov- able and dual nature, malefic and benefic, male and female and odd and even. Notes: This classification of the signs is used by the predic- tive Astrologers from various points of view. For example, this clas- sification has significance in getting answers to such questions as to ‘whether a certsin deed willbe accomplished quickly or will be de- layed or will take average time; what will be the nature of a na- tive’s profession; when the person gone abroad will retum home; ‘What will be the disposition or nature of the native; whether the in- fant in the womb will be male or female; whether the native’s na- ture will have in it delicacy or hardness ete. fret afaqateigareaeer aI: | agea ag Rieger anit: 11981! 14, The first half of Gemini and Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius, these signs are biped, that is, they are male signs. The second half of Sagittarius, the first half of Leo, Taurus, Aries and Capricom, these signs are quadruped signs The second half of Capricom and Pisces, these are the signs living in water, and Cancer and Scorpio are the signs having names of insects, Notes: Varahamihir, in chapter 1 Shlokas 12 and 13 of “Laghujataka’ has regarded the sign of Cancer as Sari-Sarpa or the crawling or creeping living being ‘The Chapter Describing Names 7 According to him Scorpio bears the name of an insect. Cancer is called ‘Karkata’ which means ‘Kankra’. ‘Kankra” lives in water. Therefore he has spoken of cancer as living in water. As cancer is ‘counted as a sign living in water, in knowing Digbala (Directional strength) Scorpio is meant by Keeta (Insect) because here we get a Separate statement of « sign living in water. qaPerrefe: Rel gear onfta | SUE GTET waht Ge 11 94H) 15. In the order of the Planets the Sun, cc. the signs respec- tively Leo, Taurus, Aries, Virgo, Sagitarus, Libra and Aquarius are the Mool Trikona signs of these Planets. Notes: The sign of Leo is the Mool Trikona sign of the Sun, that of Taurus of the Moon, that of Aries of Mars, that of Virgo of Mercury, that of sagittarius of Jupiter, that of Libra of Venus and that of Aquarius of Satur. According to Parashara the concept of Mooltrikona is very Sub- tle and complicated. According to him there'is the Mooltrikona of the Sun in the sign of Leo upto 20° and after 20° there is the own sign of the Sun; there is the exaltation of the Moon in the sign of Taurus upto 3° and after 3° there is the Mooltrikona of Mars in the sign of aries upto 12° and there is his exaltation in this sign after 12°; there is the exaltation of Mercury in the sign of Virgo upto 15°, there is his Mool Trikona upto the next S® and then there is his own ‘ign; there is the Moolirikona of Jupiter in the sign of Sagittarius ‘upto 10° and there is his own sign in the remaining degrees, there is the Mooltikona of Venus in the sign of Libra upto 15° and there is her own sign in the remaining 15° and; there is the Mooltrikona of Satu in the sign of Aquarius upto 20° and there is his own sign in the remaining 10°. CHAPTER 2 THE KNOWLEDGE OF KASHTA OR EVILS TO FATHER AND MOTHER aenqart we: Hed aera: | wer figternse fei aft aftr tail 1 The Knowledge of Kashta or Evils To Father: If there is ‘a malefic planet in the 10th House from the Sun and the 10th Lord is afflicted (that is, if he-is in conjunction with or aspected by a malefic), the native’s father is put to extreme trouble or he dies. It has been said by the Munis. ‘Notes: In this Chapter special importance has been given to the Karakas or signifiators, The things which are studied from the As- cendant may also be studied by taking the significators of those things as Ascendants. For example, the 10th House from the Ascendant is studied to know the auspicious or inauspicious effects with regard to father. In the same way the 10th House from the Sun, the significator of father may also be studied for the knowledge of aus- picious or inauspicious effect with regard to father. If this matter is considered in some greater detail, new dimen- sions will open out before us. The meaning is that the 10th House fiom the Sun should be studied for those matters which are studied from the 10th House from the Ascendant. Thus the 10th House from ‘the Sun is to be analysed for the acquisition of state, auspicious, holy ‘The Knowledge of Kastha or Evils to Father and Mother 19 deeds like yajna, ceremonies, status, grandeur, business, honour from the king or governmental favour, governmental work, job or service and magnificence et. ‘This is the statement that is given by Maharishi Parashara at the end of the Chapter of “Varga Vivechanadhaya” or “Divisional Considerations.” aq fataq cert art aeqatg cert a 11 We give two horoscopes to illustrate the statement given above, ‘The first confirms the statement of Pt. Jeeva Nath, and the second tells us how, when the 10th House is afflicted, the other aspects of life which are considered from the 10th House from the Ascendant are also affected Example No. 1 Date of birth Time of birth Latitude Longitude 6-8-1970 10.20 pm 27°-S4' (N)__78*-04 (E) HOROSCOPE su Mar rs sin Ken Mer [ase yp _| Yen In this horoscope Mars, the 10th Lord from the Sun is in his sign of debilitation and is combust and in the 10th House from the ‘Sun jis situated Satu, a planet who is malefic, opposed to life and is yama (the god of death) incamate, A few days after the birth of this native its father died due to falling from a great height 20 Bhav Kutuhalam Example No. 2 Date of birth Time of birth Latitude Longitude 27-4-1961 235 pm. 28°-S1'(N) 78-47) HOROSCOPE San} Ven San Lene Mar ae a ee oe a sx dt Me ety 18 Ho eS here is in his sign of debilitation. Again this House is aspected also by debilitated Mars. Saturn in his own sign could give the native government service, but because the debilitated Jupiter is situated in this House and the debilitated Mars aspects it, he (Satur) could not encounter these two evil effects and consequently the native had to be suspended. At present the situation is terrible. The native suffered ill repute, decline in respect and living standard. Therefore, it may ‘be said that if the 10th House from the Sun is ill affected all those SS foe em eS a secon ‘Another aspect of the picture has also been seen It is this: in this situation the things that are related to the signficatorship of the planet are also affected. Thus, the Sun is the significator also of good health and absence of self, bones etc. Therefore, in the situation stated above these things will also be adversely affected. However, if the significator is endowed with strength the adverse effect will be in lesser degree. ‘The effect is negligible or it is nil, this is seen in those situa- ‘The Knowledge of Kastha or Evils to Father and Mother 21 tions also when there are yogakaraka planets in an angle from the significator planet or the planets situated in an angle are in their ex- altation or Mooltrikona signs. waft af weie: meRghe game: wee: wie | fagett wadat aeertaoofaa Prevaftfastsrargerartaeat: 11211 2, The Knowledge of Kashta or Eyils To Mother: If the Moon is placed between malefics, if there are malefics in the 4th and the 7th House from the Moon and if the Moon is devoid of strength and is weak, the native’s mother is swallowed by death, this has been pointed out by eminent teachers of Astrology. Notes : There is the word ‘3f¥” (Api) in the Shloka, There- fore, according to Jeeva Nath, the meaning of the above mentioned Shloka is that the native may also die. The Moon is the representa- tive planet of infancy or childhood. Hence, if the moon only becomes 4 prey to extremely evil influences, hope of life in childhood gets ‘extremely weak. The ancient sages of India have accepted the evil influences falling on the Moon as the factor or reason of the native's death in childhood without exception. Acharya (a great scholar and teacher) Vaidyanath says in this connection: “ao dae aft eRreaqeqar: | erearqate: yada aae: 11” That is i the moon is in the 7th, Sth or 12th from the Ascen- dant in Conjunction with malefic planets and is not aspected by benefics situated in other Houses than the Angles, by benefic plan- ‘ts situated in Panphara or Apoklima Houses, she is the giver of death to the native ‘The moon is the factor of the native's mother Extremely evil influences on the moon weaken the vitality of his or her mother. In the present Shloka Pt. Jeeva Nath has not left any bypath for the Moon from which she can get strength. In the helpless situation in which she has been put, declaration of the mother’s death may be 2 Bhav Kutuhalam ‘made with certainty. According to Pt. Jeeva Nath, the following com- binations are noteworthy in connection with the above Shloka i) The Moon is placed between malefics, that is, there are malefies in the 2nd and the 12th Houses from the Moon. In such a situation if the planet posited in the 2nd House is retrograde and that posited in the 12th House is direct the manner of the native's or his ‘mether’s death may be terrible. ii) Malefics are situated in the 4th and the 7th House from the Moon. If benefie planets are situated in an angle from a House or & planet, that House or that planet gets strengthened, However, on the contrary, if malefic planets are posited there-in, that planet or that House gets harmed, Therefore, malefic planets situated in the 4th or the 7th House from the Moon will cause harm to the body of the native and of his mother, iii) The Moon is devoid of strength and is Ksheen or emaciat- ed. We are all well acquainted with this situation of the Moon. Be- sides this, the Acharya has not mentioned of any aspect of a. benefic planet or of a malefic planet on the moon. Therefore, here this mean- ‘ng may be derived that even if there is the aspect of bencfic plan- ‘ts on the Moon in such situation, it will not carry much signifi. ‘cance, and the aspect of malefic planets will naturally cause only hharm. Acharya Vaidyanath has made things about these aspects quite clear in Shloka 35 of Chapter 4 of “Jataka Paarijaata’. He says, “If the Moon is situated in the 6th or the Sth House from the Ascen- dant and is aspected by a malefic, the native dies soon after his birth; if she is aspected by both malefic and benefic planets he gets lon- gevity of four years and if she is apsected only by benefic planets his longevity will be of 8 years.” Our conclusion then is this that the aspect of a benefic planet does not have the ability to relieve the Moon from her own alfictions completely. When we find, through an example, Vaidyanath's statement sur- prisingly true, our reverence for these formulas gets certainly en- hanced The Knowledge of Kastha or Evils to Father and Mother 23, Example No. 3 Date of birth Time of birth Latitude Longitude 171-1955 805 am, 29°.23'(N)77°-01' ©) HOROSCOPE al Here the Moon is posited in the Ascendant in her debilitation sign and hence she is weak and is devoid of her brilliance due to hher nearness to the Sun Malefic planets like Satum and Rahu are also in conjunction with her. There is a malefic planet like Ketu in ‘the 7th House from the Moon. Saturn, the 4th Lord or the Lord of the House of mother is in the Ist House with his extreme enemy, the Sun and hence he is combust. In the event of planetary war he is defeated by the Sun. Therefore, both the Ascendant of the native and the 4th House, the House of the mother are devoid of strength Besides this, there is another reason also—the situation of Mercury ‘between such malefic planets es Mars and Satur. This Mercury is the 8th Lord from the Ascendant and is the 8th Lord from the 4th House also. Therefore, the lords of both the Houses, of the native himself and of his mother, are highly afflicted and the life of the native and also of his mother both are endangered. This is what ac- tually occurred. The native died on the 10th day after his birth and the mother got the benefit of the aspect of Jupiter on the 4th House only for three years as she died after three years “4 Bhav Kutuhalam Fe TSAR Sree RITA | Tay AR weer Gkr Aer wgTERART 1811 3. The Knowledge of Kashta or Evils To Brother: The na- tive in whose horoscope there is the situation of malefic planets in the 3rd) House from Mars sees the certain death of his younger brother. This is the view of the Acharyas Maniththa ete Notes: Mars is the significator of the younger brother or sis- ter and the Third House is studied to know about younger brother or sister. Therefore the benefic or malefic influences falling on the 3rd House from Mars throw light on these relations. If the 3rd Lord from Mars is in his sign of debilitation and if he is hemmed be- tween malefic planets, that is, there are malefics on his both sides, such situation is also indicative of evils to the younger brother. Be- sides this, the weakness of Mars will also contribute evils to the ‘younger brother. arr g wa seg aA AeA eA | er ager ere VM sage TE | 4. The Knowledge of Kashta or Evils To Maternal Uncle: If malefies are situated in the 6th House ftom the House in which Mercury is posited in @ horoscope, and if Mercury is weak due to his being in conjunction with malefic planets or because of some oth- ex way, the native's maternal uncle is subjected to early death, this was said by ancient writers on Astrology. Notes : The significatorship of matemal uncle belongs to Mer- ‘cury. The situation of malefic planets in the 6th House from the House in which Mercury is situated in a horoscope or the aspect of 1 malefic planet on it (the 6th House from Mercury) and the utmost weakness of Mercury—these are all proved to be fatal to the side of the native’s matemal uncle, Here is an example from our own expe- rience The Knowledge of Kastha or Evils to Father and Mother 25 Example No. 4 Date of birth Time of birth Latitude Longitude 18-11-1970 12,00 Noon 27°09" (N)_—_81°.57' ©) HOROSCOPE In this horoscope of Capricorn Ascendant Mercury is in the 1th House in conjuction with the Sun and the debilitated Moon, Mercury himself is in the sign of his natural enemy and there is the debilitated Satu in the 6th House from Mercury. Being posited in the Sth House Ketu aspects the sign of which saturn is the Lord Ideas similar to those of Jeeva Nath with regard to the native's having lack of happiness from maternal uncle are found in “lyotistattawam’ mere we firerarahi RII 1 aenisyrmrard agers at yt EI 11 In the above Shloka it is the malefic influence falling on the {th House from Mercury, the signficator of Maternal uncle, that has ‘been given importance. Here it is said that if there is a ‘malefic planet in the 6th House from Mercury or if there is Mars in the 10th or the 9th House, and a malefic planet aspects that House (the 6th House from Mercury), the native does not get the ‘happiness of having ma- ternal uncle 26 Bhey Kutuham qeer: aaa ee adorrenyeaarrad | hereto earerarcrora feel aati Son: If there is any 5S, The Knowledge ‘of Kashta or Evils to of the planets among Mars, ‘Saturn, Raha and the sun in the Sth House from Jupiter, and the Sth Lord from Jupiter is in conju ve aalefic planets, the native is not blessed with « son or fgets a son he (the son) is swallowed by death, {The Fifth House from Jupiter has been given great im- es waa tsirologers. Thus Shakramuni emphasises its im- portance in the following Shloka when be says, «ian ot Sefer Feary wate: Ferey Aerie Are: ines is, if from Jupiter and the Ist, Sth and 9th Lords SL een Teen posited in the Trik Houses (6/8/12), the native gets no issue or remains childless “i have been found to The formulas propounded by Jeeva Nath ° be surprisingly true. Here is an example which proves the truth com tained in them: Example No. 5 cere Time of trh Laide Longtde 1-9-1940 7.50 am. 28°-43' (N)77°-55' ©) HOROSCOPE SCS FRE Ven oy Mars Mer Rah rt 1 Asc up Sat ‘The Knowledge of Kastha or Evils to Father and Mother 27 In this horoscope of Virgo Ascendant there are the sun, Mars ‘and Mercury in the Sth House from Jupiter. The condition Isid down in the Shloka is fulfilled because a malefic planet like Mars is there in the Sth House from Jupiter and the conjunction of the Sun with Mars may also be considered sufficiently malefic. But the deficiency that pinches us in this Shloks is this: Should we not give importance to the aspect of Jupiter which he gives to the Sth House from him? It can be said with certainty that his (Jupiter’s) aspect on the Sth House will give it auspiciousness. Therefore when we consider this Shloka we should have in our mind certain other factors also. The Sth House and the Sth Lord from the Ascendant are the other fac- tors of which we should have sufficient knowledge. Here the Sth Lord saturn is in the 8th House in his sign of debilitation and the Sth House has the aspect of Rahu, although it has also the aspect of such 1 benefic planet as Venus. Due to this complex situation the native got a son but he died soon and got a very short life aererrmaMigad farsa: wae Pea | FPL eet oer afore Jo Ae WER GPT 1G 6. The Knowledge of Kashta or Evils To Wife: If in the 7th House from the House in which Venus is posited there is the sun in conjunction withsome malefic planet, the native’s wife is subjected to early death and if there are very strong malefic planets in the 8th House from Satum then the native himself becomes subjected to early death Notes: Here also Venus will have aspect on the 7th House from her as Jupiter had on the Sth House (in the Sth Shloka). But the situation like that of Jupiter in the Sth Shloka will not be formed, ‘because the Malefic planets situated in the 7th House from Venus will also exert their malefic influence on Venus who will be the 7th from there. % I) sr wieeferestty 11311 (CHAPTER 3 ‘THE KNOWLEDGE OF MARKS ON THE NATIVE’S BODY arent agent vents qe: waa a) Se eRe meh Pei a AOC Int 1. The native in. whose there is Mars in. the Asoen- a dant, Jupiter or Venus in the 7th House keeps the mark of woun sn his head, this is the view of Yawanacharya, the great sage sah arr TENTET TIGA Rerite aT! ARR Rreqeemmereirterceras IRI the 2. The native in whose horoscope there are Mars, Venus or ‘Moon in the Ascendant acquires some kind of mark on his forhead in his 2nd or 6th year. art ugerd area Rifterga | aed aot a freastrnfetg 1181! ct horoscope there 3: It is to be predicted that the native in whose is Venus in the Ascendant, Rahu in the 8th House will have mark ‘on his forehead and left ear The Knowledge of Marks on the Netive's Body 29 Ferere Riera a Year aaa aa qi weRatte fre anek umtcofaet yer oarrarer af: 8 1 4. If there is Rahu in the 7th House, Jupiter in the Ascendant ‘and Venus in conjunction with malefic planets in the 8th House, then according to the sages there is some mark on the left arm of the native. amet a ot a ywdgd | amraed are fre Asi woe ge 11 5. If there is Mars in 3/6/11 Houses or venus in conjunction ‘with Mars in the 12th House, the Pandits (leamed astrologers) should take it that there is the mark of wound in the native’s left arm. amt fafgt we yee ratty | fet geet a fre afetqge 11611 6. If there is Satum in the Trikond or Trinal Houses (Sth and 9th Houses) and be is aspected by venus and Mars, it should be pre- dicted that the native has a mole on his teproductive organ or anus. amet arated a after arent sehdl | wh agi agnat a cer wire wet aT II OI! 7. If there is venus in the Sth or the 9th House, Mercury in the 8th House and Jupiter in the 4th House or in the Ascendant House, it should be stated that there is a mark on the abdomen of the native. wl saaerrt a Raet reget gt efor water fers fants ores: eI 30 Bhav Kutuhalam 8. If Venus occupies the 2nd House, the sun is in the 8th or the Ascendant House and Saturn and Mars are situated in the 3rd House, it should be stated that the native has a mark on his back ure) Egat aA we: Gis a mein we art fre AAT 11 9. If there are Rabu and Venus in the 4th House and the As- cendant is occupied by Saturn or Mars, it should be predicted that the native has a mark in the palm of his foot or in the left foot. am at fe ad oarntest ga ers Jenene wei a atage: 119011 10, If there is Jupiter in the 12th Howse, the Moon in the 9th House and Mercury in 3, 6 or 11 House, the native has a circular mark in his anus feat aati eA ger qeoeeaatteifrary | errr eA agit Bags ort ae wha i! 11. The younger brother of the native in whose horoscope the ‘Sun is posited in the 9th House in the Leo sign is certainly swal- lowed by early death, and the mother of the native in whose horo- scope there is Satu in the 2nd House and weakened Jupiter is sit- uated in the Ascendant is also subjected to early death. Sead era war qurge arnt a ray | WA Hest weary Paes: wera 11 1 12. The native in whose horoscope there is Jupiter in conjunc- tion with Mars and Seturn in the Second House and there is Rahu in the Third House does not get the happiness of having a younger brother, this has already been spoken of by Yawanscharya. The Knowledge of Marks on the Natives Body 3 ard at safrrat naf ugaa fret wat | Profit weal oPearach wage morta genet: 1193 11 ise chun of Mars m aston fies ee tae ents with Rehu in the 8th House, is swallowed by death just after his birth, this has been spoken of by our ancient astrologers. ee * I] ser afeerseara: 11811 CHAPTER 4 ARISHTA OR EVILS TO THE NATIVE Geese a wer weer Geter ot Aq ‘ofere woritermeeracrageatitarerta 11911 1, If the native's birth occurs in the Hora of the Moon or if it occurs in the evening time and there is the situation of four planets in the last Navamsha of the Rashi, he (the native) does not remain alive. Besides this, if there is the situation of the Moon together with ‘Malefic planets in an Angle or if there is the situation of the Malefics in the Angles, even then the native dies soon, Notes: Arishta Yogas remain strong since the birth of the na- tive to his 12th year. Therefore, the consideration of the native's lon- gevity is to be done after he has attained the age of 12 years. There is a clear indication to this fact in the first and second shlokas of the 4th chapter of ‘Jataka Parijata’ “TRIER Arora Perak 7 wR nt a far soy aon areata ae: 11 ore ages orrfigaeey gq fansite 1 Tee ag wets St agit aR 11” that is, it is not possible for viviparous creatures (as men are) that Asistha or Evils to the Native 33 their longevity may be ascertained before they attain the age of 12 years. In these years the child may be subjected to destruction be- cause of the sinful deeds of the parents and also becausc of the de- mons called Balagrahas. During the first four years of his longevity due to the sinful deeds of the mother, from 4 years to 8 years due to those of the father and from 8 years to 12 years duc to those of his own (in the former birth) death swallows him and he is destroyed. In order to pacify these evils born of sins Muni Mantréshwara has suggested certain remedies or measures which are as follows: “ager ufone omer] | argent wi Plena ord aret PAfcefePRa we 11” For the pacification of Balarishta every year, on the day of the native’s birth or in the Nakshtra of his birth (on the basis of chandramasa or Lunar month) Japa, haum etc. (ablutions) should be performed and the native’s life should be saved by taking recourse to all possible medical treatment. ‘The word ‘Arishta’ is @ synonym of Keshta, Here “Kashta’ ‘means bodily pain. Death is also possible in this bodily pain. The ‘eight years from birth to the 8th year are called Balarishta; the years from 8 to 20 are called Yogarishia, those from 20 years to 32 years ‘Alpayu; those from 32 to 64 (or 70) years Madhyamayu and those from 64 to 100 years Poomayu, ‘The situation of the planets, due to which the child gets dis- cased or reaches near death or is swallowed by death, is called Balarishta. When the Moon is Ksheen or emacisted or when she is in the 6th, 8th or 9th House, itis called belarishta, and the Arishtas formed due to Tithi, Var and Nakshira etc. (date, day and nakshtra tc.) are called Yogarishtes. ‘The meaning of ‘Sandhys Kala’ is the meeting point of two times, or the end of one time and the beginning of another time. Thus 5 ghatis before and 5 ghatis after the setting of the Sun's disc, this time period is called the Sandhya of the evening time. In the same way, the 5 ghalis before and the 5 ghatis after the rising of the Sun’s dise, this time period is called the Sandhya of the morning time. In this way one Sendhya comprises a time period of 10 ghatis. For the pacification of the Arishtas (Evils), Bhaum Pradosh Vrata (a particu- lar fast) Shiva-archan, medical treatment, giving alms of grains, 4 Bhav Kutuhalam clothes, balances etc. are to be done as per rules prescribed in the Vedas. Here is an example which illustrates the above mentioned fact Example No. 6 Date of Birth Time of birth Latitude Longitude 13-5-1963 630 pm. 28°43" 7P-s8 Bom in the evening Sandhya, this native could not breathe for long in this terrestrial world, HOROSCOPE Ven Me (8) Rah Mars ‘The reason why this native could not live long in this terres- trial world is given in the above stated shloka of Pandit Jeeva Nath ‘The malefic planets are situated in the last Navamshe in the 4th, 7th and 10th Houses and the time is of the evening Sandhya. The Moon is also situated alongwith Ketu in the Third House. Here the Ascen- dant House is devoid of any planet, that is no malefic planet is situ- ated therein. The Ascendant lord, though he is’ the 8th lord also is exalted; but she is also situated in the last Navamsha in the 6th House; Venus is at 29° in the sign of Pisces, but her exaltation has ‘become meaningless. Another evilcausing situation for the poor As- ccendant Lord Venus is this that she is in conjunction with Jupiter who is her enemy planet and the most fatal planet for the Libra As- ccendant. It was due to these reasons that the native could remain alive ‘only for 15 months and 26 days. Asistha or Evils to the Native 35 aay yay upyainerty way seat | RRA URI aad Geere age: IRI 2 If all the benefc planets or all the malefic ones are therein the eastern portion of the horoscope (the portion from the traversed degrees of the Ascendant to the mid degrees of the 7th House via ‘the 2nd, 3rd etc. Houses) and if the Ascendant is Cancer or Scor- pio, the native meets with early death. In the same way if all the bbenefic planets or all the malefic ones are situated in the western portion of the horoscope (the portion from the mid degrees of the ‘7th House to the traversed degrees of the Ascendant House via the Sth, 9th ete. Houses), even then the native meets with early death Besides this, the native does not remain alive for « long time if all the malefic planets are situated in the Ascendant House or in the 7th House ‘Notes : It will be easier to understand the formula in this Shloka if we make @ figure of a horoscope. Suppose the Ascendant of the native happens to fall on 17 degrees and the mid degrees of the 7th House happen to fall on 16 degrees, then the eastern and western portions of the horoscope may be traced in the following way: KH

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