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Defining Your Values

Values Exercise – Defining Your Top 5

Select your top 5 values and briefly describe what each of these values
mean to you for your role and life. Your own definition.

Example: Creativity = Cultivating new ideas in learning; coming up with new concepts;
making art

Value #1:
Compassion = Expressing empathy by considering the experiences of others as
affecting their actions

Value #2:
Dependability = Being a constant presence in the life of others, so that they never
doubt you will be there in their times of need

Value #3:
Fairness = Making decisions without the influence of arbitrary biases; everyone
receives what they deserve based on their characteristics and work ethic

Value #4:
Hard Work = Giving your best effort in all that you do; exerting effort for success

Value #5:
Integrity = Staying true to your values in all that you do; never compromising what
you believe in for material gains

Defining Your Values
Values Exercise – Defining Your Values
How do I currently demonstrate my values?
In what ways do I want to demonstrate my values in the near future?
Value #1:

Compassion = I listen to others express their emotions; I actively try to avoid

judging others by reminding myself that they have things going on about which I
am unfamiliar

Value #2:

Dependability = I am always available to speak with family members; constantly

text/call Mom; check-in with Grandmother

Value #3:

Fairness = I make decisions based on the quality of work and degree of effort
shown to me rather than by personal preferences or familiarity

Value #4:

Hard work = Spend majority of my time studying; never submit work that is not
my 100% effort

Value #5:

Integrity = I do not eat products that harm animals; I am willing to work for
free/low-pay if I believe in what I am doing

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