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THE: EL, LAS, LOS , LAS. (Acompañado de un sustantivo: cosa, animal, etc…)

Specific form:
The cats of my house are not agressives.
The dogs are baking in the meeting.
The weather in my city is too hot.


A: Un, uno, unos, una, unas. ( consonat sound)
A: when a sustantive starts with consonant.
A whale - a whales *hour: an hour
A machine – a machines
A truck – a trucks
A key - a keys
AN: Un, uno, unos, una, unas ( vowel sound)
An ant - an ants
An ear – an ears
An eye – an eyes
An hour- an hours.

* University: A university (consonant sound) like y.

* Uniform: A uniform (consonant sound) like y.
This: Esto, esta, este. (near/ cerca). Singular.
This is my buddy.
I found this wire under my bed.

These: Estos,estas. (near/ cerca). Plural

These gold coins are mine.
These tires are old.

That : Aquel, aquello, aquella (far/ lejos). Singular

That tall boy is my nephew.
That Project is pretty interesting.

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