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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome welcome welcome back to your Daily Music, this is your host Seth

Nathan, welcome to this episode. Today we’re going to listen to “teka lang” by Emman Nimenez as
suggested by our listeners. It gives you this feeling like when you don’t want something to end. I
remember when I was still in school it was after school and me and my friends were just at the
classroom. Some of them were playing games, some of them were doing their homeworks, and some of
them were jamming because we have this beat box and guitar back then. After a couple of hours, we
were ready to go home and I would just wish that time would slowly go so I can have more time with
them. Its these times that you wish something would never end. But as we all know all things must come
to and end. so don’t be sad when something ends instead treasure the memory you had with them. I
can imagine seeing myself, listening to this during a road trip, pressing my head against the window, and
just feeling the beat and lyrics of the song

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