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S Amaël

Dear Brothers Gnostics, here are before you, two great champions of the International Gnostic Movement:
One is MAN, which at this moment is fixing precise Training Center in Canada; because Canada, as I said, is precisely
the beachhead that helps us leap to Europe.

On the other hand I present here Mr. EV, he is already laying the foundation of our Gnostic Movement on the
island of Tenerife, off the coast of Morocco. From this base, we launch and to London and Paris, Berlin, etc., etc., etc., to
make a gigantic work throughout Europe.

I beseech you, a big applause for these two great champions. [Applause] [...] Well, there you have the bridge
between two continents: On the one hand we have Canada, represented by MAN and FSB, who already go towards
that country. On the other hand, EV is our brother here in the Canaries. I've Hence the extraordinary bridge between
America and Europe, to start the gnostic march to the Old World.

Unquestionably, we need to work with an extraordinary intensity. It is good to know that Hercólubus certainly is
already in sight of all scientists of the world, and that is the planet that comes to "lunch" to Earth, the giant world that is
coming. [Applause]
Before that monster comes and kills us, then we will work intensively spreading the Gospel Christic throughout
the roundness of the Earth.
We are talking about us, between earthquakes and tidal waves and great cataclysms: THE END TIMES HAVE
ARRIVED! Arde therefore I Barnard in infinite space, and all that solar system to which it belongs, is dangerously close to
our orbit at extraordinary speeds.
Brethren, let us remember the great word of Jesus, the Great Kabir, he said: "First he would report the Christic Gospel
throughout the roundness of the earth and then sold to" ...
If we study carefully Mateo according to science, we see that there cited Jerusalem: "When Jerusalem is
surrounded by armies says the apostle it is because the end times have arrived. And when you see all kinds of disasters
on Earth, it is because the end has come; and there will be wars and rumors of wars and pestilence everywhere "...

These are the signs then of the Great Catastrophe, so time is really short: We are faced with the dilemma of
being or not being the Philosophy ...
And brothers, we are now all congratulados, excited here at contemplating these paladins of the great cause, we
must never forget that TIME IS SACRED, who has the time to intensify our efforts come from work on themselves and
also sacrifice ourselves for our fellowmen.

The moment has arrived when we are faced with the dilemma of being or not being the Philosophy, ONE STEP
We are really in times of world crisis and bankruptcy of all moral principles; Humanity has entered the involutive
way, descending and everywhere but is not rot. "Babylon the great, mother of harlots and abominations of the earth will be
destroyed and all this perverse civilization of vipers will be no stone unturned!" ...

The Universal Gnosticism and burns throughout the Americas, overflows and revolutionary this very moment, is
preparing for the "great leap" to Europe. Undoubtedly, Gnosis, also will burn, will burn down in all countries of the Old
World. Much later, we will begin the march on the Asian continent and then, Asia trembles, trembles Japan, China, India,
all over the Old Continent. two

Undoubtedly, we are starting the Spiritual Revolution of the world within the august thundering of thought, and
nothing and no one can stop us in this march luminous and triumphant. [Applause] [...]


Before the final cataclysm, the pain will increase frightfully, multiplied to infinity; earthquakes flog to the world,
cyclones and hurricanes devastate entire countries; diseases will multiply and there will be no remedy; the Third World,
nuclear, war will destroy major cities and arrive on time everywhere but no regrets, death and disease.

The soldiers of the Gnostic Movement must work hard, must become missionaries and take the word
everywhere; should set fire to the world, they should open Lumisials, Meditation Halls, first cameras everywhere, and
bring education into the deepest corners

needed intensive action, noble intentions are not enough; action is needed and that, just that, is what to do
revolutionary Gnostics. We must advance with firmness, determined and vigorous; we need to address millions of people,
regardless; we must organize Gnostic groups everywhere: in cities, in villages, in the world of public education in the
world of spiritual concerns.

When one understands the moment he is living, when one truly loves his fellow man, when certainly wants
self-realization closely, regardless, does not care about the sacrifices and efforts; gladly's one willing to offer his own life
on the altar of the Supreme love for humanity.

Think what so many millions are condemned to death, to hunger, to desolation, misery, to the fire, disease. Have
pity for so many people!
really multiply efforts are needed; Missionaries need more international, national Gnostics, State, etc. There is
need for greater activity, greater love for humanity. Must wield the torch of truth to set fire to the world, regardless.

Have pity for the suffering, pity for so many people who have never seen a ray of light! He never before is seen
such a terrible time like the present! 3

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