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Class 1

a)to endorse
b)to wear (uer)
c)to advertise (édvertaise)
d)billboard (outdoor)
e)brand (marca)
f)consumerism (consumismo)
g)wage (salário->ueig)

Quick lesson: Over

Sozinho -> Fim ou sobre/acima

Used as prefix before verbs, means to do something in excess.
-Overuse -> Usar demais
-Overreact -> Reagir de forma exagerada
-Overcome -> Superar
-Overestimate -> Superestimar
-Overhear -> Ouvir algo em segredo/Ouvir além do que deveria

Present Simple:

Used to express true facts, regular or repeated events.

Questions are composed with auxiliary verbs (to do or to be -> am/is/are)
(Aux. verb + subject + verb...)
-Is he tall?
-Do you like this store?
Negative sentences are formed with the addition of "not" to the auxiliary
-He is not tall.
-She doesn't shop in that store.

Present Continuous:

Describes temporary activities in progress

(Subject + verb to be + verb-ing...)
-I am walking to school
-She is shopping at the mall
Questions are formed using the auxiliary verb (to be)
(Verb to be + Subject + verb-ing...)
-Are you coming to the park?
-Is he doing his homework?
Negative sentences are formed with the addition of "not" to the verb to
-I am not walking to school

Linking Words: Addition, Contrast and Time

Addition: and, too, as well, in addition to, besides (além de), moreover,
and what's more.

Contrast: but, and(yet), however (contudo), nevertheless (mesmo assim);

although (embora), though, in spite of xx/despite of xx
(apesar de); on one hand...on the other hand (por um lado...por outro
lado), while, whereas, on the contrary.

Time: as (enquanto), when(quando), while(enquanto); after, before,

until(até), as soon as(tão breve quanto), once(uma vez que),
since(when something began), for (how long something has been happening)

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