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Case Scenario: You are the team leader of a group in the Stroke unit, with a new member in

your group. The new member in your team seems to be disorganized but a very willing team
member. At various time you are directing your team members and this new individual, asking
them to do things, supervising their work and so on....

1. What are the different leadership styles?

 Transactional Leadership – Establish a clear chain of command utilizing a carrot & stick
approach to management activities
 Servant Leadership – Sharing models of authority & encourages collective decision
 Autocratic Leadership – Have significant control over staff, rarely considers worker
suggestions or share of power.
 Laissez-faire Leadership – Characterized by their off approach, allowing employees to
get on with tasks as they see fit.
 Democratic Leadership – Participative leadership, leaders often ask for input from team
embers before making a final decision
 Bureaucratic Leadership – Implemented in highly regulated environments, with strict
adherence to the rules are important.
 Charismatic Leadership – Relies heavily on the positive charm & personality of the
leader in question
 Situational Leadership – A theory that the best leaders utilize a range of different styles
depending on the environment
 Transformational Leadership - is a leadership style in which leaders encourage, inspire
and motivate employees to innovate and create change that will help grow and shape
the future success of the company

2. What leadership styles should you use with your new member, and your team?

 Transformation leadership is what I would use in this situation. There will be lack of
confident on the side of the new member because of environment changed. The
transformational leadership motivates employees to take ownership for their roles and
perform beyond expectations. Instead of assigning tasks from the top, transformational
leadership teaches people how to think rather than just do what they are told since the
new member is a willing team member.

3. Would it be justifiable in using only one leadership style?

 Yes, using one leadership style effectively a leader can focus on how to mold a new
member of the team. Providing enough information is vital because every individual have
differences. A person might get offended because of such leadership therefore by
prioritizing in one leadership style it would create a relationship that enable both
individual to work effectively in the field.
4. If an emergency situation occurred, would your leadership style change or remain the same.

 Each leadership style has its own flaws or weakness. In this situation a change in
leadership is needed. Why? Because the new member is indeed new to the area but it
doesn’t mean that person does not have the knowledge to provide. The new member is
a trained individual and trained to become a nurse. A change in leadership style would
have to be implemented in emergency situation to ensure the patient is prioritize
because there are plenty of time for the new member to learn new things and get
acclimated with the area.

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