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Having confidence in such task is very essential; however, in doing so, it requires a lot of
skills to take on such role. Doing a task which was not within your capability is hard. An
important aspect in performing such role should have at least a basic idea or enough
exposure in the place to begin with the job. One reason people fail is that they lack of
experience. One should have experience with the environment before exposure. There
are many instances where I had to ask others for guidance in completing the task
because it requires lots of experience and enough confidence. Taking the role of a nurse
in unit wherein I have to insert an IV cannula to a patient, though I have experience in
performing but it requires great knowledge and experience to complete. If this kind of
situation occurs, one should be honest and ask the head nurse that you are still amateur
and new to the place. You have to talk to the head nurse and tell her to send somebody
else because you aren’t experience and confident enough to be in the ICU. If head nurse
still insists in sending you to ICU, you must ask somebody to guide you through the
process of starting a new environment exposure. This is the kind of situation fail to
understand that low experience would inevitably lead to jeopardizing the life of the
patients. Though you were in the same area but in performing a task one should be
acclimated with the place they are in. To be an effective nurse, one should know how to
start and one should be confident enough to say, “I can do this”, because nurses are
dealing with human lives and should not be exclude. There are many instances in the
past where people fails to perform their job thoroughly; others who give wrong
medications, wrong dosage, administer to the wrong patient, wrong administration of
blood and some other malpractice that had been done by other health care member.
Therefore, it is right for the nurse to refuse and confront the head nurse that he/she is
still not confident and not capable in being in ICU.

2. There are many ways to effectively carry out orders and completing it but it requires
enough courage and perseverance in doing so. However, in order for you to complete
such task everyone should be aware that such task is entrusted to you and others
should be aware of what is happening. This is a situation where people failed to realize
that in delegating a task, the head nurse should give proper and comprehensive
authority. One example is, during exposure at the hospital as student nurse, other
students are not accountable for the patient given to you. You must not take other
patient without proper authority from the care giver. Therefore, in order to effectively
perform the task, you must be thoroughly equipped with knowledge and enough
authority. However, there is exemption in taking the task, even with the lack of authority
given. If the head nurse delegated the task to you therefore the nurse should be
confident enough to perform the task. Everyone is accountable with the consequences
and you must be thoroughly equipped with knowledge in performing the task to avoid
failure. This scenario is one reason other nurse have failed their career because of lack
of authority. This situation requires proper authority, especially within the premises of
hospital because nurses are dealing with lives not practicing a dummy or animals;
therefore, one should be authorize to perform such task. If this kind of situation occurs,
one should confront the head nurse or ask other higher authority if you should perform
the task because of lack of authority given by the head nurse. This situation is the
common mistake of a head nurse, giving adequate authority to nurse in performing task.
Others have to be mature enough to confront head nurse and ask for proper authority
because one cannot do such task if authority is not given; this should be materialize in
every situations and in every task delegation. It could lead to malpractice and losing your
authority to practice in hospital. There are ways to prevent such thing to happen; first,
one must properly educate the importance of authority in performing a task. One should
ask the head nurse that you won’t perform the task given to you with lack of authority.

3. A head nurse gave such explicit directions on how to compete a delegated task that you
felt demoralized.
Content is one factor of a failure failed to do which many people now a day still does. In
performing task one should be equip with knowledge and confident with their ability.
Many people don’t get contend of what they were given to them, they don’t get
contended with they would get. In addition, there are many people get demoralized in
such task because it is not within their ability to perform such task. They get demoralize
because they aren’t equip enough with knowledge and experience in performing the
task. As consequences, many people begun to sink and fails because even after a
thorough instruction on how to perform if they aren’t knowledgeable and confident
enough in performing task, they are going to fail. Many nurses have become complacent
because of job stagnation. Performing the same task over and over again will decrease
the ability to think rational and critical when new task is given. Nurses are trained to
perform multiple tasks and trained to think critically, however, nurses fails to understand
that lack of exposure will inevitably fails them to perform other task. So, by practicing
other task will enhance and enable nurses to perform their task effectively. I believe the
nurse felt demoralized after the task delegation because the nurse is not confident
enough, lack of skills and knowledge, or the nurse did not understand the directions
given to him/her. Other reasons why nurses are demoralize: one, over confident that
when given a task which was not perform frequently they would not know how to do it,
which makes the nurse felt demoralize. Second, the job given to him/her is felt
downgrading. A task that perhaps would make him/her looks indecent with others is
other reason why this nurse had felt such feelings. Lastly, he/she does not want to be
order around. These instances are what nurse unable them to perform their task
effectively. Therefore, in doing such task, one should understand succinctly or vividly
what instruction given to them and one should be confident enough in performing the

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